luur yva 1 £51 n cnoi was givçn1 AK &ý AVI33 - ït1t;c -jjrm, res1ent f VO!VY . JtiriCh. her class. Miss Marian Weber and Miss Mary Sesterhenn were awarded gold medals for perfect attendance during the.four years they attended Christian Science. The Mallinckrodt. Students ýwho carried the highesît Churcie géneral a verages- of their classes: Seniors-G. Alter, Frances Sturmn; "God the Preserver of Man" wais Juniors-D. Miller, A. Reckert; thé, subject of the lesson-sermon in Sôphomores-M. Gxulandi, L. Scha- ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on beck; Freshmen-D.. Borre, K. Rich- Sunday, June 11.-L ter. The golden text was, "For. the Lord Honor 'students of the last quarter: lvt uget n raehfo i Seniors-G. Alter, F. Sturm, M. .Ses- saintsethey génare p rsed o eer" terhe nn, M. Weber, J. Albenese, E (sans h37:28). eve frev Busscher, M. Busscher, 'M. Hernies; Juniors-D. Miller, L. Sturm, L: Among, the citations which comprised Behrendt, A. Richter, S. KeiL thé lesson-sermon was the. following, Huke A Ldde, . cheer, A. from. the Bible: 'I will lift up mine eyes Reckert, G. Bauman, F. Hoffman,, M. unto the, hilîs, f romn whence cometh mny Hcffman;. Sophomores-.M. Gul andi, help. My help cometh fromn the. Lord, L. Schabeck, A. Streit, M. Schneider. which made. heaven and eartb. The Lord, .F. Schmitz, L. Sesterhenn, V. Miller; is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade Freshmen-D. Borre, M. C Schiller, upon thy right hand. . The Lord shall K. Richter, A. Hloffmann, M. Schmitz. preserve thee frein ail evi; h.e haNi E. Borre, T. Costello, A. Tranzi, A. preserve thy soul. The Lord shall pre- Platz, M. Backstrom, 1. Kuhn. Hon- serve tby going out and tby coming in - orable mention-M. Mi. Kreusch. f rom this tume forth, and even for Students leading in the English evermore" (Psaàlms 121 :1, 2, 5, 7, 8). clse:Seniors-G. Alter, F. Sturmi; The lesson-sermon also included the Juiinors-1). M iller, A. Reckert; folio wing passages f rom the Christian Sophomores-M. Gulandi, L. Scha- Science texthook, "Science and Health beck; Freshmen-D. Borre, M.. C. with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Schiller. Baker Eddy: "The understanding that Students leading 1 n the science Life is God, Spirit, lengthens our days classes: Seniors-F. Sturmn, H. Hun- ter; juniors-D. Miller, A. Reckert; Sophomores-A. J. Bechtel, V. Bo- ]and ,%. Streit, F. Schmitz, L. Scha- bcck. Students leading in niathernatics classes: Sophomores-M. L. McEn- ery, L. Schabeck; Freshrnen-A. Tranzi, A. Hoffman. 1. Students Ieading in Spanish cas Students leading 'n hist'ry classes Senirs-G. Alter, F.. Sturmi; Juniors -L. Sturm, A.Richter, M. Hoffman, Freshmen-Nt. C. Schiller,>.D' Borr e. E R V IC E Students leading in Latin classes: Seniors-G. Alter, F. Sturm; Juniors Everything for A utomoebiles -D. Miller, L. Sturmi; Sophomores- M. Gulandi, L. Schabeck; Freshmen -t). flnre. W Richter, M.: C. Schil- -- week's stay before retu home in Pasadena. Mrs is the former Bernice mette. .Ii aIlett *Cole Deyo of Wl- MacGregor's parents, Mr. and Mns. William till, 119 Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth. Mrs. MacGriegor is the former Macine Iiii. CuihonMotow 725 Main St. Wilmette 26 Ford Parts and Se0rvice IL 721 MAIN ST. Phon. Wil.2600460 WILMETTE DBATTERY *ELVCTRIC SER VICE 740 Twelfth St. Phone WiL 691-US6 Save$ Ten Timies its SmalI Coet Pyroil Save&s many com mon repairs and effects éther pronounced economy es waIl. It miinimizesý wear, noise and vibration. Frees valves, semis rn'gs. Banishes bord Çambon. Adds considerably longer lufe to mny. good lubricantan marlçedly reduces gas consomption by releasing friction.drag. $0CouponEwok for Oly $9 Bob le, Mac Main St. at Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 3334 O.t in on thse PRICES WhIle tlwy lasti Vi