.unae meu private DTaflc - North Shore Special Brewv-since the legal-' ization of 3.2 beer last April 7. Lithia beer obtains its naire fromi the fact that it is brewed.wi th I.ittia health water, of which: President Roosevelt is a gr-eat advocate.: There are bùt three Lithia springs in the United States: one on the wés t coast, another at West Bend, -Wis,,, and à third near Warin Springs, 'Ga.,, where Mr. Roosevelt spends bis vacation periods. Oelerich 'and Sheridan have been prominent in local pflaygrounid. ath- lIetics,- having been niembers of the' Baha'i basebali and basketball teams during the past few y ears, and this year sponsoring a fast team in. the Wilmette softball league, wearing the u niforms of the North Shore Special Brewers. Aside from their business and ath- letic, activities the two young muen have taken' parts in several local dramnatic productions. Oelerich played the lead in the Arnerican Legion plat', "Circus Solly," last winter, and en-. acted the important- role of "M\Ir. Ralston" in the éoffedy hit, -Nothing But the Truthi," a recent offering of The Youriger Set, ot hr dra- mnatic group. The appointment by the ýVisconsîii brewery came as a pleasant surprise to Mr. Sheridan and Mr. Oelerich.* who are'loth in their early twenties and the nmembers of his kinclergai class. with a party, at the school. sn# ast Juuv v<Jmpriseci, the ciass. St udents from New Trier towns in- cluded: Wilmette - William H. Huffman, master of science ini civil eniginieer- ing. Ken ilworth- John G. Carlton, hachelor of science in civil engineëer- ing. Winnetka George M., Pearce, bachelorofscience in'mechan .icai en- gineering; William T. Reed, bachelor. of sciencein mechanical iengineering; Roger S.* Odman, bachelor of science in civil engineering. MRS. MARY CHANDLER MIES Mrs Mary Chantier, wife of H. H. Chandier, 563 Green Bay road, Glen- coe, died on Monday ýat the Presby- terian hospital in Chicago. Thefuner- al services were held Wednesday afternoon, at Calumet, Mich. Besides- her husband Mrs. Chandier is sùr- vived by lier father, James Mac- Naughton, of'CalIumet, and a sister, who also lives in Calumet. Mr. Chandler formerly was a resiclent of Kenilworth, having. spent bis boN - hood there., VIS ITS IN, EAST Mrs., Ruth Watt Brown, 735 Tentb street, bas returned from a fort- night's visit in the east. She spent several days in New Haven, Conn., with Mrs. Donald Bullis, lier former roommate at the National Park sem- inary, and, then spent five days with the guest ýof Miss Elsa turning to Wilmette last ln the, BEAUTIFUL WISCONSIN'. LAKE RECIONI Juat Arr fred! G&NOA CITY K! O)ieu Tuesday, Tkursday and Satsarday Evpeaings 1 /vd L'i "%LL