and Billy Carpenter, 239 Essex road. is .in quarantine witb chicken pox. Bl.ckhog aàd Alterations KNIT N%%OOKffor Souce, .30 cents à SaI 1637 ýHOWARD ST. R..m 101 Open Tues., r. es Expert Ilnstmrcion in Ail Knit Wort Seieuit cFacials and Scalp Treuimens te nd spring With uer aun, Miss Lillian Meyers, of 628 Abbotsford road, lCènilworth, and is leaving Sun- day for her motlier's summer home at Governor's Island, Mass, Earl. Estes, son of -Mr. and Mrs.. James Estes, 1626 Wilmette avenue, who has been employed in Pitts-, burgh, bas been sent to Chicago dur- ing A Century of Progress to assist with tbe. exhibit of thec Cudahy Pack- ing com pany. .He is staying with bis parents wbile be' isbehre. Gibson Photo Miss Agnes M'. Wat sopt, 1045 Forest asveue, Wilrnette, retired from. her. duies lait umek as as- sistant' prinîcipal of the. Hayt school,. Chicago, where she had bren .a f cacher for fty years. On june 13 Miss Watson was given a luncheon at The Chirnneys by forty- five teachers and scbooi 'associates.1 Miss Watson was educated in the Chicago schools and. bas been a resident of WiI- mette for f orty years. LUNCHEON HOSTESS Mrs. Vernon Loucks, 234 Sheridan rdKenilworth, entertained twelve guests at luncheon .Wednesday of Iast week in honor of ber bouse guests, her mother, Mrs. S. W. Bur- Actuel >hetograph She0wg eue0 Hlenryv'$ xclusitpq fermaentus 7e.. Mrs. Seeley must cail for ail the people who take part ; collect flags, ail books, and railway and steaniship posters. On Monday, which was Swed ish day, the Iibrary was deco- rated witb Swediih posters. Bar-* bara Pardee,. formerly of Wilmette, and a sister of Mrs.. Seeley, was dressed in Swedish, fashion and 'tolM a story, about Sweden to thé children.. On,.Tuesday, Norwegian day, three NorWegian, children, dressed in na- tive costumes, sang native songs and' performed native dances.. 1On Wednesday, Danish day, J. C. Bay, head librarian at j ohni Crerar hi- brary, and of. Danish, birth, gave a. talk, to the children. Mr. Bay, of no littie note, bas written Danish stories which. are widely read in this country and Denmark. *On Thursday (today), Alaskan day, a young. woman, Alaskan. by birth, and who lives in the Alaskadt village -on the Fair grounds, wilI interest~ the hildrený with her two traÎned Alaskan, dogs. On Friday, Finnish day, tbree young women from Finland. will ap- pear in native costume, speaký their native language,, and entertaini the chl dren. SOn Saturday, Latvia day, the Lat- vian consul will' be the guest who wilI taik to the children. Besides bîmi, there will be a Latvian woman who wiIl sing, and two Latvian chul- dren, who will dance, ail in costume. ,On' Sunday, Czechoslovakian dav. 0F COURSE YOU AlighI4 Modern and airy plant .., a trained organization producing the finest workmas. slip posulbie.-this la the North Side Vleaners. jMr. and Mrs. joseph Wagner, 1830 IWilmette avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. 'George Estes andi baby, of 721 Oak- ton street , Evanstoni, motored to Plymnouth, Wis.o overtbe week-end. Mr. Estes is the son of Mr. and Mrs James Estes of 1626 Wilimette, ave nue. .. .-- * , 1îI Miss Martba.Kilpatrjck of Minnesota is visiting ber cousin, Mrs. Conger Rey. nolcis of 620 Earlston road, Kenilworth,, john ReynoQlds, a néphew of Mr. Rey- nolds, is ,also their guest. John, Reynolds. is. hère as publicity'man for tbe ,Farm Bureau band of Iowa, The band, wbicb bas eigbt-hundred pieces, played re- cently at A Century of Progress. YEARS CKICAGOS AND NORITH AND OUTSTANDING CLEANERS Park ail day foru oudy 75e 4 J(enrys&martha s BEAUTY SALON W GHBSTNUT STRISBT IPifOxie WKNTKA inS +6*664~ Siiecialists in- REWAYING RINGLETS and ail leading PERMANENT WAVES I FOR' t