Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jul 1933, p. 1

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Township Collectôr's Controversy May C New TCrier.ý Board, of Auditors De)émand Hale Pay 1931 Bonid; H-e Asks Townshi'p to Pay The controversy .betweenthe New Trier township board.of auditors and Sanborn -Hale, township collector, concerning who should pay, the premium of $3,437.90 on the collec- tor's bond, promises to ctome to ,a head and probable',final settlement in. the courts, unless some definite agreement on the m'atter is reachÉd otherwvxse. Mr. Hale expresses the view. that- because of. the vast amount of ex- pense incurred.by.him, particularly in the collection of ýthe 1931 taxes only partially. comipleted and, through no fault of his oii, draggrng along' %vith continuous added expense to linîself, thýat the township should pay .his bond preiniuu. ýHe lias .between $5,000. and. $6,000 of* township tax mioneys on -bauid, which, lie- says, he. will turn- over to the township, less theamount of the bond premnium, whenever the town- slip..mtakes good its promise to' pay the premiumi. Demiand Paynient The township thus far hias receiyed' f rom Mr. Hale approximiately $8,000 nii full of the 1931 tax revenue col- Iected, against the levy for 1931 and, at the meeting of the township board of aliditors Monday evening, passed a.' resolution demnanding that Mir. Hale pay over the balance amounting to between $5,000 and $6,000. The township clerk was, also irstructed to senid a copy of t he request to the New Trier Citizens' league. The re- solution follows WIIREAS.,,One percent of ail nioneys in excess of $800,000 collected by the Teown.,-hip) Collector is, according to law, payable tsg New Trier Township, and. premium provided the township agreed to assume the burden of some of the extra expense. '1 SThe Township body claims that it agreed to pay, in its discretion, a~ part of the expenses, not to exceed $2,500, but insists that. it cannot determine what -if any share it cati pay un1li >nd to Court, reiceives the balance of the money, which Mr. 'Hale bas on hand and due the 'township. "When I receive my certificate of' satisfaction from, the icounty collec- tor for my. collection of the 1931. taxes, still in progress, I will make a final settlement with the townshipi." Collector Hale declared. 4.I have taken, legal advice on this subject," he said', "and will proceed accordingly.- Ten thousand dollars may sound like. a 'lot of money for collecting the taxes, but the. Town- ship -board does not appear to take inito conrsideration the vast ex.%pense, in connection with this work, and par- ticrilarly at this timie, when, if I were forced to pay mny own bond premnium, I would receive littie for the arduous duties connecte.d' with the collection worlc, complicated as if lias been miade with partial payments and tax anticipation warrant receipts." Ânti cipates No Money Mir. Hale stated that it has cost himn $8,651 to date to make the 1931 collection, and declared that, if caîl- ed upon to collect the seconid ilistall- ment, he will be compelled to' spend a total of $10,000 thus leaviing nothinig for his owni services. Last year he turnied over to the township $3,459.66 ini excess commis- This year, with al the' taxing bodies, excepting only the Village of Winnetka and the WVinnietka Park district and a feN, of the smaller tax- ing bodies. issuing warrants, it was necessary to handle additionalwar- rants that .increased his worbk fully oùe-third, Mr. Hale declares. B3ih c, twîety iy Wins;Boys' ment............ ge ......... ds ........284 ;hore Lunes.. Page....... Art Lea, Meets ytoi Name Committees The newly elected board members of the Nôrth Shore, Art league are meeting Friday of. this week. with the president, Feix. Boldenweck of Winnetka, to ýconsider committee ap- pointments for -the coming year. The officers -servingwith Mr. B ol- denweck for 1933-34 are:. Mrs.' Ed- ward A. Brion of Glencoe, vice-presi- dent;, Dudley- Crafts, Watson of Ravinia, honorary vice-president;. John Leonard Hamilton,,of Winnet- ka, recording'secretare; Mrs. Edward G. Trwrig f iitkâ, cor- responding secretary, and Mi ss- Leona, Stafford of Winnetka, treasurer. Mr. Boldenweck now heads an or- ganization of 150 members, twelve of, whom joined the league at »the an- ixual dinner :at the- close- of 'the sea- son. Taking into consideration the size of the league, it now. bas the best equipped and most spacious. studio on the north shore, accordingý to Mir. Boldenweck. Faills Through Showcase, Goes to Hospital, Fèe~s Thursday evening, june 29, A. G. Palmiquist, 62 years old, living at 7645 Bosworth avenue, Chicago, felu through a show case in the Wilming stitches *were required to close the1 wourid. It is said that the *victjm1 was intoxicated, and Mr. Wilming intended signing a complainit chiarg- ing disorderly conduct. The hospitaT, advised the Wilmette police depart- ment when the patient:was ready. for' discharge, but. when' the officers reached the hospital they found that Mr. Palmquist had departed by way of the lire escape. of $2.00 remnains unchanged AREAS Residents on Michiganý Avenue Take Action, Claiming Bath- ers Create Nuisance Privileges of the -private bathing beaFhes extending. from Elmwood avenue to Chestnut 'avenue, w~ere withdrawn front the public last -Sat-. urday, with the resuit that bâthing in Minmette is, now. restricted to the public beach maintained hbYthe ýPark board. The property owners with lake, frontages enjoying riparian. rights took concerted action to ex- dlude the bathers, and have employed at.their own expense a special police officer to patrol, the .beach and en- force the edict. Village property cornprising what would be .Elrnwop4 avenue extended, was ordered closed to bathers by a resolution passed at last night's meeting of the Village board. Parking of automobiles on Michigan avenue north. of Elmwood> avenue has also been prohibited, and "ýno parking" signs have been istall- ed to warn the public to keep cars mnoving. Affects 17 Proprtis Property owners participai le exclusion act, reading 'hestnut avenue south to Par] ing in f romn Tilden, Judge Walter J. LaBuy, Har- riet H. Case, Eva A. Scbram, Eliza- beth A. Smyth ' James J. Johnson, C. Miles McDonald, Edward H. Wers- zewski, Mary *E. Ricksen, C. P.' Dubbs,, and Juliet.teP. 'Geringer. ClaimAnnoyaaac. In' explanation of the move the property owners say that for several semsons they have been annoyed .bv tending the convention of the Na-, tional Educational association meet- ing at the, Stevens hotel, Ch*cago

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