this year's graduating class at N 1ew Tri'er High scbool. Winners of these. scholarships and the' colleges which awarded themn were announced this week as. fellows: Carlton col1ege-Fýances EIlis. GrInneill college - Emmna Biekhanî, Elsa Carlen'and Virginia McConnell. Rockford college--June Kehl. Nancy Rutledge, Frances Millh, and Jeanne Stout. coeg - mlinois colg .Adeil Reed anhl Oeorge Hunt. Lake Erie college-Jane Horton. M Ille college--B >arbaýra Wilder. Northwestern university -. Virgin1.1 Smith. Radcliffe college Lillian ,NoYes Rochester university-William Nord- burg. Kalamazo college-Waiter Haas. University of Chicago.- - La urene-, Bucknva><ter. John Balienger and Rob- ert Sellier. Wesleyan uni versi ty-Charles Knapp. Other award 's and scholarships for i he 19.12-1933 term et New Irrier, most of ,whlch ,have been announced - pre- vious-ly ln this imper, were asfollows; Tri-Sh ip club awnard-Sqtantýon Schu- man, cla- of 1913. John E. Dernehi seholarship a %a rd -Norman ?Jodlne, casof 1931. Harvard Club* of Chicago award- .Richard Hall and Locke Rogers. both Members of the v (la." of 1934. Yal-1, Club of Chicago &iwrd--Cyru-- MaeKlnon, lasl' of 1934. Awa:rd in stegecraft- .Jobn Lauritsen'. el>sof 1933. Awards given by the Winnetka M'lisiie élub-Affeni Edinger, Arthur Katzel, and Nornman 'Modine. aIl xneinbers of, - the CLatss of 1923. Barnett prizes in civius-Jeanne Stout and William Klein,. both nwrnbvrs of the of 1933. Barnett bird prlz,z-*-Bob Cutier, class of 1935, and Vivian (»rigs;by,, class of William K. Tencher award for effort -Mary Pictor and Spiro Manin. both of the elass of 1933. Alexander R. Maceëan oratorical prlze-David Rout song,>,cia4ss of 1933. SoIon Reily, IJr., 1MenioriaI debate tiîpuhy'-James Dib.nahue. class of 1934. 1Elnier Baker Mýemo.griai âward--Bruce Elliso'n. claessof 1933. League of Nations, prize:,Nac TeManierre Bar-low Ware scholar- ships. established by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware of Kenllworth ln meniory of their son, who was graduated f romn New Trier in 1913 and was, kIlled In action during the Wold. war, are given in the form offinancial aidto aniy New Trier student either while at New Trier. or at coliege, upon the recommenda - tion of the deans and thé superin- tendent Roy: Wilcox Recelives U.of C. Fellowehip Roy. Wilcox, -1511 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, graduate o f New Trier fligh scbool and ofthe University of, Cbicago, bas been awarded a- fellow- ship in the, department of xnatbematics at the university for tbecoming yçar. His appointment begins next fall when he wvIl return to.the university to re- ceive a master's'degree and begin work toward a doctor's degree. Mr. Wilcox will spend -the summer at bis usual work of tutoring inii mathemnatics and' languiages GARDEN TEA Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown of 909 Lake avenue entertained more than onie hundred guests at a garden tea Sunday. june 4, in bonor of their second wedding anniversary. Ruth Baker of New York. wbo was of the '33 graduating class at Nortbwestern, was a guest of the Browns before going to spend the summer at Gre- noble, France.j Major and Mrs. Eugene Slappey of .624 Abbotsford road, Kenilwortb,' have rented their bouse for tbe sumnr- mer to M.%r. and Mrs. Richard Flem-ý ing of Chicago. Mrs. Slappey and the three children Ieft this week for IArashington. Major Slappey, Who isi connected!with the Reservatioi. orps. alIready bas. gone west. opens june 28 for a perioci of nine weeks. It is strictly primitive in al' ' Peter S. Barton, 258 Kenilwortit its aspects, Miss Macauley states.1avenue, Kenilwortb, Ieft today on a Girls from Illinois, Indiana, Michigan business trip to Milwaukee. DRESS Up THAT SUMMER COTTAG-E NU -ENA ME L will make it bright andi cbeery as a 1933 Model Your bathroorn is the first roorn you think of. when visitors corne. You hurry to bang up a clean towel and inspect the bath-tub do anything else. It is the most important room inthe cottage. Sstart your cleanninn'the athroom. Refinish the walls 'and woodwork in bright new colors. You can, afford it this year You can do it yourself--so easily -with HAPPY SUMMER DAYS National College of Education NU-ENAMEL < 622 DAVIS ST., Evansfon WE DELIVER GI AuniA.rized FiImete Dealer DEPENDAILE AUTO SUPPLY STATION 1909 Lake Avenue 7773 WmIm.ft. 2~5S