Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1933, p. 45

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WELLINGTON 1865 92LTN8-ltc VERY ATTRACTIVE AND CHEER- fui apts., close to transp. ,and scilools, at réasonable rentala. 4 ras., with large l»ving rm. and lire- pla.ce. 2 trms. with large bodrmn., and -ta-dor bed. Tile .baths, showérs eec. refrigerators. E.E STÙLTiS REALTY CO,. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 12 AND 5 ROýOM APARtMENTS. near lake between Kenillorth and Wilmetie. Spanish Court Properties, 930 Spanish Ct.. Wilneýtte 432.' 92LTN8-4t1) se PrOR RkNT-FURNIISHED APTS. FURNISHED FLAT MONTHS 0F, JuIy. Aug. and Sept. ,4 1proom and, 2 porches. 1 bloCk from Kenllworth station. $50 nionth. Ph. Kenilworth 2636. 93LTN8-ltp FOR RENT - REDUCED RATE ON attractively furnished 4 rmn. and 1 rmù. apartments.. Convenlently located. Ph. Wiimette 2399 or Wllmette 24-27. 93LTN6-3tp 97 iFoRRiEN-HO.uàîz 10 rnis., 3 b's. ex. t. and lav., sIP. peh., billiard rîn., 2 c. g., large wooded JOt * nr, Indlan Hill Golf. Club. $125 un- furn., $160 fur.n. 8 rnie. '., 011. 2 c. g.......7 7 rm.-., 1 b., sis). pch., 01 .. $70 6 rmi bung.,. H. w.. h.. 2 c.,:g. ...$13G .4 rms. .2rd. floor, dup. htd., 1 c. g. $28 éther: good v alues -fÜrnished and un- furn.ished housýes and apartments. BH. BARNETT 526 ('enter, St. .Winnutka 965 Office open 9 a. tri. to .q p. n. daily and Sundays. _____971,TNS-Itp NEW__-E'NG t. 9 HM., 3 Tl1 L E B A T H S 2-car gar.: oil ht.; lg. lot; rtr. Id. Hill club. ('ut froîn $250 to $125.. MRS. F171,1R &' WM. PICKARD 746 Elrn St. Winnetka 3722 97LTN8-1 tc 9$ FOR .RgNT-FURNISHED HOUSES: ýF'UNiSlFD. OR 'NF'URNIS 11EDT. , rnibath and exýtra Lavatory', beau- tifu liociti ù ear transpo.rtation in Wilmette. Msttleave townand sub- lease until (><-t. Ist.' Ph.. Wilmette 1443. . 98.1,TN$-ltp 99WANYTFD 'rO RENT-HfrUSFS WANTED) TO RE,1NT WITTH OPTION to purch;îsu, 6 or 7 roomi modern house, preferalY in j<enlworth by fam.ily ()f ,3 dults. lst of Seîtember. 7*51Elm =t.ý P. M. Lincoln Ave., .near ?orestAttractive modern brick bouse, tii. roof. 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 bath.. Vapor heat. 1 car attached garage. Lo9t 57 by 2.14' feet. $16,000- VERY. MODERÂÀTE, TERMS. J. L. PLOYD CO. 384 Center St. Winnetka 3603 -1L8-ltp 8, tM, 2 BTH.1 HSý,. SLPG. AND ýSUN pehs., . lg., It., E.side; nir. achls. and tramsp. C ýut fr.> $30,000 tO $14000. 746 Elin Street Wlnnetka 3722 111lLTN8-ltc 13 à wNTeD iTO auU-HOU a» WANTED THE BEST 8 OR 9 ROOM house ln Wlnnetka, or Kenlworth Wltlch can be bought- for $17,500. Reasoniable mnortgage and balance cash. Please gîve. full particulars. Write A-174. box 40, Wilmeitte, 1,11. 113LTN-tc ESTES PARK, COLO. SPPND YOUR vacation at Eikhorn lodge, fanious 'for Mt. tri ps, tlshirig, méals. Amn. plan. Rates reduced. Ph. Greenleaf 5416. 116LTN8-Itp :EYE A14D BEYZ PRIVATE SCHOOL and camp, Marcellus, Michigan. Boys, girls---15. U. S. Nutrition sehedule. Ail Year., $1 day.' $25 'mo. -Phone Winn. 428._. 118LTNI-4tp lié, EXCHANSE-REAL ESTATE FLORIDA ac res bearlng orangÉe grove, clear of mortgage. . Trees 10 yrs. old ýa.ud An prime condition. Value of property $7.50Q. WIlI trade for a clear North Shore bungal ,ow or . onie with ormal mortgage. Sec R. M. Johnston & Co. Wilimette 444. < 12LTN8J-lte 129 FOR >SAL.E-HOUUEHOLD 600ODB ENTIRE FURNISHINGS 0F LARGE home including fine collection Oriental rugs, Btrkey & Gay dlnlng and bed- rùoom suite, etc. Reasonable prices. Call Sunday, 94 Essex Rd., Winnetka. 129LTN$-Xtp 131 FOR ALE-MIScEL"t4E@U* BINOCULARS (ZEISS SILVAMAR 6X) brand new witli carrying case. Half price,. Phone Kenilworth 165. 131LT8-ltpj P..S. Companyý Cuts DiVidend Teon, Common Stock Teboard of directors of "the, Pub- tic Service Comp ny of Northern 1 1i nois, at a meeting held last Thursday declared a quarterly dividend of fifty cents, a ,share. on the companY's par and no par common stock, .payable August 1, to stockholders of - record July 15. T his is a reduction.-Of twenty-five. cents pershare below the quarterly dividends paid on the cornu- pany's common stock since Auguat. 1 of. last year. Prior to that time the dividend was $2 pejr quarter. Thë. direétors declared, the'.regular quar-. terly dividends on the. 6 per cent and 7 per, cent preferred -stocks, payable on. the. saine date as the divid.eid on the common stock. The reduction in dividends on the common stock was, necessitated by the réduction in' rates which will be- corne effective July L. These reduc-. dions were tendered in response to pressure of the Illinois Commerce commission, and wl1 reduce revenues from electric and gas business in exý- cess of $1,OOO;OOU a year. The reduc- tion affecting the electric *rates ini- clucles the new three per cent Fed- eral tax on residential and com- mercial business transi erred by re- cent' acf of Congress 'froin the con- sumer to the producer. The company bas already made drasfic economies in operating ex- penses to offset the' large loss of revenue due ta the general business situation. The directors decided that in order ta cooperate with President Roosevelt in his present recovery program, no réductions in wages should be made. Present estimates indicate that 'the gross business of the company for 1933 will be about 5 per cent les s than for the Dreceding vear. The de- unusuallY fine east sie Ica- thon. qtibqtantial 8 nm. bouse a l Wme t 43 0 wih2 bath-, and oil heat. New .ai W lm te 4 0 owner will dispose of bouse forAkfo n d.ae 50 percent former price. Cal s o nA -a Misf; Cronk. BAID & WARNER Ne . ae nk lsi l11LTN8.îtc Lite, Winnetka ?alk and Glencoe News more economicaL Asic about S ROM RIC HOSE -R SALE them' or tradc forfarm or lot. 1225 2qrd t.. Wilmette. 1L-t Yes! Po pie are Looking for ROOMS and IJOUSES For the Summer 'r', 1 - 1 1

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