Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jul 1933, p. 8

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tta next mAiI i1I lastJUsI.ione LE .friends tobe in attendal .y norning, The musie for the worà hipý service on .Tuly 9* will be.as follows: OrgaLn.Prelude: "Canon." "Intermezzo" (fromn "Stormi King Syýmphony)- Dickinsôn The Introit: «"F'ather; ln Thy1 Mysteri- qua Presence". ............ Matthews T he Offertory, anthem. by the quartet: "'.My MasterHatha VGarden" .. Crimp Organ Postlude: ".Allegro Maeztoso (front "Storni Kng Sy-iphony")- Dickinson The Sumimer Church School, program continues ln a. suc'cessful' maner. This vacation school Is beld each day frorn 9 to ý12 o'clock until July -ZL The theme-ls "A Cenitury of Progressa ln Kingdom Building." New enroîlments for, the, three departmenits-Beinersi Pnimary, and .uniors-will be. taken at any tune. The achool la under the direction of the assistant nIinister, the Rev. Randal Hamrick. T1he regular sessions of the Church school have been discontinuied until September 10. The Aokiya clase invites al young women' to meet with themn Sunday mnornings at 10 o'clock ln the Woman'sJ rooni. This group Is greatly enjoyingj the reading of Bowie's "The Master." The Men's class is meeting each Sun- day morning at 9:45 o'clock in the Girl Scout room. AUi nen are Invited to participate ln thee discussions. Ilcial board wiIl meet MWonday July 10, at 8 o'clock, at the The DesPlaines camp meeting opened last Sunday. 'There are services evêry afternoon and evening. The minister o? Wflmette Parishi Church will be the preacher next Stinday eve'ning, July 9. St. AuggustieSI Next Sunday. July 9. wijll. be the fourth SundaY after Trinity., There will. be Holy Communion at 8 a. ni. and Morning Prayer with sermon at Il a. mi. On Juiy 13 there. will be a dlocesan on1 First Presbyterian, n- Womian's. club roonis he Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue r. James T. Venekasen, ininister. ce The worship> service is held 'at Il o'clock. The pasto r wiIl preach on the thene,.«"A Skeptlc Prophet Convinced.y We invite you to join us 'in this worshlp hour. Our . Sunday school ln contl.nuing on full sehedule through- thé sumnier, meet-, at 9'c'lock. We invite you to Join us. Our three adut Bible classes have been comb1ined for the summer. meeting at 9 :45 o'clock in. the executlvè roomn of the woman's. club. The pastor Is teaching the ciass, and we nre studying the PrinciPle-4 Of Jesus. We ivili wel- corne you. iTheupastqor wiIl be available. for serv-' ic uig the Summer, and may be reached by phone at his home. First Con gregational John O. Nlndi*ey, mfnister. This churcei, Joining wlth the Baptist church in union Sunday' morning serv- ices during the- summer months, eX- tends a cordial Invitation to visitors to. attend the service which hegins at Il o'clock. During July these union serv- ices wiil be held ln this church, with the Rev. George D. Allison, pastor ot the Baptist church, peaching. Mrs. Beulah Casier Edwards will be the sololst next Sunday. The organ program, ja as follows: Prelude: "Idyli".. ........... Schminlce Offertory: "Song of the Basket Weaver" ... . . .. . . ...Russell Postlude: "Finale" froni Second Suite.. ....... . .. ....... ... .... B oellnian Miss Emily Roberts la the organis* and- musical direotor. The Summer session of our Chur àchool is now ln operation. Begirnn and Primary departruents meet togetb lu the Prlmary rooni, and Juniors al Interinediates ln the church ,par]* Both groups-nmeet at 1l o'clock and co tinue through thechurch heur. The July meeting 0f -the board trustees wilI be held Monday, July1 at 7:30 p. mi. ln the church parlor. St. Jokn-'s Lutheran irh eers her and On-o- "Cy"Macinnon of 321 Leicester road,. Jack Byrne, 150 Oxford> road, o? Kenilworth, and Carl and. Dick Hall 0.of Wilmette, will return Friday f romn a two weeks' fishing and canoeing trip. They iùotored to Ely, Minn., and took a canoe into the interior. Rnglisk Lutheran Greenleaf at Seventh street Wilmette "A,, rouse of Worship', Rev., David 'R. Kabele, pastor SIJNDAY SERVICES Early service ...... ........ .... 8 a. mu Sunday school..... 1... .......... 9 a. ni. Seicond service... ..............iAl a. mi. The Woman's society will ileettis atternoon (Thursday) at the paramnage at. 2 o'clock. Mrs. WilliIam Melbye -wilI present the topic-ýMissio.nary Educa- tien' through. Study.- An invitation Is extended te ail the, women te meet, with us, Choir rehearsal Friday eveni ng, at 7.:30 o'clock. Beginning next Sunday, July 9, our Sunday- achool willI hold ils sessions at 9o'clockinstead of 9 :45.- The Chu rch council wlll meet next Tuesday evening, July 11, at 8- o'clock. Luther league niooiight boat Éeur- Sion Wedne.sday evening, .Tuly 12. Make your reservations with Miss Marion Melbye, Wilmette 1935. before Saturday, July 8. We invite you to worship with us. For y'our conveniefice we have arranged, an early service at 8 o'clock. Our Sun- day school *111I be ln operation ail suni- mer * We are also continuing our il 'clock service. Our panstor, Rev. Da- vId 'R. Kabele, wiIl occupy,.the pulpitý every Sunday throughout the summer. Marjorie Staubtz of Toledo, Ohio,i formerly of Wilmette, bas beeu-thiei Tuest of Loretta Steffens, 1611 Was1,ý- ington avenue. She is leaving for ber home this.week-end, and going back with ber for a visit will be Lo- retta, Geraldine and Luilile Hoffman, and Pauline and Lulu Krause, who> wiII spend about two weeks at the Staubitz' home. * 5y)ione-it. prporions.n-015 thf e st- ern suburbs, catised damiage amount-_ ing to approximately $30,000 to eiec-, tric uines and equipnjent of the Pub-. lic Service Company of Northern Illi- niois, according, to estimates made ini the Chicago, offices of the: compan y this week. Last Saturday àight's storm brought down more than 150.of the company's poies, and one of the giant steel transmission towers'Nwas -badly dami- aged ,when, the .wind blew the roof of a barn against it. Although this and other damage iinterrupted electric service in sections of several com- munities, the company wvas able to have practically ail service restored by Sunday, moring. Operating en- gineers of the company attribute this resoraionof service in record timire to their systemn of speedily assembling linemen and repair'meni from ail parts of the' territory to, the trouble areas and to the quick dispatching -of ma- teniais fÉrm the company's several headquarters scattèred th ro 'ghout the area.. Several hundred rue» werec, on duty througbout the night and ail day Sund-ay d9ing emergency re- pair work. This is the third storm, causing. heavy damage to Public Service, equipment, wývhich has occurred this year, engineering officiais stattd. Mrs. Henry Drucker and daughter, I Jae, ccopauied by Mrs. Walter IClark., and daughter, Mfadeline of IWilmette, motored to South Haven recentiy %where they placed their daugbters in Camp Newakwa. After motoring through Michigan Mrs. Drucker and Mrs . Clark returned Wednesday of last week. -o- Mrs. Walter Andersen, 217 Robs- art road, Kenilworth, and' ber sons, Bob and. Glenn, accompanied by Mrs. Jack Martin- of Duluth, -left Suniday to, place the boys i» camip while tbey motor to Two Harbors, Mic h., wbere Mrs. Andersen %iIll stay until October. -o-- The Timmons famîly, forrnerly. of Kenilwortb, now living in Green- wich, Conn.,, are Occuovinz tei Michiga avenue. A varièd prograni of tion to attend our services. We also Mr.WlimTyo,61Abt-De, aving of1rr2ivetenFourtavef garnes and entertaînmnrt Is lrovided. exter.d an earnest Invitation o the vi ord roWlam Talor61.and Mrs. nue, to spnd triedathe rho ltor ln Wilmettfodrod Kniwr. an r- uYtspn teda. Do flot forget our sumnmer Sunda3r. Cornelia k~eîrn, 310 Warwickc roaci, achool #sessiou at 9:45. More boys and Thé annual festival at the Lutheragn Kenilwortb, are , motoring uii to MisVvri Bxyo114A - girls shoùid. enjoy the interesting work Home for the Aged at Arlington KibMissnWi. o aura ln vgnue,.eturnedfrid0Ay fh arranged by Miss ]Ruth Phelps. Heights will .be held next ,Sunday after- 1KihsIlnWso.Stra ln vne eundFia ri floof on the grounds of the Inistituion, wbere Mrs. Taylor will be Mrs. Philadelphia where she priiae ._Onsatrday 01r Lake-Geneva As- the service .begùuning- at 3 o'clock. 'The Keith's gest. in a eddingparty j:

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