the two inen Wno were in chargeof' the confeçrence held the week-end of J141Y 1 at .Thorne .hall, McKîinlock campus, Northwestern universitjy,. George Burcham. Who has been re- ligious education director of the First Methodist Episcopal churcb in Ev- anston, and. Don Munson of 101É Lake street, Evanston. Margery Blair, Perkins, daughter of the Dwight Perkins of Evanston, is the treasurer of the group. In Wilmette lives the executive secretary, Miss Jean Dùncan-Clark, daughter of S. J. Düncan-Clark of the editorial depart- ment of the Chicago Daily News. Louise Fentress of Winnetka and Rabbi Charles E. Shulman of the North Shore. Congregation Israel temple in Glencoe, as vic .e presidents, complete the executive committee.. Jane Addams heads the list of sponsors, but in this case she lias held more than an honorary posi- tion. It was througb her instru- mentality that sufficient funds were received to make the undertaking possible and she bas worked witb ,the group in the execution of nearly every detail. The central idea of the exhibit is that expressed by the large letters painted on the wall: "Let Us Substitute Law for War.Y The ne- cessity for this change is emphasized several times in the exhibit by vani- ous presentations -the unbelievable cost of war, its, futility as a 'methocl of protection and the changes* in in- ternational life which science, has brought' about. :The exhibit is located in the So- cial Science hall which is connected witb the Hall of Science by a bridge over the lagoon. It is on the first forand forms a part of the large series -of exhibits pertaining to social science which the University of, Chi- cago bas> created. Other exhibits of interest nearby are the Rosenwald Foundation exhibit, the Smith Col- lege booth, the Social Service ex- hbits, and My Bookhouse for Chli- dren, writtWn by Olive Beaupre M il- Ruthn vvamsley, panist; iE4va Ganible, soprano, and Lucille Long, contralto, with. Florence Henline and. Martha McCormick asthe, acconipanists. The tbird concertin the 'series will be given by Mù Xi chapter, Elizabeth Ayres Kidd, president,. and wiil take place July 26,. at 4 o'clock in the Hall of Social Science. VIESCHEZ r - 6.mtt S sT -0 oeWfmé- 8 Oiily. those spectacles that wili best promote and maintain- good vision are ýtrue econoýmy Aimer CSe WCernpan PRHSCRIPTION OPTICIANS 1s6 OiNiz1roN AvE.,EvANSTON CCAOSTOR98S: 105 N. WABASH AVE.'. 18 .1. LA SALLE »T. . 78 E. JACKSON ULVD., Wh.t Is an -oomclAutomobile? IS IT . the car whose dealers give the greatest allowance on your car? IS 1T. .-one with a certain nurnber of cylinders? IS IT ... a car with a few trick gadgets that make int.r.sting conversation? We think you'II ogree. with us thot, ITI eACar thtve s to he dr'versatisfyingprrm ce eA Car that- OA Car tk.t hasa *A Car that back if up. operates ai minimum expense. maximum t rade-in or cash value.. has a reliable, dependable dealer's organizotion to vêtu. Mrs. George Kingsley, 529 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, returned Friclay from Geneseo, N. Y., where she had been visiting ber mother, Mrs.- L. Crossett. She was accompanied by Miss Mar- guerite Rowe of Rochester, N. Y., a cousin of Mr. Kingsley, who will spend a month with them.L BRADY MOTOR~ CORP. 103 3 Chicao Ave., Evanston UNI.4884I