Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jun 1933, p. 32

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il a.rn. Second service and ser'mon. Sermon : God's UniversaI Invitation." This church offers te ail who corne a cordial welcome to Its services, and a message from the Holy Scrptures that la strengthening te faith, comforting and cheeriing te life; o6ur invitation. to visit our services la extended;to every-, prne, but tn particular ,to .ail such a s have ne churci- connection at ail. There will probably ho orevia!i1tors in the homes of Wihneiitte than e ver be- fore. These aie. *aInvite to Our. serv- iees. If among these, Visitors there should be Lutherans we 'Invite ycni to direct them te our church. Asecond, Lutheran celebration le tei be held at Seldier Field on Sunday af- terneon, July 10., beginning at, à o'clock. achool children'et the. Lutheran parish give a special demeonstration a.nd di!. v participate, When you visit the Hall 0f Religion be sure and sec the various exhibits placed by. the. different. denoinaMtons. Amnong these la an historical oxhibit of the Synodical Conference of North -America. and a display ef boos printed at the Cencordia Publishing house, St. Louis, Mo. The visit ef the Ladies' Aid and Missionary society of St- John's te the Lutheran -orphanagoe t Addison, Ill., was a huge success, about forty wemen taking part and taklng cakes and znany other geod thinga te eat with them. When et a3:30 the achool was dismissed. 'ain andi va* J to the fiyn& wae Weeoks <de of un . y fui affair. tien tour I A.Kendr w~toe a ]LAKE, GENIEVA ASSEMBLY church for the, Summer Assembly, wkich this year il be held at den- ference Peintbakte, Geneva: Shirley Leasein, Jean Guthridge, Edith Gordon: leapor Wiliams, Lee Blaylocki, Jane Blaylock and 'Dr. Ailison. The Young peeple. Invite others te Jein theni ln this unique oppertunity. Dr. Alli1son *111 preach the:eveéningVesperý Sermons un- der the trees. and wilI aise teach next year's Interdenoirlinatienal Home Study Course, *gChistianity and Industry In America" by. Alva, W. Taylor. CHiJlCH wOEHIpCOMMITTEE This committe. bas, organized- by electing, Earl McDew as chatima n, and deiegatinor the work te the, feliowing auùb-emmittees: Ushening. Mr. McDow and Earl C. Carlson; Music, Alfred Hfeereng, Mrs. C. P., Dbbs,,MU.. A. flush ànd' Mrs. Terreli StaPp; Fiowers. Mrs. A. E. Gebert and lirs. Arthur Wyld. We ail regret the long Illnesa or Miss Lydia Koch, our organiat. Miss Koch has.gene to Saugatuc-k, Michigan, for the sumnmer, and bas secured Miss Eulalie Koiber Stade as ber substitute. IMMAlfUEL BAPTIST CIUECIf VISITS Dr. Johnston My6rs stili. carries on bis great and fleeded work et ISrd and S. ?Mchigan, On this Sunday, June 25, Dr. Allison_ wiil again preachln the Thoa 1wllb. an opportunity for any- one eslingprivate or ciasa instruc- tion in piano under the direction of Miss Bncl. Tution rats wiii be furnished upen reuet. New enrolhments, wiiI be taken at any tUnie. [Choir rehearsal wili be held- this evening,- Thursday, ýJune 22, at 8 o'clock at thé church. Last Sunday marked the last session .of ýthe regular program, ef the' Church school until Sep>tenbeir' 10 When ail de- partrnents wHii rejsume their usuai work. The Summner Church scheol 'in being eperatèd, heWever, as previoualy an- ,nounced. Beglnning next S unday, the Aoliya class will meet éach Sunday rnormlng atý 18 o'clock throughout, the summner for 'a ferty-mrinute reading session. Ail yeung wonien interested ln these read- Ing, -cencerning 'the - lite ef Christ are, Invited' te be prenent. & t.A ugas tue's Sunday, June 25, wili be the second Sunday atter Trinity. There wilI bej ing Prayer with sermon. at 11.m. MIs98 Erma Rounds, piastndir- te?', has arranged the follo-wing Musical Saturday, June 24, will be St. John pregram for the worship, service; Pré-, the Baptist day. There wil héb Holy lude, "Prelude", (Suite Bergamiasque 1)p Communion at 8 a.m. Thursday, Juné Debussy; Postlude, "Marche Pittor-, 29, wiill h St. Peters day. There wiIi be esque," Kroeger; Solos by Edward Ott$, Hoiy Communion at 8 a.m.. soloist, "Seek Ye the Lord," by Lynes, and "Censider And HearMe," b>' Pflue- A delegation froni St. Augustine's ger. wiIl attend the receptien and dinner et the Hotel Stevens given by the BIshop Our Sunda>' school will continue its ef Chicago and the Cburch club ef Chi- session tliroughout the 'entire summer, cage te !3ishiop Perry, presiding bishop meeting at 9:30 o'clock. We Invite you of the E scnal4 1. 4w i th "if t Jin us.fl Sundaly 00 ......... . ..9:45 amn, Second service ..........11 a.m. Today (Thursdà,y) the Sundayr uchool and Congregationai picnic will be helM at Harms Woods fram n2 xp.ni to sunset. Senior choir rehearsal Friday eve- ning at 7:30 o'clock. The Sunday 9chool wiIl -continue throughout the summer months. The teachers and officers are preparing spe- cial programs which' wilI be of great interest to the ichildreni. Manyr have expressed their apprecia- tion of the early merning service for it gives them an opportunity to Worship before going 'on théir days outing and also at an hour iwhen It la stili cool. This service is held each Sunday morn- ing at 8 o'clock and an Invitation la* exý tended to ail to attend.. First Prýesbyterian Woman's club rooms Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen,, ninister The merning worship nervice will ýbe heid at Il o'cio0ck. The Pastor Wil!! preach on the theme, "The sword ef the Spirit," the next In the geneta1 sermon series, "The Christiai'. Armer." You are cordialiy invited te, worship The annuai convention ef the District ef Northerni Illinois will b. held next week et the large gymnaeium oet'the Cencordia Teachers college, River Fer- est, 111. The epening service will ho held at Grace Lutheran church, Division and Bonnie trae. on Sunday evening,. June 25. Tecenvelition sessions ,are te begin on Monday inerning at 9 ô'clock.. f As usuai thé forenoon sessions will b. given over'.te the reading and discussion of papers on subjects relating te the tec nA d tèr rri *hat... "The Publicanl'........ Va*l de' Mme. Gildero>' Scott Choir Antheul. "Prais. the Lord".. ......... ...........1 A group of ten uew members w rofeived *t the Communion. and a LINK MEETINGS Thursday, June 22-Link F, I(rs. E. Phelpa, chairman, wiIl meet with Mrs. W. J. Weldon, 1340 Greenwood avenue, for a 2 o'clock tee. PrIda>', lune 23-Link R, Mrs. F. Bergeidt, chairman, wilI meet with Mre. H. E. Lýarson, Berwyn avenue, Chi- cago, for a 1 e'cloek luncheon. Lâik D, Mrs. R. E. Dalstrom, chairman, wll meet with Mrs. R. Ï. Laseelies, 1639 Walnut avenue, at 1 o'clock for dessert .and cettee.. mD à of, the sehool are Non, th. development gsnand tilAis 5reurning.from a visitation te Japaniand the Orient, St. Augustine's was well represented on Monda>' evening at St. Luke's: pro. Cathedral, Evanston, when Royal 1). Smith was Instaiied as president et thel Catholie club..et the diocese ef Chicago, thîs being bis third term as president.j A part>' was given by the high school members of the Girls Vested choir and the younger girls yesterday afternoon and evening ln -honor of Miss Wlnifred Mickey.. fer some Years their leader. >, on."uci*tea b>' dl« Dan Suuda>' to Sunday, rne adult Bible classes meiet at .9:45 o'.CTock . You are invited to join one Spoke .6 ef the Woman's socçiety wilI meet Tuesday, lune 27, at 1:30 o'clock with Mrs., R. J. Bennett" 1033: Ashlahid avenue. VISITS FRIEND George, Richards, formerly of Kenil-. worth,' is visitîng bisý friend, Dick O'Connor of 149 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth. Mrs. O'Connor and Martha Brenna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. eMelvin M. flawley, 515 Warwick road, Kenilworth, is. going to Colorado with Mary Blelle Woodley of Evanston, for tan outing on thse Woodley ,ranch. She wi be gône.sanie weeks. 'F

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