Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jul 1933, p. 14

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Juan 'de la' Cierva, inventor of the autogiro type of plane, Harold Pit- cairn, president of the, Autogiro Company of America, and James G. Ray, noted autogiro pilot, arrived at Pal-Waukee airport Tuesday of last week to. attend the ceremonies honoring the inventor at A Century of Progress exposition the" following daY. About 3,000 engineers, army and navy officiaIs, and -representatives 'of the World's fair, gathered in Sol- diers' field on Wednesday to sec Cierva .decorated wîth thé Daniel G;uggcnbcini medal, indentifying himf as one of the greatest contributors to. the field of aceronautics. Cierva, îvi th Mr. Ray as pilot and, Mr. Pitcairn as passenger, flew from Pal-Waukee to- Soldiers" lfield in one of the autogiros. in vhose develop- ment he pflaycd such a large part. The plane. made 1a landing wiibin,.a, ten-_foot square. Among the honor guests were Maj. Gen. Franik Parker-, represent- ing the -army; Admirai Wat Cluv- erius of the Great~ Lakes Naval Training station, and scores> of prominent,,engincers. Northwest Airways Ship "Site Down" at Curtis A Northwest airways ship "sat down" at Curtiss airport early last account of oaa weatien. iTne plane was a Keystone Locning aniphibian powered witb a Wright Cyclone engine. The line eperates between, Milwaukee and Detroit. Takes. Honeymoon Trip in His Loening Amphibian J. L. Younghusband. wbo flics- Chester- Faust stopped at Pal- Waukee airport last Thursday in his new Stinson. He was enroute from the Chicago municipal airport, ivh"r' be bas been keeping bis 'ship, to St. Paul. Fausts plane is painted bright redI and* is tÉimmed in black. Th e leather upholstering in the plane also is. red. Mr. Faust and two- othér men, John Porter and William Boyd, plan to transfer their planes from. the Chicago airpo rt to Pal-Waukee, where, they will take advantage of Pal-Waukee's new free-storage servý- ice. This service wus inaugurated to stimulate private flying in the Ciii- cago area, it is explained... Both Mr.. Porter and Mr.. Boyd *own Stearmans. Mr. Porter boughtt bisship from Wayne King. te orchestra leader. Mr. Boyd is connected with, the Cur- tis Publishing company. HOpes to Get 'Transp ort License by September 1 Clarence Cla4baugb, i-manager of the' North Shore airways at Curtiss airport, reports that Maurice Oster.. bout, whose home is in the East and who bas been living at the Evanst on Y. M. C.. A., expects to have enough hours in the air te bis credit by Sep- tember 1 to qualify for bis' transport license. Until be went home for a bnief' visit recentîy Osterbout was seen at the airport for two or three hours every day wben the weather' was favorable for flying. He bas already receiv.ed bis limited commuer- cial license. ield on Inspection Tour Tbriee officiais of the, Curtiss- Wright corporation, J. Cheever Cow- din;, Emery Flynn and Frank Bitello. stopped at Cuntiss airport early last wcek on a national- inspection tour. Thiey .arrived. in a' Curtiss,-Wright Kingbird. Al 'three of the men are directors of the Curtiss-Wright, cor- poration and Mr. Cowdin is a mem- ber 'of the 'executive committee. admission, guide service for thie en- tire trip froni the time the trip leaves Wilmette until the arrivai home, and, in addition, one ride on the En- chanted Island. Children may, if thcY, wisb, bring their .luxich and cat 'it atthe Junior 'Fair Tours head- quarters-the only suitable place for picnic facilities, on the grounds. TIhe Junior Fair Tours* guides ar e al college students and'tbey are al expcrienccd in 'the direction of chil- drens' activities., Tbey are th orough - ly famifliar with th e fair grounds and pay particular' attention. to attrac7 tions which interest children., Bo.oke Aid in Enjoyiýng Sumnmer SeasonOu tdoors Summer is the time to do things ini the -suni. You cati play golf, tennis, or sail*,:walk, swifm, garden> or pic- nic, fish ýor camp. How to ýdo these things is, 1earned from' the family or friends, but books do act the part of able instructors. The Wilmette public library of- fers the following books' for suni- mer recreations - some ncw, but others acceptcd guides: Murphy-Beginner's Starbook Olcott-,Ficld Book of the Skies JFryxell-Physiography of the Chi- 'cage Region Keeler.-.-Our Native Trees Matthews-F *ield Book of American Trees ànd.Shrubs AllenBookof Bird Life Chapmah-Bfrd Life Miller-Canoeing, Sailing and Mo-' tor Boating Jessup-Boys Book of Canoeing Knight-Small Boat Saiîing Bancroft - Handbook of Athlctic Games Wills-Tennis Martin-Pictorial Golf. Morrison-New Way. to Better Golf Kephart-Caniping and Woodcraft L4ong-Motor Camping White-Camp and Trail CarllFshnTackle and Kits Slocitm-Ye. Gods and Little Fishe.' Toloff Photo John Adair of Keihc'orth is to -give a series of lectures oitflhc. pailinin iiA Century of Progress rxposition to be hcld Tursday morninfis at 10:30 o'clock, at thé' North Shore Corteîry Day School aiiditoriuni. Following the talk on Tuesday, gaI- lery tours. will follow on Wednesday, Thursday;' and Friday, starting outf rom] the Art 'institute doors at Il* o'clock. The first lecture will be on Tuesday, July 11, on "The Old Masters in thîe Exposition." Oh the following Tues- day, July 18, the speaker will discuss "The Nineteenth Century and Con- tenporary Masters." Mr. Adair is a' graduate of the North Shore Country Day school and bas spent the last ycar 'at tbe Uxiver-' sity of Wisconsin. He bas been study- ing painting' and the hisQofati 'Philadeiphia.ofati Mrs.. Thomas White,' 310 R ichmond road, 'Kenilworth, entertained at lunch- eon'Saturday in honorof Mrs. Charles Ames 'of Rochester,' N.- Y., who was visiting bersister and family, the Ed- win Hedricks of 304 Melrose 'avenue, Kenlworth, and Mrs. George Joncs, also of Kenilworth. who' iust returned a Trravelair distr aà airport at, Lal work IRENT PAL-WAUKI e. Mr Gail Borden and Pari xrand rented a Fleet at Pal. Jport on, June 22 for a ore airways, Los Angeles.0 'Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor, 149 CASIEY LAMBERTr HERE Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, enter- ýE FLEET Casey Lambert of St. Louis was an tained twenty-two guests at a dinner er VanZandt arrivaI at Curtiss airport last week. dance Saturday at the Exnoor Country WNaukee air- He flew here, in*bis 420-horsepower ýclub in, bonor 'of their wedding anni- trip to Ran- Travelair Spcedwlýng. versary.

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