UAay L4ite a(uvanage of tflts oppor- tunity to show their pictures by join- ing the league. The subjects must be lands capes, flowers or decorative pieces, and the size, of canvases ýis iimited f rom 24 by 30 inches to .36. by 48 inche. A, smail matriculat.ion- fee is to, be cbarged to cover insurance, and, Arrangements are in the, bands, of Renî Lavenant, 11389 Maple Iavenue, Evanston, ,the general chairnian. Committec chairmen for the various villages will be: Mrs. -van Wagenen Alling, Lake Forest; Mrs. James, Cady Ewell, Ravinia and> Highland Park; Mrs. Edward A. Brion, Glen- coe and Winnetka, and Mrs. Bess Devine Jewell, Wilmette and: Ev- anston. Ali pictures submnitted mlust bc re-, ceîved by August 12 at -the Art League .studio Winnetka Community Houseý so that the>' nay. be judged for size andl subject matter bel ote heing sent to Chicago. RECEIVE 'SCHOLARSHIPS The Washington and Jefferson alumni association of Chicago has awarded a schôlarship to Washing- ton and Jefferson College to Robert Thorsen and William C. l-eyn. bothý graduates in, this year's New Trier High school class -and residents of Winnetka. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Willett, 311 Richmond road, Kenilwortb, sperit'the week-end with the Arthur Wakekeys I of Kenilworth at th eir summer home, Wakewood, at Lake Geneva, Wis. * xxxUnt. 'HewDrea .nlzlWe break, is it flot the communion of the body of Christ?" (I Cor. 10:16). Among the citations whicb rom- prised the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bible: "Purge out therefore the old leiven, that ye May:bie a new lump, as' ye. aré unleavented. - For evenî Christ' our passover is sacrificed1 for us. Thiere- fore* let us keep the feast, not witb old leaven, necither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened, bread of sincerity and truth" (1 Cor. 5 :7, 8)-. The lesson-sermion, also included the following passages from the, Christiani Science textbook, "Science and Health with.Key to the Scrip-ý tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "H>'- pocris>' is fatal to religion . .'..If we -fee the aspiration, humilit>', grati- tude, and love which our words ex- press-thi:s God accepts; and it- is Wise mlot to try to deceive ourselves or others, for 'there is nothing cov- ereci that shail not be reveald" (p. 7 and 8). j CONDUCTS ART, CLASSIESJ Carl Buhr, Chicago artist, is con- ducting classes in painting during the months of July and August at the studio of the North Shore Art league at Community House in Win- netka. The classes meet Monday and Wednesday mornings at about 9-.3e o'clocki the New ceive the, Sellaire, Michigan Thse Deauly Spot of Nerghéra Michigan * SPORTS GolfTenis, Saddi. Hor. Shuffleboarqj, SwimIming, Dancing -and i.majoitic beauty c! the. Limberloatý whie.hiling s sroi hbrili. B RE sir Dlihtful rstic cottages, Cm forte bisroonts in the. lodg. end Closeto N~aecottages. 0. F00 Mretta you con possibly *at of, North.rn Michigans finest. food. M FISI4ING A Chain of the. gem. fishing lakes in the N4orth., A vari.ty of gurgling trouf sfreamns. Fish gélore. 0 RATES REUDUCtO t4ow only $i. to $22.50 a we.& iacluding ail meais. For Freo o&l.t, write MISS LERA M. SMITH, MGR.. killafre, ;Michigan ,report caras next'Monday] fo- or the first hait ot the eigh-Wee M r. and Mrs. Frank Barrett of 615 te rm. Essex. road, Kenilworth, will entertain at an appetizer party preceding the din- Charles Shi*pley* f rom Phi ladephia ner dance at the Vista dcel Lago club is the guest of 'RoberËt' Berger of 306 Saturday. Kenilvorth avenue, kenilworth. I1 a I c tterest.4 in a tour to.... ............. .... .... . .. . .... . . .... . . .. .. ... BNaet............................................. ..... m... .. .. . 4. .. . .. . . .. . . IT9s