The controversy, recounted in lasi week's issue of WuLMa.TT Linz, be. tween the New Trier, township board of auditors and Sanborn Hale, town- .ship collector, regarding what amount, if any, the board should pay towards. the bond premiumn of the *collector, reached an interesting stage this week wben Mr. Hale' deducted * 3,457.90, which represents the entire amount*of the premnium... from the ex- cess commissions of tbe 1931 collec- tions and1 forwarded the balance, or $3,242.55, to Mrs. Gertrude M. Thurs- ton, township supervisor. The town- ship board had demanded that,,he PaY the entire amount due the township, froni wh:é'h surnitbe board woflcl pay, in its discretion, a. portion of the collector's expenses, not, to iexce.ed $2,500. This action was taken Friday oi last week by Mr. Hale following re- ceipt by h im of a resolution passed by the board the previous Monday evening, demanding tbat the full amount of the funds be turned over to the board. Mr. Hale Explais Trhe following reply to the board'3 demand accompanied Y~r. Hale's re- mnittance: ..WHEBEAS, on July 15, 1931 the fol- lowing tax levy ordinance was Ile d by the town clerk of New Trier township and not reduced or amended. Salaries and Fees of Town Officers..........$3,800.00 Health Work' .........800.00 Election Expense .. .2,000.00 Thistie Eradication.......500.00 supplies and Publication of Notices, .... 800.00 Premiums of FIdelty Bonds of Township -Officers ...4,500.00 contingent Expense .....2,600.00 $15,000.00 '"WHEREAS, under the agreement whlch the collector was elected to the office, prior to the last election, the pre- mim on the bond of the town coilector was to be paid by the board of auel-i, tors,, and wui@REAs, the. amount of money turned over, by the present cleto to the townshlp supervisor in- excess commissions Mince the collection of the * 1924 tax ineluding the 1930 txaon to. $79,315.41, =tandoiie 1."WHEREAS, the iaw provides In sec- , ian 55 'of chanter 63,af Rmith-Hurds,1 IS"oisg N.rI hort Roua drat er orir làEh.29 yoea WiI.mette-Cntral Av.. PHONES: WL. 4401 eeAOR1J~N IHALEV eTown~ship, -Coilectur, Prlday, July ith, 19à33." The township bo.ard, àccording to eMr. Hiale, had agreeéd to pay bis bond premnium for tbe 1931 collection whicli -began prior to h4s re-electio .n In rApril, at which time he, agreed tha-t -f romn then on he *would pay, his ýown - premiumn,, provided the. township agreed toassumne the burden of some of the extra e xpense.. The township ýbody claims that it agreed to pay, in its. discretion, a. part oDf the, expense, flot to* exceed $2.500, but insists that, it cannot determine what-, if any shareý it cati pay untd)' it rece.ives the balance oif-the moiwe' due the township.. Just what action the Township board .ill take in view of Mr. HaIe's reterition of the entire amount of lus bond preniium, nienbers of the board were unable to state, tbey said,. until after the board *has met to diseluss the niatter. The irst Mondav of each mionth ithe'regular meeting date of *le board, but it is said a special session is to. be calle 'd, perhaps some t1inhe this week, to act upon this niatter. A copy of the demand resolution1 sent to Mr. Hale last week by the boa rd was also sent to the New Trier Citizens' league, an advisory bodv of representative citizens of the towii- $hip interested ini township affairs and which selects a' slate of candidates prior to each township election. Tho board is' awaiting advice from the league before calling its special meet- ing, it is explained. Refresh ingf Mhen you want a bot weatber invigorator just try orne of our AfIae Ajiul 1s Sidde-C,,,uI Drog C.-J. B. SdryIur, Pdgr.j Ridge-la". Aves. PHONE WILMETTE 316 Clothes for Day Time CIa«hes for Evening- Dinner and Sundiay Nighl Clothes for: Sports Activ .and Spectufor Distinctive Country and Trowne Clothes, REDUE DRESSES Formerly $-19.75 l'o $4500o NOW, $1050 o $160 M. A. ANNA c. 952,Spanish Court, No Man's Land Phones WiImnefle 467 andi 4085,