LS 0F LA148 ROAST BEEF 25e HAM SHANKS RIB LAMB CHOPS, .......... 2 8" PORK LOINROAST gr FRESH BR0LERS2 lb........ FuB iy Agd B.... ver puCae, Pus & The Leonard P. Parsons, who have been residing at 128 Dupee place, have moved to the former, William [L. Hart home 'at 623 Greenleaf ave- nue. The Harts have gone*to ýBat- tde 'Creck, Midi., and thenl in the fal are movinig to Arizona. RefrigeratorJ We. specualîze. in makes ef electric servicing ail refrigerator.. KELVINATOR Sales end Sen ice kter3thiog ElecIrical IRANDLEV'S Formerly Dannemark EIectric Co.. 1165 Wihnette Ave. Phone Wilnete,214 itHas No Bakery Taste,______ weIll The next chest clinic will be con- ducted on Monday. .juiy 17. This clinic is held on the third Monday of each montb between tbe hours of 1 and 3. Dr. Julius Novak of the Clii- caoTbruosis Institute is in charge of this clinic. The Wilmette- Healt ,h center ýwill be open during the sunwer, and the, nurse will be ia ber office daily with the exception. of Saturday ýand Sun- day from 1 to 2. The telephone nuni- ber is Minmette 2402. The members of> the Wilmnette Health center board wiil sp onsori summer outingsfor thirty chidren of Wilmette at the Winmette beach. this summer. The children ,f rom ,this group wiII be selected from a physi- cal standpoint, and tbey will be fur- nislied. witb> tranisportation to, and fromn the lake. The hours at the beach wiIl be from 9 to 12 -in the mornings. The children will be tauglit swinming and many beach' games, The nurse in charge now has more than she wili find outings for. We feel that our children anidt many of our mothers are very mucli in need of summer outings, and we feel that any suggestions regarding summer outings for our chidren wilI be, greatiy appreciated.a Beat in: Town! CHOCOLATE SODA Made with home made chocolte. ....Is 1*e Serve Cunnrnhs le# c ream . 1 4abies >ffe Cakes .............2Oc-25cý3Oc, ure Alnaend Macaroons, lb .......... is t kee Ph~nu THURSDAY, JUNE 22 . . w. I t i for if e. Four men, ail neiglibors about ten miles fromn me, went to Carroll one' winter day and got drunk. They started 'home, a distance of sixteen miles, in the face of a raging storm,, and Iost the trail. When the mules be- came exbausted and the men numb from the cold, they cùt the mules loose and turned. the. sled box upsïde down for protection. OnIy two of them succeeded in getting under it. The other two wan- dered away. Ai four ,were f rozen to death . And since then I have heen a -prýohibitiônist.' "Are- You going to the national, en- campmIrnt of the G. A. R. at -St. Paul in September ?" asked the reporter. ý"You bet," said 'the grand old man. «Out of 66 annual, national encamp- ments I have missed only five, and if .the wlorld doesn't corne to an end before September 17111Ilbe at St. Paul." Nine years ago Mr. Hood visited. the place, of bis birth, and trudged over the bis on which he had piayed as a boy, bhavmng a ro~yal good ;timne. Only three weeks ago he made the trip té bis Iowa home and hack by automobile, indicating, that lie is still in sound physicai health' and mental vigor,. In response to an in- quiry as to how lie felt he responded: "Fine. Fine as a fiddle. Neyer an ache. nor ýa pain. Sleep like a top and eat like a farmer-stili eating with my natural feeth, too. Put a beef steak before me and LFil show you." Just now Mr. Hood is having the ime of bis life showing the .sights of the Fair to bis baby sister, Minnie Hood of Boston, now in hler seventies. A party in celebration of the unusual event is being given tonight by Mrs. Miller at her home, 106 Sixth street. HARPER ON FARM Since the closing of the Wilmette public schoois, iast week Supt. J. R. -Tarper b as been at his 'farm near Hartford, Mîc.h., Mr. Harper spends onsiderable time there each summer, riaking« occasional tripsback to Wil- rnette. I