UV VA ~Stuart Erwin at Communty ktouse Reason Oscar, a young cbirnpanzee this Friday and Saturday, June 16 wbo plays one of the ieading animal and 17, is recommended as an enter- roles in the film, went on an electri-tangfaiyil.Tetryb light spree one day during the course Myles Connolly concerns a rural of production. Cinderella who escapes ber bard lot *Oscar. escaped from bis cage, with tbe aid of a pbilosophic signi climbed quickly into tbe ,electrician's painter. T his picture offers. a deli.ight- rafters, at tbe top of tbe stage, picked fully'fresb treatment of an interest- up ail the loose bulbs. be saw in 'the neighborhood,* and dropped 'themngtry one by one, to, tbe floor below. Twen- tyr-four dollars' worth of the bulbs Telle How to Obviate crashed to the, floor before, Oscar Polm o rm tn 1finished. tn Cbarlie Ruggies, Lionel Atwiil, Promptg an actor in his lines is Kathleen Burke (the Panther Wom-. supposed to make bim remember,' but an), Randolph Scott, John Lodge, according to Lionel Barrymore,' who Gail Patrick and other members of piays Rasputinin tbe "Three Barry- the cast ducked. more"i production, "Rasputin and the Empress," it bas the opposite effect. "I neyer let the prompter speak Hatto Se'ks-.lorYto me 'because it upsets my tbougbt WVith Blazing Bcard track," explains Barrymore. "And RayondHaton iteall bean t invariably breaks up* tbe contjnuity bisscren arer n ablae o g o o my speech. 0f course-the trick In bis first picture, made in 191, Je ifolanteue eoeyug wnr~~_ fl beard. an.,d the "nf accidentally came in contact with a toi-ch carried by an extra, necessitat- ing the actor's retirement from screen work a period of severai weeks; Hat- ton piays an important role in "The Big Cage," the Universai circus dra- ma wbich presents in its leading role tthe intrepid Clyde Beatty, greatest of wiid animal trainers. Miss Pearl Hoose, who bas been re- siding for the past f ew years in Wil- .mette, bas moved to 3314 E. Eigbty- fiftb street, Chicago. 0o Mrs. Charles 'Fuits and childrei, Marjorie and Junior, of Coluits., Ohio, are guests of the R. H4. Na- sons of 1200 Grèenwood avenue. Q-o- Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Friedman of Milwaukee were week-end guests of the Walter .Knoop family, 221 War"- wick avenue, Kenilworth. Addison A. Righter, 1221. Ashland avenue, lef t last Sunday for, New Yorkand Newark for a week or two. 0-o- Familier Circus Sights Abound in This Movie AIl the sights faniiliar te a circus- going public-clowns, animais, jug-. giers, trapeze artists-are seen in "The Circus Queen Murder," a Columbia melodrama. Adolphe Menjou, in the 'role of Thatcher Colt, is cailed upon te solve the murder of the show's star per- former, played -by Greta Nissen, and he uncovers the perpetrator wth his usual skili. THEREWS A DIFFERENCE "Magic Carpet" is soothing, r-- freshing entertainment and bears no relationship te those tiny rugs thiat have a disconcerting way of causing a person te slip and te bump his head on a waxed floor wbile bis feet wave wiidly among the eiectric-ligbt fix- tures dangiing from the ceiling. Mfr. and Mrs. Frank Barrett of 612 Essex road, Kenilworth. entertained their bridge club at dinner Saturday, June 10. P. m.. 20C. *Titre. Barrymores "Rasputin and the Enaipress," s 'ensa- tional drama of the fal oif- the Romanà- oifs, witb John, Ethel and Lionel Barry- more together on the screen for the fi-st time, is the attraction coming te- the* Wilmette theater, Tuesday and marries 1 jUUJIU lUwiand - tflCI in Ihis tug-bôat, be gees places te evade ber. But don't worry, Joby and her pal, Maude Fulton, a pair of die-hard battie-axes, catch up. George Sidney a s Cohen Is almost trapped by Maude; Andy Devine is f ramed wtih Joby 0 - ti dt bc the hirst in the Chicago area te bear the curt barking cf the peppy Rin Tin, Tin, Jr., as be makes bis film début, Friday and Saturday, june 16 and 17, in. "Pride of the Légion." In some ways, Rinty, jr,, is said te surpass bis late sirè. The- picture,, crisp *and. thrilling,, wili bc offered Wiimette patrons two weeks. before. being intro- duced to Chicago, aiccording te.- tbe management of the, Wiimette theater. No miatter bow tense, the picture, "Pride of tbe Legion '" becom es or bow much of an upper band the viliain may get, the Wilmette patrons will always be comfortable, it is stated, because of the cooling system whicb maàkes the audience- perfectly oblivious te wbat- ever heat tbroes the weatber may suifer. A new serial, "The Tbree Musket- eers," will start at tbe Saturday matinee. Barthlemess Fies Affala Heralded as the "Dawn Patrol" .of 1933, Richard Barthelmess' newest pic- turc, "Central Airport,", cornes te. the Wilmette theater, Sunday and Monday, june 18 and 19. The super air-triller glorifies the flying heroes of peace... net .war . and is said to exceed any- thing that, the. talented star bas ever don.- The powerful story, deals with the bazardous lives and the exciting loves of these hardy navigators 1 f tbe stormy air-uines. Richard Bartbelmess plays the part of a returned war hero who pilots. trans-continental passenger planes. He crashes his ýship, with a beavy toîl of lives, and is "grounded." Discredited in the game lie loves and the only one be knows, he goes barn-storming witb a traveling air-circus, and f alis in love, with Sally Eilers, a parachute jumper. Their glamorous love affair and the many thrilling plane crashes, build "Central. Airport" into a migbty dramfa. Matrode Rambeu-Eddie ufa startu*e:*42.:1S2.@U W C.Fields C@imdy -"The, .itmil.. News Stjune J7 I f ig * ..Iueavoltak .'. . News, W#.d., Thurs., June 21-22 SMatine. Dcli w i * l foi da