Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1933, p. 10

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The music fÔr d~ie 'Service On Sunday morning will' be as foilows: organ Prelude: -The Belle of St. Anne de Beaupre.. ...... Russell introit: "Fatber, ln Tby MYS.terlous Presence".............Matthews Offertery Anthem: "The L4ord je My Llght",............... Parkcer organ- Poetlude:.- "Fiat Lux". (Let there be -Light> : ........ Dubois. The quartet fer thiîs Sunday wfl be: ýWaiter 'Chambers,' tenor; Miss Grace Parmele, soprano; Miss Jeuel Presser, contralto. and Frederic Jencks,. bass. Services will be held.during the-re- mainder of the week at ýDes Plaines camp grounds. Dr. Wakefieid of Engle- wood FIrst church will preach at the i4ervice this evening. Dr. Hall of Rog- ers Park churcli will preaeh tomorrow nlght (Frida.y), Dr. Williamçe of -St. John'% church, Chicago. Wili preach Saturday evenIng, and Dr. Dunlavy of Woodlawn Park church Sunday after- n oon. Blshop Ernest Lynn Waldorf wil preach at both the morning and e'%e- ning services on Sunday. Tomorrow. (Friday) le Womnen's Mis- sionary society ýday at Des Plaines. The W. F. 'M%. S. anniversary will be held at 10:30 o'ciock wtth Dr. Charles P.. rniersoiof the 'University of Indianai médical school as the speaker. 11ev. L. M. Chambers of Covenant church wil1 epeak at the W. H. M. S. anniversary at 2:~45 o'elock. Next week will be the last week of the Vacation Church echool. Children who have net been ln attendance but Would 1ke to enroîl for this Iàst week are welconie to do so. The sehool lm urnder the general direction of the Rev. Randali B. Hamnrick who lsalase the leader for the Junior group. Miss Marl- on Baldwin Io' ln charge ofthtle primai.y group and Mms. H. B. Ringholm of thé begliners. The .oliYa lasa le readlng Bowie -'rhe Masiter," each Sunday morning at 10 o'clock ln the Woman's room. AUl yeung wonien intereted are Invlted te hicet with thie greup. The Men's. clase la continuing its ses- ins throughout the summer at 9:45 In, the Girl -Scout rooni. St... John's Lutheran Wilmetteand Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, M.. A, pastor 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 Churech telephone 5379 SERVICES Ld 2Msaonary seci- à giving its annual the Sunday acheel h Tllursday evenlng You are invlted te Bishop IErnèst Lynn Waldorf of the ' Chicago area of the- Met hodist EpiscopaI chueck, who i: a resident of Wilrnette, zviII conduct the mtorn- ing and eveving service at the Mcthodiuçt camp meeting in Des Plaines Sunday, July 16. Bishop Wakforf wiU preacls at 10:30 i?: the morning and again at 7:45ý i)n the evening. First Con gregational John G. Hindley, minieter This church, Jeining with the Baptist church ln union stinday morning serv- ices dui'ng the suinnier monthe, extends a cordial Invitation to vlsitors to at- tend th.e service *lhich begine at Il o'clock. During Juiy these union servies wilI be held ln this chUjrch, with the *Rev. George D. Allison, pastor of the Baptist church, preachlng. Mr. Carmnan Learn will bethe soloist for the-service next Sunday. The organ numbers are as follows: Prelude: e*Papillons Noirs",..ýJepson Offertory: "Andante Cantabile" from EIghth Symiphony -......... ..Widor Postiude: "Scherzo" ......... Rousseau Tenth ,street- at Greenleaf avenue Mr. Hi James T. Veneklasen, minister. 3 i Our wership service, le at 'il elock, j weeks. Our Sunday echool continues ltstculi prograni through the summiner. We In- vite you te JOin us at 9:30 o'ciock, every Sünday mninng. :.- l'he three aduit Bible classe(s have been combinied for the summer, meeting at 9:45 o'clock. We are studying *'T.he Principles of Jesus." the pastor Is the teaher WeInvite you te joih us., English Latheran Greenleàf at Seventh, Wimette .A House of Worshlp" ]Rev. David R. Kabele, paistor SITNiIAT SERVICES Early service ... . ........._ 8 a.m Sunday school ............ 9. a. ni. Second service ....... . i. l a.m. ,Our Sunday school le c ontinuin-, throughout the summer months.. We are having sorne very .Interestlng sessions. Last Sunday. we sa* pictures on the liof Diavid and this comIng Sund'.y we will have pictures on the Life (of Christ.' Visitors are welcome. Choir reheareal Friday evening at 7 :30 o'clock. Foe your convenience we now have an early mornlng service. This Is prov- ing te be quite a popular service for many wish to Worship before going on their day'- outing and thils 8 o'cloek service makes this possible. An invitaI- tion Is~ extended to aIl. FINDING GOD IN SUMMER! Yes! You mnay find Hlm lu the moun- tains, by the lake and on the sýeashore foud. nowBUT Onemutko God, If He le' to be LEARN. 0F HIM HERE Then your quests afieid will have new zest, trtie satisfaction. PASSES BOGUS CHECK A Wilmette nierchant was victim-ý ized Tuesday 1w a bad check artist wbo entered the store and purcbased $20 wortb of Paint to bc delivered to 1224 'Maple avenue. In payxnent he tendered a check for $28,1 drawn on the Highland- Park State bank and signed by Harry Willia,,ns, receiving in change $8 in cash. The check turned out to be worthless. The man was -a hunchback, about 5 feet 7, s >family. t road, Winnetka. ted on Sunday te wilIl be here two Several new naines on the New Trier faculty roster for the coming year were announced this week at the high school office. Soniç of the new teachers will replace faculty members who are. not returning the next semester. Two: new -teaichers, will 'offer .in- struction in the mathematics depar-t- ment.,. They are Mrs. Margaret Black, graduate of Notbwestern uni-. versity, and, Robert Harper, Jr., a graduate of New Trier, who received bis degree at the University of Illi-- nois. In tbe pbysical education depart- ment, Miss Elizabeth Findley of Wau- watosa, Wis., a graduate of the'Unii- versity of ,Wisconsin, wiIl take the place of Miss -Annamay Smith. The Englisb department will have a n ew i nstructor, M rs.- Kathryný Smith, from Richland Center XVis. A graduate'of the University offWis- consin,. Mrs. *Smith bas. bad two years of teacbing experience. Miss Ada h Flemington of Aber- deeni, S. D., bas been added to the teaching staff of -the commerce de- partment. Pbilip de La Porte, 'a gra duate o f the Central Missouri State.Teachers college, with one year of teaching experience, will be a new inember of tbe faculty for the* science depart- ment. Beach Lifeguards Busy Aiding Unwairy Bathers Lifeguards at the Wilniette bath- ing beach. bave beeti playing hero roles. Recent rescues include one on Jul-y 8, three on july 7, and tbree on. July 4. Four ipersons were aided Jî*ne 27. According to statistics compiled by ýRichard Macalister, beach master, the, total attendance bëtWeen june 17, the,7opening day, and July 10, is 26,01 I. The largest single-day, attendane during the week ending Tuesday, July 11, was 1,7P7, récorded on Thursday, july 6, when the water temperature was 69 Mr. and .Mrs. J. Melville Brown of Robsart road, Kenilwortb, enter- tained their cousin, Mrs. Frapk Sutherland of Honolulu over thé week-end. Mrs.. Sutherland bas been attendîng the National Educa- tion convention. and the World's * 'i

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