Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jun 1933, p. 14

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stalled were : Mrs. Edward Meier, 'Mrs.' Joseph Reagan, president, program; Mrs. R. E. Dalstrom, pub- was presented with a token of up- licity; Mrs. C. Hubert Joncs, mis- preciation from the members. Mr. sionary education; Mrs. Howard William Morrison, retiring treasurer, Bowen, reading;: Mrs. Harry Burn- was also presented with a reuuem- 'sidê, Christian Ameicanizat.ion; Mrs. brance. F. A. Curtis, white cross; Mrs. F. G. Machin 'Gard ncr,- member of the Sutherland, mùembersbup; Mrs. G. D, facuty of Maini: Township Highi Conîe,' social; Mrs. C. V. Clark, school of Des Plaines, spoke on thé calling; Mrs. A., Heerens,* luncheon "Advantages of Education and -Learn- and dînner; Mrs. Russell Johnson, ing to, Think." His talk was certain- civics,; Mrs, O., W. Schmidt, bouse; ly placedcoîrrctly and if accepted by. Mrs.IH. :A. Orvis, g'uild chairs; and the« graduates' should belp a lot in Mes. Howard Bowcn, -chair covers. guiding their future views. On june 16, was held, a beautiful. The cakes donated byhotse and interesting garden tour, thé sec- were a work of art in themiselves and ond event arranged for; the summer whe* cas heretofore, it bad be h get-togethers. The Shakespeare gar-ý custom to, cut the cakes ini the kit - den and others of interest were vis- ceanocursoilin their ited in Evanston and fromn there *the beauty as a. decoration, these cakes trail led to Deerfield toa beautiful were displayed on a second',or ser- old barn, onc-hundred years Old, vice table so ail could enjoy their wbicb bas been made a studio bouse, bcauty as well as their deliciousnes . witb a lovely garden. The original The guests of hoùor were served beams, hand bewn,1 are still giving at a long table decorated with blue service. On the return to Wilrnettc and white (clas9 colors) Rut cups. tea~ was. erved in the garden of lirs. Strawberry individual pies, topped W. A. Kendrick, 1344 Grecnwood' with whipped cream, a cooling drink avenue. and cake were served theni. Refreshi- 1june 30, is the date for the third of' ments served the audience consisted, these very attractive programs.' Mrs. of cake, Ruts and a raspberry driink. C. V. Clark, 2513 Park place, Evans- This was followed by the lowering of ton, will be the bostess and the sub- a long wbite tube wbicb had beeuu ject will be "Books" witb tbe Rev. tied with red and wbite ribbon andj Peorge D. Allison reading. suspended just above the table, in which the gifts frorn the association Miss Janet McIlraith, 1127 Chest- to the graduates wtrc concealed. The ntavenue, a student at Arlington gifts were fountain pens. The Ar- Hall, Washington, D. C., stopped on mour band then gave, its most enjoy- ber way home to visit at Randolph abegf oaly ainadsur Macon in Lvnilir, V!, -, ic it oal.ypayn ndsr ail-star teams met in a bard-fought match in whicb the Blues deféated the Reds, 5 to 4. In addition to such local stars as Paul Butler, Capt. M. L.. Stockton, James Hannah, R. W. Mc- Ilvaip, John Bowers, Roy.D.. Kcehn,, Jr., an& Lieut. William Kirby, the garne iras fcatured by the«play of Cecil. Chil- ders .of the El Ranchito club, Arig- ton,9 Tex.;, Earl Shaw,. formerly of tbé Detroit Riding and Hunt club, and Baron Maximilian von Rmerwho is a member'of Eric Pedley's Midwick team* in California. Locaied as to its main entrance at 22nd street and York road,, the Oak. Brook 'Polo club is easily accessible to alt parts of suburban and urban Chi- cago by reason of -the nctwork of, highways leadifig to the gate. The season's prograni calîs for regu- lar Sunday afternoon and holiday. fea- turc games,'ail of them enlisting out- standing polo players f rom many sec-. tions ýof thé country. Despite the spec- tacular attractions scheduled, extrernely popular prices are the rule, withi pairk- ing for motor cars proviled without charge. Loop headquarters have been estab- lished at 434 Otis building, .10. S. La Salle.,'street, for convenienice in making- reservations. This is i addition to thec Hinsdale headquarters of the Central Polo association. Mrs. C. H. tonner and ber baby aughter, Babette, of Davenport, wa, arrived en lune Il for avii ing the classes may be obtained by calling the school on the rnornings of the above days. The instructors will be W. H. Mosby and Wallace E. Turner. .Mr. Mosby bas studied at- the Royal academy at,'Belgium in the sueîrclass of paiting uÛder the persnalsuperviÊion of M. Hermnan Richir, Directeur Honoraire de l'Aca- demic Royale des Beaux Artes de Bruxelles-. He has also taken special courses with M. T. Pierre, M. M. ,Hoffmnan, M. Rubay,,M. Marcel Hess, ail well known European- pàinters. He has exhibited independently in Brus- sels- and Chicago.. He-was -formerly, an instructor in drawingand painting at the National Acadeniy of Art andl theý American Academy of Art in Chicago. He has donc the art work for the advertising1 campaigns of* man 1 large American anufacturing concerns and retail stores. Mr,. Turner is a Chicago artist with experience i n a variety of lines b6th, ini Fine and Commercial art fields, anid bas executed portraits of several Wilmette people. These two artists are at presen't conduàcting- a Saturdayr morning..Atr guild-class at St. Matthews ýEpiscopalI churcb in Chicago and are also en- gaged on mural paintings for that churcb.î Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Kelly and their daughter,' Elizabeth, 412 Cunm- nor road, Kenilworth, returnieL on Tuesday of last week froni Pough- kçeepsie, N. Y., where they went to, eaigJ-ulI '" for7Culver Military camp at Culver, Ind., for the summer. --o-- Miss Sada Bartholomew of Santa FTe, N. M., wbo teaches iii the Allison James school there, arrived in Wil- mette on Monday 'of last week, and will, spend part of ber -vacation with ber, sister and brotber-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tirrelli Ferr enz, 511 Wasb- ington avenue. Mr. iewr Lafayc *L'yluw irir la£a to mLF alce an appear- Hostesses, of the evening were ,Mrs. F. L. Rayburn, Mrs. K. Schwal Mrs. F. Shafer, Mrs. A. McDermott: Mrs. Bertha Koller, and Mrs. H. W. Toms. Mrs D. Harnet oae cake. The Highcrest P. '12.A. financial rem- port for the period from September 1932 to june 1, 1933, follows: MOrney taka 'ln duting the year: Dance ln November.. 46.15 road, .uenilwort] mother, Mrs. Ma Angeles, is alsot ber son's home. et McSbane of Los i more -at Bai-nai ýe summer guestat, With tbem. - Mrs. M. Le Roy M inor, 929 Sheri- and Mrs. dan road, returned, Sunday from aAsana tenf day visit with' ber daugbter and West Sub son-in-law, Mr.ý and Mrs. Henryr L. from a, ma Wallack, at their. home in Van Nuys, derwent ai Calif. be. home ii 0o f . . Howard .. Myrs. .r of Mvontclair, * '.'* a sopno-J college, returned A.. Schwa.rni, soôn of Mr. Arthur C.' Schwarm, 925 avenue, is recovering aàt the. burban hospital, Oak -Park, tjor operation that he un- Lbout *ten days, ago. He wiIll in another ten days. Miller,, 332 -Washington. est8 return ii tvio weeks.------- ta ... ....... 2.00 0Glft for Graâuates.. 7.56 Pa.jd to bank for our ac- Mrs. Ann Mudge and ber three couRn ter. and checks children of.. DUuth, Minn., are visit-- wrltten.............42 212 img Mr. ad lrs. Walter Anderson 212 and faily, 127 Robsart road, Kenil- Balnce n Bn1..... WOltlLBunco Party la February -of $68.81 w4s to take care of the( Welfare Fund-to date vu 99 cents short-havlpg pald 8 Dental Clitucs and a pal glamees ................. Lauren.. ]EL Morrla9n. 8.80 treasurer. Leland and Stanley Starrett of Lincoln, Neb., .arrived on Monday for a visit with their cousin, Mrs. Charles C. Carnahan, 700 Central avenue. Mrs. Harnion Friedley of Indiati- apolis is a guest of. the I. G. Lees, 813 Michigan avenue., 1~ x I à9bert ---o-

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