Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jun 1933, p. 33

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any degree. Usuaily an examination will show that the surface soil bas been washed away, almost down to the bard sub- soit. The run-off of water also means thc washing away of.available plant food, This sbould beoffset with fre- quent ferfilizinjgs., Because the >odds are against tbese sIoping iawns, every favor should bc given tbemn. If at, ail possible, the grass shouid .be allowed. to grow longer on these 'areas and *to get strônger. Close mowings weaken theý lawns. In repairing these weak siopes, it is especially necessary to, prepare the ground tborougbly, not jut merely top-dressing, and[ then tbe easiest way in -thé lon g run, is ta s od the areas rather than ta seed tbem. At timnes' it is ,best, ta sod certain portions sucli as the top and battom of terraces and'then seed the remain- * ing portions. Often it is best ta iay strips of sod along the walks and drives. Wherever seeding is done on slopes, mulching witb straw, hay or peat mass is very neces§ary, ta pre-1 vent washing out, damage from tra'mping. drying and surface crust- in g. If the probiem is real difficuit, instead of the muiches named, burlap,' muslin or cheap cheese claths may be > used, by pegging them to the lawn firmly and smoothly. The grass will corne up through and the cloth wil soon rot away of itself, The pegs will later need to be driven flush witb the ground so the lawn xnower can pass over without difficulty. In reseeding these- bad spots,. the seed 'must iriclude caver or nurse- crop seed. Qats may be used or perennial ryes togetber with timnotby. These coarse' grasses. protect the finer sorts. and. help them, to get started. It' can neyer be tao mucb emn- phasized tbat in watering,. one -good soaking each week is better by far than a supposedly good watering eacb day. When a lawn is supposed to be wel soaked, it is a gaad plan, Frequenty bad siopes and sbaded areas may be abandoned as lawns and turned into gardened plots. The slopes may be covered with hardy vining plants, often much. more val- ued thân the gragsed plots. Grouind covers are varied and bave plenty of heauty of tbeir, own.' Sbaded corners' may- be occupied eitber with tbe ordinary ground cov- ers, or with anyplants.mwbich tbrive in deep shade. There- are pienty of sucb plants. available. A great part of tb 'e difficuity witb Insis due to,.tbe' fact that tbe soit is bard and unsuited té tbe start- ing of grass. A littie top-soul is put on each year, seeded and tbe grass starts fine unitil its roots get down ta the bard-pan below, the.aid, original soul. Just abou t this time, the hat dry weatber cornes aiong and tbat about finishes the new grass, for the present, year. The new. gra 'ss bas sprauted, liived and died in the veneer of top-dressing wbich wili also disap-, pear by anotlier Spring. STbe cbeapest and easiest way often turns out to be the opposite. Tbese lawns may be repaired even yet, this summer, by proper metbods and tbe entire iawns may look and be well kept ail the summer througb. After ail, there is notbing nicer tban a nice lawn surrounded witb weil kept gar.. den borders. Mr. ân*4Mrs. T4iigbPetérsen. 212 th e .plenînfg Betty Clements, daughter of the J. A. Clements of Wilmette, la Ieaving for Camp Idyle W.yld, Three Lakes, Wis., june 27. She is leaving en a speciai chartered car cbaperoned by one of the camp councilors. Groups from various cities will. be met en route to Camp. Mr.. and. Mrs. Ward Melville and their three children of New York ar- rived Saturday on a visit with Mr. anc? Mrs. ' Randal Poindexter, Hiapp road,' who were former residents of New York. Mrs. Paul C. Clovis,, 314 Oxford road, Kenilwortbh, bas as bier guest for tbe summer, hier Mother, Mrs. Eflie Smrattractive, awniun tbat wlIad to the beauty and coin- fort ot your home. Let un teiR you how littie the awnlngs, yeu need wilI cost. Culilmom Mède Awnings, PHONE WILMETMW PAUL H., GATHERCOAL AWNING SERVCE 2411 Thomw..d Av*. Wl.f I.. Srncess With Your ÇGarden -4opends upon th. quélity of th. SUL'BS - fftftlt4tAtS and BEDDING PLANTS you buy. 5ae. time, mon.y and disppoint ment by the boi from us - e t reesonabi. prices Road iner dance at Woodward Anidersen, 217. Robsart road, Kenilworth, is leaving today for Owakonze camp where be wiil spend the summer. Richard Joslin, 240 Essex road., Keniiwortb, is leaving Saturday for flwakoerItw9a'mn Fine A ssoriment for Saleo. JR. FOOTh. Winn. 914 / tI RO p Nones: Univenify2l86

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