Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jun 1933, p. 44

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18e1UU7 wiii 111> uA1iy air LU Jarvis IUngle. That Deep Bass Voce. Item: 1, Peter Ray, do hereby wlll and bequeath my deep bais voice to Edward Ives. Item: We, the 1B class, do hereby will our, abominable spelling record to the ZA clama. Item: 1, Richardi Rogers, do hereby Will my drawing ability to Marrie von Frankenberg. With this help you should meet MIss Donnelly's approval, next year, Mariolle. ]Item,:'.1,.EVan Mcllraith, do hereby will My I'swaggeering'walk" te Pred Bird. Item: 1. Joan Anne Halliwell, do gladly will my well known rose fever to Mary Porter Owens. Enjoy yoursolf, Mary. Item: 1. Heleni Margaret Oison, do hereby will and beqùeath my spindie legs to Harriet Lagerlo.f. Item: I Alan Dally, do hereby will my abillity to play the saxophone te Julie McIntosh. Item: 1, Walter James Gough, do hereby will and bequeath niy double chin to Harold Oison. Gives Away "Chuchie"e Item:« I. Annanelle Barrett, do here- by wll and bequeath ny extraordinary 'chuck1e'" to Jane Nathans. Item: 1, Ashton Bayer Taylor, do hereby will my ha ndsomne pompadour te Charles Moon. Item: I, Marie Louise Gaither, do hereby bequeath iniy. Indian hair to Evelyn Smith.' Item: 1, John G1eason, do) hereby will and bequeath my radiant.smile te William Jenninga Item: I.- iWarjory May Craf t, do here- by wilIand bequeath my most becomning bangs to Jean Everson., Item: 1 , LowelI Delford Snorf, Jr., do hereby will and bequeath my record- hreaking running broad Jump to James grade girl who needs them. Presents Police Outlit Item: '1, Albert Schofield -Carpenter, do. hereby will my honorary Junior police outfit te Raymond Bloom. This Includes flag7, beit and my moot treasi- ured star.' Item: 1, Lawrence 'Power, dé hereby will and bequeath. my Intelligent gaze to Rodman Joyce. Itemn: I. Nancy Piekard, do hereby will and bequeath my avoirdupois te James Johnson, Jr. Item: 1, Bartlett McWarland, do here- the regular staff of instruction~ of the University, will teach thetourses of- fered in the various schools;.. Among the visiting. teachers wiIl be: Edna Dean Baker, president, National Col-- lege of Education; Florence.Besman, Montillore school,. Chicago; J. Victor. Bergquist, MacPhail School of Mu- sic, Minneapolis; Feulx Borowski, composer;, critic and lecturer; Eloise Waltermire Grove, Capital university. Columbus, O.; Harriet Howard and Frank W. Hubbard, National College of Education; Arthur M. jordan. Universyof >North Carolina; Joan- nsa .adr Englewood High school; Clayborne Longman, Board of E du- cation, Methodist Episcopal church; George J. Miller, State Teaichers col- lege, ýMankato, Minn.; -George P. Waln, Oberlin- college, and Robert Hasley Wettach, University of North Caroina. W. Wallace Kerr of 707 Forest ave- nue is in Milwaukee this week attend- ing the annual meeting of the National Credit association. -o- Robert Lindsley, son of the Arthur JLindsleys of 260 Oxford road, Kenil- Worth, lef t recently to spend the sum- mer' in Europe. Miss ad, I 0o e Hepburn, 417, flb, has as ber George Amibuhl, 934 Oakwood ave- nue, returned Sunday from a mnonth',s business trip to Des Moines, Iowa. do hereby will my supejrior knowledge te Joan, Rosenberg. Item: 1, Howard,,Raliph Moulding, do hereby bequeath mY "taxi-driver's act" te John Lang. Item: 1, Joan Porter, do hereby be- queath MY poetry readlng ability te Marie flardin. Here's. Valuable Bequest The Harry Harrison family of 307 Abbotsford road, are leaving Kenil- worth for their f arm in Leland, Mich., about july 1. Miss.Caroline Roberts, 328 Warwick road, Kenilworth, -.retUrned Sunday f rom, Wellesley. where -she attended the, Dana Hall commffiencement. M r. and Mrs. Roy E. Knauer, 166 Abingdon avenue, are leaving this week with their threeboys, for their summei home at.Berrien -Springs, Mièh. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kates, 206 Ken- ilworth avenue, Kenilworth, are spend-. ing a few, days this week at Springfield, Mr. and .Mrs. Robert 0. Law' jr., 417 Warwick, road, Kenilworth, left Satur ,day for their'ranch in Chugwa-. ter, Wyo. -Kathryn Benson, 210 Melrose ave- nue, Kenilworth, entertained at a dance and supper on 'the terrace of her home MUonday. 0o Mr nd Mrs. O. E. Fuchs, 206 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, left Saturday,. june 17, for their sunrner home at Lake Geneva, Wis. 0o The A. G. Phillips family of 625 Brier street, Kenilwvorth, will spewlf the summer in northern Michiganî. They left last Saturday. Monday. Mrs. G. S. Roberts, 1135 Lake nue, is having her niece, Miss Belle Gallear of Crawfordsville, as-a guest for several days. Julia, Mi.ss Agnes Bichl, 1108 Chestnut avenue, .is returning the end of the week from the Lone Tree camp at Thiree Rivers, Mich. '- - sibility for the ilumbers to be sung by the Central College A Cappella choir, and Willard Maltby, who 'bas organized, trained and will conduct in this concert the Hyde ParkBoys' Glee club. wl ea neetn This concertilbéa iteetn cultural exhibit though it .will rep- resent thé progre ss fno t of a. century but of a scant seven years. The first Y. M.- C. A. chorus to, be organized ,in the Chica go area was that of the South Chicago department.. Andrew J. Reed was the pionéer in this field. RHis fine example has beeni followed by every Department in the city, many of which boast choral and in- strumental organîzàations that flot only serve the community in, cultural recreation but have achieved such high. standards, i some instances, that they have taken a definite place in the professional concert life -of -a gýreat metropolitan center. ,In the "musical exh ibit," which. the Y. M. C. A. orgýanizations will stage on june 26 in 'the s'tately and rest*ful court of the imposing Hall of Science at A Century of Progress, five organ- izations will participate. They are: the Y. M. C. A. Hotel chorus, Jac- ques - Homier, conductor;. the Cen- tral College Glee club, Raymond AI- lyn Smith, conductor; the Calumet., Industrial Maie chorus, Walter j Krause, conductor; the Central Col- lege A Cappella choir, Raymond Allyn Smith, conductor; the Hyde Park Boys' Grec' club,. Willard G. Maltby, conductor. 'Altogether they number 250 singers. The large en- semble under Jacques Homier, wiIl present the Pilgrirn's Chorus from "Tannihauser," Lotti's exquisite '1Vere Languores Nostros," Dudley Buck's ."On the Sea,." the old English Hunt.., ing Song "John Peel," setting byý Mark Andrews, the sea .chanty "Old'ý Man Noah" arranged by Marshall 'Bartholomew and. "Shine on, Ohi Star"ý-the, latter an arrangement for maie choir of Rubinstein 's pop- ular "Kammenoi Ostrow" by Ray- rnond Allyn Smith. These six numbers form the open- ing and. closing groups of- the pro-ý Leu imaS :y.Lnelu . î ~:1, James Chichill Streeter. 'thereto reby will and bequeath my fancy and ln Ring my feet on teacher's porns J. y Ciur- Urereton- ît*,g a-bad habit, Fay r, t v. 1:'x t. Imogene Robierta Kaufman, yJi int hve uuuvribed*our narnes 11c utiwri rau clu at lunch- - ý presence of each other. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. Gillett, 533 HaPer . William A. Pritchard of De- Roslyn road, Kenilworth, with their Rýeploge.. oe, toiMc. s the guest of Mrs. A.1- family, are Ieaving on Friday for their ýBoozmn LiStnngolp bert Weber, 826 Chestnut.avenue. summer home tLdiào, îh

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