ora program .of legislation té be prepared by the Suburban Area a.nd Country Towns association of Cook county for presentation to the Generai AssemblY of Illinois. deals, with 'the proposai for a local collector of taxes and a local assessor to have ahsolute authority on the assessient of prop- eryvaluation and the collection of 'taxes. thereon. This plan would allemw the colléec- tors-,and assessors to handle the lo- cal tax books during the ent.ire twelve inonths of evcey year 'the%? serve. 1Iný thé. interests. of ecoliomy. and public convenience, local collectors should be created clothed with poWler to carry through the entire prote ss of the collection of ail taxes:and pýoper- ty assessinents, the association dé-' clares. Cail Assesimeut Failure It is generally agreed in the Sub- url)an area, it is pointed- ont, that the first,.assessnient that has heen, spread under the direct sulpervision of the county assessor's office has been a failure. It is also genieràilly agreed that at least one-third of the roll spread hias been erronieous. t was .- announced that a, tient,-fiv-e percent cut lad been nmade ini the. as- sessed valuations .throughout the country town.s but the presenit.assess- mnent bas biought to lighit.thousands of cases where the as.sessed' valua- tion %vas twenty percent higher thanl the previous asse-sseci valuationi. T~hé association believes. that the only vay a just assessinent of prop- ertv can be .effected is to l'ave a local mani acquainted with local property. valuations fix a fair value. on thei property. Want, Assessor Supreme This assessment .- should be final and subject onlly to equalhzation with éther sections of the cotiitry by the1 Board of Appeals, the association in- sists. It is proposed therefore to.re-1 uetegisate making the assessor supreme in assessmcnts of local prop- erties with the right to return b is rolîs direct to the Board of Appeals for adjustment and equalization. The local influence which the col- If the COllëCtOrM and assessors were now ln authorlty as proposed by the SuburbaTi Area 'grùup there is scarcely a town In Cook county' that would. flot bie much, nearer to a cash basia than at present. One draWback to a cash basis Is the tact that Cook county la a 'year behlnd the rest of the atate in tax. col- lection, through no fault.>of the. country. towns " but due. to: a reassessiment -dis- Ppute In Chîc.ago. Had a local collector and assesôr been In powver in tho country comnmunitles 'this, emergency could, not have',affected. them. Are I fotToc Big a Job It e otthe cdaim ofthe Suburban Aeassociation that *the present col- lection - ystem under the County col- lectors office lisflot as efficient As la hurnanly possible It contends that the numnber ef taxing bodies for whlch the County collector now collecta a major portion . of the- taxes.is too many for. any organization to collect and distribute as expeditiously as local collectors could do for the saine taxing bodies. Placlng 'the collectors* on a salary basis, the, saine te be fixed by theeom- nxunity or its authorities, would more than pay (under the present tees for the collection. o! property taxes) for both the collector and assessor and thua save nioney for the taxpayers. Firemen Are CaIled to Kenilworth Sanitariumn The Wilmette Fire departnient %vas called to the Kenilworth sanitarilum' ini northwest Wilmette last Friday afternoon about 1 o'clock when the porch caught fire while. a blow corch was being used to buriu the paint off. Only slighit danmage resulted fromn the blaze, Fire Chief Walter Zibble re- ports. The samne afternoon about 4:30 o'clock the firemien .vent to 31.5 Fourth street to extinguish a tle- phone pole blaze. Sunday afternoon, about 5:40 o'clock the firemien wr calledl to the. Edward D1. Lilienfield residenée, 816 Michiigan avenue, Wvhere ammnonia fumes ivere escaping froni a leak in the refrigerator. The fire- ien made' one run Tuésday of tiis week, when an automobile cauglit interet. Ann> iniormal program was prepared for them, cons isting of songs, pantomimes, skits,,and recita- tions. Thereafter the Mothers weër treated, to a little luncheon, which wvas served, by the students. The faculty and' the students ex- press their appreciation to the oôffi- cers and to ýail the other actiïve moth- .ers who have given -their time 'and efforts to further the, interests of The Mallinckrodt. For the new term the. followiîng officers ha*ve been elected: Mrs. W. Sturm, president; Mrs., T. Lowry, secretary; and Mrs. J. Flanaàan, treasurer. Miss5 Helen Hunter, .'33, w as the winner of- the Mundelein college scholarship this. year. During the' latter part of April, Miss H-unter, with a group of classmates,ý assem- bled wath students of* other schools- to take. the exainination at the college. Last week she was notified that she was entitled to the scholarship. Miss Ruth Allen bas received the scholar- s.i p for the College of St. Francis, Joliet. Both girls are happy tg, ac- cept the wonderful offers given them. Tuesday,. june 13, is graduation day for the class of '33. The com-' mencement exercises will take place at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium. Very Rev. F. V. Corcoran, C. M.', president of De Paul University, will be the speaker. for the eveninig. Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Jarrett, 534 Essex road, Kenilworýth, are returning to their home on Saturday fromn a mo- tor trîp through Çalifornia. rated on that course. A gallery that threat ens to shat- ter al existing. attendance records at national championship events will: follow these and, many other *stars over the beautiful and difficult North Shore course during the tliree-day tournament which terminates in the match on Saturdaythat will witness the crowning of ihe 1933 golf cham- pion of the United States.ý Thouisands of northi shore golfers wil forsake their- own gaines this week-end to observe thé.e dite of golfdomi engaged, in bitter contest for the coveted award now in the possession of Gene Sarazen, defend- ing champion. The gentlemen mentioned in the intro.ductory paragraph are'al form- er holders," of America's golf crown, .but they constitute a iuere handfitl of the brilliant array of stars from points throughout the length and breadth of the land who will be on hand to give the ex-champions plenty of competition. COMING HERE FROM CHINA Lieutenant and Mrs. Hamilton Howe and their small daughter have landed in New York from China, hiaving been there for three years. After spending a few days with an uncle, Charles Howe of Long Island4. they wilI arrive ini Kenilworth the last of this week to visit Mr. Howe's parents at 240 Kenilworth avenue. They will also go to see Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Backus of Hamilton, Ohio0, Mrs. Howe's parents. I .1 ..-:~i~t. y' the unileldlfless of office op ratlons and, say U ver LUI. ra4uU4i.II *J iC e Uor1anIUet, witIi.no1auxiliary en-- audits.. -0 gines, is powered wholly by its sails. Local collectera would expedîte the Tonm Sinding, 78 Robsart road, As it flei's ACnuyoPores collection et taxes due trom their r-KnotireetrigfrbssmCteSradtwl etureted by gov-, spective commuflities and the dîstribu - eiwrh srtrngfrhss -thSoldtw Ib ree ygv 1 tin e thetxiig bodies and could mer vacation from Dartmouth on Sat- ernnlent planes and IJnited States Coast1 brlng mnore iniluee te bear for the tirday, june 10. Guard cutters. -o- The Gamma Phi Beta north shore alumnnae' enjoyed a luncheon and bridge at. the residence o'f. Miss- Hel.- lis. R. Root, 17,1 Fra nklin roa d, Glený coe, on june 5 Ship, to A nch or Nearý Kenilwoorth -1 : . 1