Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1933, p. 37

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was 92 years old and pas seca away june 4. Mrs. Coton, white flot a member of our chapter, has meant much to us ail as she was always interested in our welfare and duririg the war sewed for us in our Red Crosswork and took' home work and did more than any of us. She was an expert seamnstress and' loved the' work. We ail suent many happy bours in her company and on. our sewing.days, she was ainig the first to be on hand to do Iher part. We shall ail miss hier and 'shall cherisli the remembrance of ber as a most devoted and loyal friend and mother. Mrs. Belle* Hilton of* 1716 Walnut avenue, is one of hier daughters and also a member of our. chapter. On Friday, june 30, the officers will have a practice on the work bie- fore the coming officiai visit of the grand matron of Illinois., Our matron, Mrs. Caroline Con- ver se. has as her guests ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin -of Melbourne, Pla Thcy 1-àre here to see the. Worids Fair and to renew acquaintances, as they weré residents here quite some f ew years ago. July, 3, we will bave our stated meeting and on July 17, our officiai visit. After our official, we will haveý a vacation until August 21., .Emma C. Hansen, past grand mua- tron of Illinois, and an bonorary member of our chapter, bas been* doub ly bereaved witbin the week hav- ing lost ber -motï-f,ýMrs. Mary Hei- den and a nepbew, Milton A. Fischer. The Chapter extends sympatby to the bereaved family. There was a large turn out to the luncheon and bridge party beld at the bomne of our associate matron, Miss Dorotby Kuelzow of 611 Green- lea f avenue, on Wedniesday, June21 She was assisted by lier ruother and Mrs. Fred Birr, Mrs. Harold D. Skef- ton of Evanston' and Mrs. Lois, Dick of Winnetka. Mr. and 'Mrs. H. R. Peppyit of Seat- tle, Wasb., who are visiting rela- tives in the city, were dinner gluests last Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. andu bouui iDakota. uinner was tl- loweci by a musical progratu, address- es, and election of officers. The group elected as its president, Bert Manlcy of Harvard, 111. and Mrs. Dorotby Oison as secret ary- tr.easurer. The re- union wail che bld at Harvared next year., HAVE BEACH PICÉNIC Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pardee of Ev- anston, formerly of Wilmette. bave taken a cottage at Pistakee Lake for the summer. Their 'daugliters and sons-in-law and, grandchildrent were guests over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. S.ý Biodt and Bert,. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Seeley and Mickey,, Mr. and, Mrs. B. R. Henderon and Ja!ne-Anne, jack Brodt, brother of Mr.. Brodt, and Evelyn and Barbara Pardee al had supper on the beach. Betty Rutb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hl. Friend of 806 Lin- den avenue, entertained twenty: mem- bers of ber grduatig e4ass-f rom tbe Stoip school at a dinner dance Friday at tbe Edgewater Beach ho- tel, afterwards taking ber guests out in ber newi speed boat, Aquila. Mr. and Mrs. Thotupson Wakeley a nd Nat alie, 730 Elmwood avenue, are leavîng Friday to spend the week-end of tbe Fourth of july witb the Arthur. Wakeleys at their summer home at Lake Geneva, Wis. Let Us. INSTALL floating Power on your or truck. tion and VIRTMCOICFOU SA0Tand. B wwui~sare ause LyInternai lhent rMuti.g hem *11£,ht b.tweuen iieotton ibers. First.on. Guuu-Dippi.<ITire.am tbd suIF tires made where evry Cotton liber in e..ry eom i .i ery ply ins satuarated and .omt.d 'Wlth rubber, preventlng internai friction and het-the greateat enemY.of tire lite. This patented Extra Froc... njakes the -tire Stronger - Safer- and giv., it graater protection against blowoute. Poeriaes Cou,- Ev.mry winner in the. 50-ifle Indianapolis Race for fourteen consecutive yoars, hm choseta and used Firestone Gum-Dlpped Tirs on hia car. Peurormne Conats--Every winner in tuedaring>Piko's Peak Saf.iy - ped- Milag-and Endurance. Don't rlÎk your life or the lives of otiiers on your Holiday trip. f i Sm J- I.o e u nute ir.n. iuthe.dTr.ê 1and.Exb ition. I l ips F toy Wçlll give you a liberal trade-in ailowance on your old dangerous tires, in cichange for Firestone Hligh Speed Tires--tii. Safet Tir«, in thse Jorld. Tire priece muet go up.. Takie adymuntage of today's low pnice. linder Ford car away with vibra- rumble. Makes 1~ 721 MAIN STREET, WILMETTE Phone Wilmette 2600-2601 c A. ýB. . mDe.. J. C. Slow. Main Street at Linden Aveulue Phome Wilm.tte 1584 THE OI0M WELL Ëaln Street at Liailën'Aveoiie Waxiiette sied>

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