Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1933, p. 5

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I*amnuy season tickets have fleeh on sale at the beach bouse' since last Saturday, and it was reported early this week that the demand for the tickets is heavy. T'le Wilmette Park .istrict, which operates the beach has reduced the season fee f rom $5 to $4. A fence bas been erected. around the section of. the beach being used for the. construction of the Wilmette municipal water plant, and everything will .be ýin* readiness for,the official opening of' the beach- this Saturday. Tests to determine Who wilI serve as life guards this season. are. to be fin- ishéd tonight. (Thursday> at the. Shawnee Country club. David C. Leach, of Xilmette,* director of swim-' Ming activities at tihe Union League club in Chicago, is supervising the tests. Fix Parking Rules Parkingreuain on streets in the.vicinity of the beach will be the sanie asthey were last.suminer, it is announiced. -No parking is allowe~d on Sheridan road. Wherc parking is allowed it is for ninety minutes on- Iy.. Parking signs .inforin the public as. to the regulations on. each street. Persons .using the beach have beer requùested to cooperate '%vithb the' beach master and the police officers whc are .charged with the eénforcement ol the beach rules. Richard MNacalister is the beach mnaster again this season Reduce Family Fee Villagers who have not alread-% Iurchased their famuilv season ticket's are being 'urged to do. so by Park district oficials,,Whlo explain thiat the reduction ini the seaspin feé wâs made this year despite the fact that the re- ceîpts of the Wilinette beach from ai' sources last vear %vere about twenty- five percent less than in 1931. For persons not having season tickets" the charge for admnission ýtc the. beach .will be one dollar. on Sat- urdays, Sundays and, holidays. and ffty, cents on 'aIl other days'.. This saine price schedule was in effect last .season. World's Fair Visitors the board of éducation, Henry E. Cutier. Supt. J. R. Harper wiiI pre- sent the. class. The musical part of the. prograrn will include selections by the graduat- ing class 'and three. numbers by the school. orchestra.- Following is the complete program: Processional, Festival M1arch in C- Cadman Invocation- Dr. Oscar Thomas ý Oison, Wilmette Parish Methoýdist church. Choral response-Suppliant,,, Lo! Thy Children Bend. ..........Mozart God's Treasures................ Sibelius The Heavens Are Declaring .. Beethoven Class of 1933 Melody in F'.- ............ Rubenstein Dancing Moonbeams............ . .Ward Carmen "Se!eétions'".......... Bizet Arr. by ]Roberts The school, orchestra A Dreamn Boat Passes........ Lemare Arr. by Rye Class of 1933 Presentation of celass Supt. J. R. Harper Presentation of diplomas :1 Henry E. Cutier, president. of the board 0f-education Wilrnette Loyalty song-. *ComPôsed by Class .of 19.12 Clas.-;-of D293 Recessio0nal, March Militaire. ..Schubert There are 192 graduates ini this yeârs class, including ten . froni the Highcrest school, Twenty-third street and. Illinoi'sý road,- which becarne a part of the. W'ilmette school systeni last, falf. 'Nanies o.f the graduates were published in Iast week's issue of WVILMýET'TE LwEF (page 9). 15 Kenilworth Athietes Receive Letter Awards Fi fteen Kenilworth boys received 'K's" this week as an. award for ex- traordinary menit as members of the joseph Sears school track team this. spring, The track letters were awarded as follows: 90-pound class- Donald Stilîm.a,, Robent Trunip,- Norman BIemIs and George Simon. i l O-pound class-Dav-id Skillin, jack Fvfe, David Lockett, Charles Thor- sen and Hiomer Johnsoh.ý Heavyweighit class - Burt Smith, Richard Durr, Lester McMurtry, Vic- tor Faulstick, john. Deacon and Bilh Stebbins.. WIIIMETTE HOME BAKERY Pereonal Attengtion to Ail Ordera Opposite Villae Raill 1193 Wilmette A..WiL M»,2 Phone Yen,' App.I.nmt Todarp WILMETTE 4517 ALDRIGET 1 167 MWflm.t4. Avenu. YuAre Invited to Attend the FORMAL OPENING SWEES IOPI LINDEN AVE. and, FOURTH ST. Opposite "L" Terminal SÀATURDAY, ýJUNE l7th I ýelic.ious Badger Ice Cream DEPKNDADLZ AUTO SIWPLY STATION 190 Lake Ave. W~Inette 258 Sodas.................... Using Badger Wisconsin Ice Cream Free to the Kiddies from,.3 to 5. O'clock Saturday'Af ternoon Opening ICE CREAM SPECIAL

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