the Howard schooi auditorium Tues-~ day evening, June 13'. Frank Hill, head track coach at Nortbwestern university, and the Rev. John Hindley of the First Congregational church were theý guest speakers. Mr, . Hil's talke was on: the Teniith'Oiympiad held at Los' Los Angeles in 1932.> The Rev.. Mr. Hindley made ,the Rotary . àid f<s- to both by and girls,, and called- attention toý the fact that this is the first time. that the. Rotary b as. made such. awards to girls. Dorotby Davis of, Ho wardj schôol, with- the higbest number of points earned- at ber' school, and Katherine Wenter with. the higIpest . numiier of points earned at Stol" schooi were the girls so honored. The Rotary awards for boys were GI based on atbietic achievement, and'.I the boy honored must have earned a letter in each major spot oIRte during the s'chool year. The boys fl receiving the award were: FrankG Brycbta, Howardl; Robert Christen-, J sen', Howard-, Robert Smith, How- ard; Harvey Steffens, Howard; Rob- CI ert, Steffens, Howard; James Versi-m no, Howard; John Versino, Howard; P. James Lamb, Stolp; Ed Mable. G. Stolp; James O'Neil, Stolp, HaroldR Ray,ý Stolp, and Chares Soule, Stolp. R Girls Reoeiv. Awm-ds Miss Mabel Park presented letter S: awards to the following girls. Those whose names are followed by fouiri, asterisks received the gold star awardB which-Aenotes their fifth or sjxtb 0. letter; those foliowed by three as- J. terisks received the blue stripe which -T- denotes their fourth letter; those. F. marlced witb two asterisks were giv- M. en the white stripe denoting theïr B. second letter, and those followed by one asterisk received their first let- ter this year. Irnmediateiy preceding N the asterisks is the numberof 'points each girl earned during the, school J. year..E Howa.rd, Sebel F Dorothy Davis, 747"'è*: BeatrieH Leal, 529**;, . Bessie- Bouchikas, 524 R T réne Baron., 515***; Jeann MacDonald, 571**; Betty Todd, 524 S '*; Doris Paterson, 513***; Jane Pen- berthy. 455***; Muriel Kenney, 433*** ; for mien are as foi Hoffmann's (15) Cli W. Huck J. Hoff man R. Huck H-. Kusmrnitz G. Huck .BI'eâer Harry. Johunson B. Russell rrnknowns (7> W. Stordeur M. Stordeur W. Selunler R. Smnith A~. Stordeur W. Hawkxnson .. Hopkins B. Bleser. J. Schafgen .Y.P. D .(20) G. Stone LLangdon E. Berol R. WYle C. Hill U. Schmitz 3. Xremer r: "Dunn 1. Miller 'lristian Scientists- (9) [.,Kreit ? Perry *Saxton Z. auger Hardt tSweet r. Sîmons ý.Keil 1Kraft Tnknowns (12) Braun Stordeur Hoffman Sc1uaefgen Bleâer Pretra5ki Quy RusseIl Phillips .Wiliams S. Specials (9) Kause Sheridan Barker Lange Oelerlch Lange Oelerlch Sheridan Oelerich Philips Iîows: ristian Scientists (9) R. Ilobinvon H. Schnult G. Saxton R. Gauger ]E. Sweet E. 1Hardt T. Saxton P. Shortridge S. Gillson B3. Fields G. McWillianis H.. Sierer G. Chester B. Ferrarini B. Hurd T. 0'Berner N. Bruedîgan M. Bruedlgan G. Sehopen N. S. ýSpecials (1à") C.. Krause Dk. Barker R. Nel-sot E. Lange F.Oelerlch .W.'Nelson W., Simons S. Campbell W. Moody J. Sheridan N. S. Specials (8) N. Lynchu J. Sheridan B. Nelson D. Barl<er E. Lange F. Oelerlch H. Lange R. Oelerich L. Kause S. Campbell Y, P. C. (9) T. Schinler E. Thalman P. Meyer E. Bleser. . *Miller M. Kneip R. Hoff man R. Bleserj F. FieganJ Y. 1-. C. (8)j W. }Iawkinson T. Hopkins J. Miller E. Bleser A. Schinler -R. Steffens B.. Thalmani P. Meyer A. Bauer D,. Bleser tel MU. LDavis, irector of recreatior,. No accurate estimnate of the first day's enroilment could be obtaiteci, but despite the extreme heat of open- ing day, the playgrounds clrew a rec- ord crowd, it is explained. , The playrgrounds are, conducted free of charge fromü 9 o'clock in the mnorning until 4'o'ctock in-the after- Mr. Dafos ail childrè.n in Wilmette, Jaçk Riley GivesFit Ta&k in "Hero"Series jack Riley, former North western. University football star and Olyiupic wrestlery gave, the first of a,. series of "hero» lectures to1 the mnembers of the Village Green piayground Mon- day evening, the opening day. Hi, talk concerned the late Knute Rockne and,-happenings in the Olyni- Pic Gaines at Los Angeles last sum-.* mer. Other lectures by 'persons pro- minent in the sports world are -being arranged for the Village Green play-. grotmd throtighout the' stimerit It. announced. H. Kosertz, B. ran J .Kiel Hofmann's (15) W. Huck J1. Hoffinan G. Huck A.Hoff man P. Bleser D. .Huck S. Keil H.*,Jolnson F. Petroski R. Braun Cobblers (15) M. Biehi R. Welch W. Gash C. Clausson L. De Young S. Smnith P. Robertson N. Smith .M. .Dragan D. Gash. Christian Scientists (26) T. Saxton P. Shortridge T. ObermîIer V. Meter G.Schopen. Bru edigan M. Bruedigan M.Y. P. D. (0 E. Berol R. Wyle C. HIi E. Harrison L. Langdon W. Rogers J. Kremer H. Schmitt L. Dunn, K. of C. (5) W. Stordeur G. .Schopen H. Sieren B1. Ferrarini T.. Obermier ]B. 'Fields A.Stordeur G. MÏcWllliams G.Thalman Gý. Bleser R. Welch N. Smith Dwa-L-VI ta Cv A8*#WLL public schools at the end of the school year completed a very suc- cessful year in athletic prowess as far as Wilmette grarnmar school athietes are concerned, it is an- nounced. Only in one set of tests was it. found that. thé 1933 local athietes had flot shattered ail pre- vious mnarks set by, their predeces- sors. in the final tests given,,during the closing week &f school it was found that.three outstanding records w<r establisbed which Daniel M. Davis, director of recrea.tion, and his phys-, iîcal education staff think. will 'stand for some *years., These were the standing broad jumnp for girls, the piaygroun.d bail throw *for girls and the standing broad jump for boys. Bor and Girl Star Dorothy Davis estabiished both, girls' records, makinga, jump 1 of sevenl feet, eleven, inches to a chiev-e the first *and throwing' the 12-inrh playgrouid baill. 119 feet toý establishi the second. Frank Bryçhta of How- ard, schoot set the neW mark for boys in the standing broad jump when lie leaped eight feet, two inches to lead' his schooimates in that.event. The three highest r ,ecords in each eventtested, standing broadjump for' boys and girls, bail throw for boy, and girls, and shot put for: boys, are isted beiow: STANDING BROAD JUMP Howard Selmool Girls Classes A and B-First, Alice Wag, ner, 6 feet,' 8 inches; second, Bessie 3ouchlkas, 6 feet, 5 inches; third, Ar- le Lipsch, 6 feet, 4 inches; Dorothy Burgess, 6 feet, 4 inclues. Class C-Pirst,. Dorothy Davis, 7 reet, il Inclues; second, Lois Kunel- man, 6 feet, il inclues; third, Elizabeth Eldredge, 6 feet. 9 inclues. Class D-First, Adelaide Koenen, 7 ýeet; second, Betty Todd, 6 feet. 8 nches; third, Helen Harrison, 6 feet, «, nohes. Class E-Pirst, Irene Baron, 6 feet. 7 nches; second, Doria Trego, 6 feet, 6 nches; third, Janice Van Inwagen,, 6 ýet, 2 inches; Ruth Mestiani, 6 feet, 2 nches. Clas -s"F-First, Marjorie Winkle, *6 eet, 5 Inclues; second, Carol Speciht, 6 eet, 4 inches; third, Natolie Triplett, 6, eet, 2 inclues; Prancés Weber, 6 feet. 2 nce. Stolp School Gil Class A-Fîrst, Jane Solomon, 5 feet. 1inclues; second, Elizabeéth HoesIl. 5 et, 8 Inches; third, Nan~cy Plekard, 5 et, 2 Inclues; Dorothy Vogel, 5 feet, 2 duhes. b Hliidley, 255, Betty Brenner, 1 . Joan Halliwell, 319': Lorene R (Continued on page ý42) JE rnn's nan K. of C. (9)JR B. Mee G G. McWll imsP. H. sieenpF D. ChesnrB: B. Ferrarini. Dks(5) Ridge. View servi ýen R. >Ser RS rdeur R. Lt 8el A. Lui (Continued.on page .42), e thrdHeln Cotséres, 96 feet. Class D First, Adelalde Koonen. 109 2) feet; mseeoiid, Marcla Smith, 79 feet; ýd thIrd, Evelyn echuber, 74 feet; An~ne SGraoe Jorjorian, 74 feet. COs .-Flirst, Dorothy laMclian, 80fe;second, Rosemary.,Mceéighanp' g;3 fest. Cilan F-First. Jacqueline Walis,. 95