interest Dy callang us. (For instance- 8 rm. modern brick for $9200.) Other shrewd buyers'are acting. BILLS REALTY, Inc. No Man's Land Wllmette 1740 FOR RENT 7 ROOM FURNISHED. cottage, wlth every convenience, ont Lake Michigan near.Michigan City. private beachfi. Véry reasonable. Ph. Winnetka 3826. lliA-L9-ltp 4-ROOM HOUSEKBEEpNG LOG cabins *lth large ecreen porches, on beautiful Pioneer Laite ln the heart of the north woods fishing reglon, 7 miles north of, Eagle River. For information call Wlnnetka à328. 11OA-LTN6-4tp BEYE AND BEYE PRIVATE SCHOOL and camp, Marcellus, Michigan. Boys, glrls-3-15. U. S..Nutrition schedule. Ail year. $1 day. $125 . iPhone 129 FOR ALI-HOUBEHOLD O3 LEAVINU CITY. WILL SELL COM.. plete home furn. anid wheel chair. Reasonable. Winnetka 1315. 129LTN9-ltc FOR SALE - COMPLETE, HOU - hold fumnishinge ; Oiental rugs, tapes- tries,- iniported lamps, liv. rm., dlning rm., bedrm., and solarium furniture. Excellent condition. Ph. .Wilmette 2200 for appointment. 129LTN9-1t#o STEINÇERT GRAND PIAjNÇO, OCE the property of Mary Garden. Mahog- an>' finish. Excellent condition. Win- netka 2054. 129LTS-1to 131 FOR AL-MIÇELLANEQU5 $1,,000 SAI)DLE HJORSE FOR $250.8 y'ears old. Woniderfully gai ted. Fine conformation.. Kentucky bred. Exccel- lent disposition. Gentlç. Jumps. P. O. Box 538, Lake Forest. 131L9-ltli 132 WTO. IO UY-MICLLANEOUS GOOp) USED LETTER FILE, TWO or three drawersi: including follower blnck. Advise price; describe fully., Addre8s A-172, Box 40, Wlmnette.ý 132LTN"i9-lti- A. MARTIN. BUYS ALL KIN)S 0OF MElNS USED lothing and shoes; also ail kinds nf furs. Cail anywhere. Phone Uni. 0347. 132L!#-ltp NOTICE OF AUCTION $-ALFE 0F GO0DSIý 1 1-ut'nuwyg untll ail the goods-are sold oror-srrnet ik iveomith bnis siser u until the Iliens are satlsfied. cm omk i oewt i itr rRENSCH FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Mrs. Benjamin Bradley of 310 Oxford 521 Main St., -Wlmette read, Kenilworth. r L9-2te 0 * VýILLAGE. 0F IMTERgr son of Mr., and Mrs. Oliver B.aret o. 63.Abbotsford Barettof.62 road, Ken-. Seae~ ideNOTCEilworth, is spending the sumnier ai 3 Seled idswlll be received by C. M. Owakonze camp in:.Ontarjo, Canada. Osborn, Village Manager of the Village of Wllmette, Illinois, at ie'office'in the Vil lage HaillUp to the hour of 2 o'cloick Mrs. Allan T. Gilbert, of Kenil. P. . Fid>',Ju>' 4th 133,fo wortb is giving a luncheon and bridge AUTOÏMOBILLE LIABILITY INSUR_ for sixteewtdy(hrdy tSo ANCE, and for FIRE AND. THEFT ntdy(hrdy tSo INSUU~ANCE, on the AUTOMOBILES kie Country club. A4NDMOTO>R EQUIPMENT 0F' THI o- VlILLAGE 0FOPWILMETTE,' for -one r.ÈeObganbrt year fromn August 7, 1933,to August 7. Ms rdOer n e wo chil- 1934. ren of Burlington, Wis., are' visiting A llst of the Automobiles, instructions the D. A. Matots, '250 Linde vne to Biddere and Bidding Blanke may bede vne obtained at the Village Mlanager'sofie Biefrom AMuttial Companies willl rat. r.adMsChle ck o be .considered. M.adMs hre akso The Village Board reserves the right LaPorte, Ind., are th e guests this week- to reJect.any, and ail blds. oftheir niece,. Mrs. Edward,.J. Ma!tot,, C. M. OSI3ORN, 306 Seventeenth street. Village Manager. Joan Shérritt of Chicago, formerly Nancy Wilds, 244 Oxford road, Ken- of Kenilworth, bas some very attrac- ilvortb, entertained ten guests a a tive mirror paintings at the Grant Iluffet supper July 4. Park artists' exbibit. M l. 1!--- Yes!. People are L çugo, ubr zi to ?9, annouinces thatcommittees for the wanageffient of the varjous fufictiOns of thre. ýhow are being organized as the nee for action approaches, Those who haiveý àccepted chairmanships for working committees are Genreal 'Frank Park- ert polo; Dr. Daniel 0rîth, horse show; Mrs. Austin Niblacki ladies horse show êommittee; Major P. Ir. Carpenter, *ring',comnlltee,. The following have accepted In- vitations to memblership in an hon- orary horse show committe.e, to be composed of men who havre been active ini the developm n f tr sacile nd arnss horse in Chi- cago and vicinity, to act in an advis-, ory capacity to officiais of the show; Dan H. Burnham, John F. Jelke, Jr., > Laurence H. Armour,, John- E. Hughes John Cudahy, D. P. Mc- Pherson, Britton . Budd, Noble B. Ju d a h . W arrem W r g h t, ,.'M ajo ir Peter T. Carpenter, W, V. Johnsto! Donld B. Dogls, Clark >J., là4: ence, Frederic McLaugblin, Thoma8 E. Wilson, Benjamin Leslie Behr, Ralph J. Hines, Albert B. Dick, Jr.,' Chauncey McCormick. The officers of the World's Fair Horse Show association are. Porter Fox, president; M. A. Keru, vice- president; Prince Michael Cantacu- zene, secretary; George B. Nelsoni treasurer. Directors, Harley Heyl, Fred Mîlis, Austin B. Niblack,. Dr. Daniel A. Orth, General Frank Park- r. Maîiaging Director, Major Roy B. Nordheimer, of W.innetka. Northwestern Arranges Arduous Cage Schedule Nebraska will play Northwestern in basketbali next season, according- to the schedule which was. released by Coach Dutch. Lonborg. The game ivhich is to be played Deceniber 21,, is the irst time that the two teamt have ever met in the cage sport' The football teanis of the institutions met in 1931. Wilmette 4300 IlREDUCED RAIrES, eLife, Winnetka Talk and Glenco. News, New low rates make. CIa8si- led ,Advertisliln uWilimette moré'economIcal. Ank about *John W. Powers'of 307 Cumber- land avenue, Kenilwo-t.h, left Thurs- day of Iast week on a business trip to New York. Hlelen M oorman of Livingston, Mýont., arrived. Sunday on a . visit with Helen Southwa rdof 306, Oxford road, Kenilworth. FJ cticRerierilp Charles H. McKeivt-v nf cme- u-- ÏÉ r'e d