Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jul 1933, p. 32

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-l' Tw jttô's time was one hour, nine. minutes, and 36 seconds, follow- ed by Pegasus, 1:12-19;, Wet Smack, 1:14:13; 'Gemini, 1:17:21; Fannie, which started the race, did not finish. The* first 'of the Chicago 'Yacht ciub's races for' the Commodores' trophy, scheduled for yesterday,. were postponed until later wben -only the Robinson brothers' Q boat Hope ap- peared at the starting line.. Announice Retirement. of W. A. Kittermaster W. A. Kittermaster,' 816 Bluff street, Glencoe, 'retired, thig week as general, western freigbt agent -of the Canadian Pacific railway, ending, thirty-fouir years' service in Chicago, and forty-three .years with the coni- pany. He is succeeded by E. L,, Cardie, who for the past six months bas been assistant general freight .agent in Chicago. Coming to Chi- cago in 1899 as a freight official, Mr-. Kittermaster bas built up a wide ànd influential circle of friends and busi- ness acquaintances. Witb bis faniiIy he will spend the summer on Geor- gian Bay, Ontario, returning to his. home in Glencoe. in the faîl.. Miss Letty Watson of New York is the guest of ber sister, .Mris. Charles Knight of 1236 Greenvwood avenue. Mi-. and Mrs. Kraft accom- panied by Miss Watson, motored to Wausau, Wis., Monday to visit their son and daughter-in-Iaw, the junior Chai-les Krafts at their home ini Wausau over the Fourth of July. Harold, Jean and Tom Keith, 310 Warwick, road. left the fi-st of the aeSk foi- Keitb's Island, Wis. At RVÀmoudrdthey picked upj their uncle. E4e Larsen. Mrs. Larsen and the cM.eare there now. Holmes 1. Mettee Photo Dr. Horace G. Smith (le fi), persidemi Of Garret BiblicalinJstitute und a resient of Wilmette, a nd Dr. Oscar'T. Oison, minister, of the Wilimette t-arish'Methodisti church., will conduci services ai the1 DesPlainc Meihodist camp niceting Sunkd«v, mly Q. Dik Sieith liIý%i Prcach ai services Sunday tuorning at 10:-30 o'clock, wtit'Dr. Oison will preach ai thte eîicn.iing tc'orshtip ai 7:45 o'clock. WIN MEDALS IN RECITAL A programi was given last Friday night by pupils of Winifred To wn- send Cree at ber home ini Winnetka. This was the second of two récitals" given in June finishing the season 's work. Harry Doolittie and Arthur Rapp received junior silver medals. Gerard Peterson won the junior gold inedai, Edna Loomnis Anderson re- ceived the silver inedal, Anieri Ed- inger and John Heller, gold medals. Mrs. F. D. Shane and daughiters, Flelen and Marilyn, 422 Central ave- nue, are leaving Friday for Estes Park where they will spend the nontb of july visiting Mrs. Shane's sister a 'nd family, the M.. R. Beckers of K-enilworth. Al 0o Mrs. E. E. Davidson of Newton- ville, Mass., lias arrived to spend the, mnonth of Ju.iy with ber daughter and hier famnilyr,, Dr. and- Mrs. Hubert Carleton and Phyllis, of 1103 Foi-est avenue. Mrs. A. V. Eisenhart of Burling- HOME AGAIN Mr. and Mrs'. Clifford Older have returned to their home at 1026 Elni- wood avenue, after an absence of fifteen months at [Little Rock, A.4,ýk where Mr. Older was retained as coiisuiting engineer for the Arkansas Highway and Audit commission. After leaving there they spent a montl ini Hot Springs and inotored home through the Ozarks. Mr-. aui Mrs. Harold Ltindberg, who occu- pied- their bouse durîng their ab- sence, are remaining with them for a short time. Miss Ldith Ostermann, 234 War- wick road, Kenilworth, has as b er guests Miss Jane Anne McKey of New York, Janet Becton of East Or- ange, N. J., and Murial ,Koithan ,of Summit, N. J. -They are bei-e for 'A Century of Progre.ss. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Blecker and daughters, Betty and Jane, and the twnFrances and Lucille. 328 Ra- archery and riflery. The boys also are offered handicraft, various other ganies, play production, canoe trips and hikes to capture the porcupine, horned, owls,- opossum and small snakes -of. the vicinity. The acventure, stories and songs- every 'évening by a 10g ire on the. large screened veranda are tradiionai. Camp Manitowish bas an altitude of 1,621 feet and its grounds are cov- ered -with Norway ie. The boys wholeft for camp July 5 were Rudd Lippincott, 1132 Ashlanr'd avenue; Arthur Brereton, 833 Chest- nut street;, Malcolm Hill, 735 Eigàhth street;* Richard. and Stephen Finney.ý 833- Greenwood 'avenue, and Paul Lang, Jr., 933 Ashland avenue. Women's Events Popular. »at mission HMIS Club The> Mission .His Country club, located at Sanders and Techny roads, has just passed its eighth birtlidav' and bas plans for a fuli schedule for the balance of the present season. * While the men's tournaments and events take the spotlight as. at most clubs, the women. have .planned an, * nuualyactive season under the leadership of Mfrs. Fred J.' Schmidt, of 721 Kent road, Kexilworth, who is chairnian of women's golf events'. Mrs. W. H. McCoy of 1247 Judson avenue, Evanston, is chairman of the women's bridge committee. TM..KS AT GUJ1LD *The Colonial Coverlet guiid held its annual meeting and picnic on Wed- nesday of last. week at Bensenvilie. Mrs. Charles Ewer of WViimette gave a talk "Garden Sketches From My Scrap B3ook," Mrs. Gi-oves was hôst- ess of the day. Mrs. W. C. Seng of 1239. Gregory avenue, returned this week from the Evanston, hospital where' she bas been for sorne tirne recovering f rom an operation. Mrs. Seng is the for- mer Rose Millen; and is the daughter of Mr. and IMrs. john Millnof12 Greenleaf avenue.'e f 2 -0- nouse and nreworics Tiuesaay. 0o Mrs. H. A. von Pflugk of 533 For- est avenue entertained ber bridge club at luncheon Thursday of, last1 we.k at thue ViMta del La» elulm.- Wèber and Mary Clarke Weber, of, Mr. and Mrs. Randal, Poindexter 819 Chestnut avenue. of Happ road, left Wednesday on a 0 ~ten days' visit to New York. Mrs. Charlotte Hamilton from Port -0- Huron, Mich., was the guest last Mrs., Harold Spinney, 927 Ashland week of the Robert McNeil- Burnses, ave nue, entertained ber 'bridecu 614 Esex' road, Keiiilworth. at lunicheon Monday. decu The Keniiworth evening. Bridge club was entertained àt dinner Tues- day evening, july 4, 'by Mr. L. M. Al- len, 258 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth. The Allan D.. Cunninghamn famnily, 156 Woiodstock avenue,. Kenilwortb, 's at'Lake Dielavan, Wis. W m

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