Rates- 5 cen~tsa line. Advertisenints rua lnalal three papers. Rats-MINIMUJM Cf RE ONiE DOLLAR_ Average of five *words to th~elUne. No black face type used. 20%. disolout on ail cash advertjse- monta wlien brought teoucr office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilznette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., ,Winnetka. 10% diseoant on ail advertiaeinents run tour conscutive Issues. Deadline for Insertions- aulie dvertiaementa wilil be - ceptd u to ùeaay,9 P. M. for WILM8ETTEI LIFLP or ail. three, Papers; Wednesday, 9 P., M. for >WINNETKA TALI< and, Thuraday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS Telephones: Wlmette 4300r. Winnetka, 2000. Gfêeîn1eêàT 4300 or Sheidrake .5687 i i~~~-AOTICEs 2DfSMKN COLLEGE STUDENT, EXPERIENCED) H A V E CLAIRE MDSE CM driver, wishes ride east in exehange pflete YOur summer wardrobe. Speciai for services. Destination: Adiron- prices on linen dresses and suits. Ai- dark.s. Dan Wachs, Winnfetka 164«. o on silk frocks. Ph. Wjnn. 14 7. ____________________ L5-lP _______________ 22TTN3-4tp DRESSMAKING, iÀïiIôïING,R SCM LO AND POUND nmodeiing. 'Samples of work, satisfac- LOST- WIRE HAIRED FOX TER- tion guaranteed. Phone' Wilmette rier',.maie; white wi th black spot on 707-J. 22LTN5-1tp back,. brown on top of head; wearingi black ýcollar. Reward. Winnetka 3335. 27 GARDENING 3L-ltp LOST;-PAIR O SLE RmE JOHN OSTROWSKY .spctcle i viinty f'inntk .NURSERYMAN, Reward. Ph. Winnetka 1956. offers bis stock at yery 10w price. _______________ 3LT5-ltp Perennials and rock plants-Occ ,A -h, -- - 1~3 for 25e. Reial low prie. on shrulbs:; COLLi-E UPý Y 6 j.vw'iir OLD, evergreens, and trees. brown and white, answers naine 2343 West Park Ave., Highland Park "LodY." Lost in Winnetka. Reward. HIGHLAND PARK 49 Cail Wnnetka 3517. 3LTN5-ltc 2TLTN2-4tp STRALYED -AUSTRALIAN WREPRFESINA LWNBULDNG haired terrier, black and white. An- R ESINL AW BU DNG swers to name "*Tuck' Reward. 1020 repalring, and maintenance. Let us fertilize Your lawn wlth -Arrnour'S- I-1111 Rd., Wnnetka 2771. 3L5-ltp Speciai Turf Fertllizer."~ No- mess or LOST-BLACK BAG AT N-EW TRIER, odor. We can algo remove earth- contalning two pairs men's oxfou'ds. Wormsa fromn your iawri. Reasonabie Reward. Ph. Wilinette 2758. prices. . 3LTN5-ltp FRED BOEYE NO1LTHBROOK 68 27LTN3-tp. la muîma 1>É'. l~T ~ ?!ir rer. JULI. Le~wis, vvznnetka -BÉest J. PUDE K HOFMA, n. J. FRDEICK OFWAN41 JR PANIGMECE 4181 OAITSING D A ERAT OUT$DE ORKA SECIL6-TY 44 PETS AT: STUD. MSOB LC AGLE cocker spaniel, Hukél Rockabye Rum- iny Boston terrier,, puppies both breeds. Private breeder.Chas., Hume, 5718 N Sacramento Ave.*, Chicago. Long- beach 8973. 44LTN5-ltp FOR SALE~-BLACI< COCK<ER SPA N- lel puppies, 3 inconthis old, tht4rough- breds. ealthy. ideai for children. Prlvate ow-ner. Cali Wilmiette 1875. 44LT.N5-1 tp COCKER SPANIEL PUPS Pedigreed.' Guaranteed. strong and healthy. J. A. Biow, 2305 Walters Ave., Northbrook. Tel. North.brook 45. 44L5-ltp 45PIANO TUNING EXPERT 'PIANO TUNITING, $3. UP- right or grand,; aiso repair work guaraiiteed. 16 yrs. Steinway, N. -Y. M . C. Th~omas. Park Ridige 699-R. 49 RADIOS FOYR SALE--RAÜDI-O, -BRANDNEW, neyer used. Console- type, 1Super-Het., vationally known, wonderful bargain. Wiii demnonstrate Phone Wilmette 1825. 49LTN5-ltc IS3 EWINQ MACHINE REPA IRING IMPi9RTANT SEWING MACHINE- REPAIR SH101 Established more titan fifty years agoi geiieri. nousework. tGiood eook. N. S. rs. Phone Wiimette 5381.* 68LTN5-1 tp) EXPE-R. WRITE WOMAN -WANjTSà laundry or cieaning by the day. Refs. Cail Wilmette 3082 a(ter 6.:30 P. M. 68 LTN 5 11) 2 (IERMAN SISTERS,FIS CLASS cooks, wouid like positions. Both 'have best N. S. aid City ref. Lhoîie Winnetka 3229., 68LTN5-1 t de. aSIUAION WANTED-MALE exp. all-arounid houséman, good driver and garden work. Steady or part Untie. (lood N. S. réf. Phone ,Wiji- nètka 286.6U N-1, EXP. AAN WILL COME '1.70YOUR home, simoniz your. car, $5. iook like new. Also, eut lawn or 'wasif windows. 40e hr. Ref'. Wimette 420:;. 69LTN5-Itp 18T CLASS CH-AUPFil.Euît AND jGAR- dener, 12 yrs. N. S. refs., wishes sýteadypito or ili work as gar- dener by day or week. Wjnnetka 3690. 691.5-Itp EXPER1ENCED WHIE CHAUF- feur, good mechaniic. Garden work andj ail-airound woek- about the hou.s,, Good ref. Phone Winnetka 1115. 70 SIT- WTO.-MALE AND FEMALE COMPE TENT, COUPLES Paulinie's Enip. Agency Opoie'L 'rTermialt wilinette 2171 wilmyette 260. 70LTN5fltc FREE SERVICE TO EM.ýPLOY-ER:t HIGH GRADE HELP, ail nationalities References POSITIVELY Investigated ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS LEE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY WININETK& 132 DAVIS 811,6 16311 BENSON AVE., EVANSTON DINING TABLE TOPS-RR-FIN. $12.50, our regular $18 Job, for 2 weeks only. -Guaranteed spot-proof finish. Also special price on upholstering and cab- inet work. Llndwail, Winnetka- 145. 16LT5-Il SINSHOW CARDS, PICTURiE framing, art supplies; reasonable, at, 1622. Forest Ave., Ph. Wiimêtte 3216. Formnerly North Shore Art & Sign Studo. ubbrdWoods. AX Eari Batchelder, 16L5-ltp BVs Gren South of L -&eVViljJjtte. 28LTN4-2to 30 INSTRUCYION WILL TEACH FRENCHE, -BEGINNIýN4. or advanced, private, ciass, by N. U. girl. Studied 2 years abroad;-diploma from Sorbonne. Caîl Uni. 0268, 8 to i 9 A. M. or P. M. 3OLTN5-ltp. 34 LAINR .4 lE Evans 618 Grov su - .NAN DRIVING TO LOS WANTED AT ONCE. esJune 15 or 20 desires comi- Cook for famîly of 4 aduite5.....$15 shtiecar expense. PlOwmn, Cook .and upstairs; smallfaly.. tkaI113. 56LTN..lt] Second maid, good ref. required...$1 INEUHETSNursei,,1 chlld, 3 years...........12 T MOTG1G1), girlsfor general $15 SINCE 1889 - Puies Eînp. Age.ncy $1,000 to $10,00o Opposite "L" Terminal, Wiimette ;tonBond & tg..Cà.71LTN5-ltc ton ond Mtg Co.WI-ITE MAID, THO1ROUGH LY 'e StQreenleaf 5600 trained, for gen eral, housewo.rk, -good Ë4LTN5-lte cook. Some or ail iaundry. Family or 4. For eariy appt., give referenct?-, and LOANS wages desired. Â-154, Box 40, Wil- A~ett -X 1Nt , - 8L5-ltp un.ExPER. WI'ITE GIRL WISHIES DAY ices. work-washing, lronlng, cieaning, $2.50.î - Per day. Phone Winnetka 32-18 after -4tp -, 6:30,1 ask for Neilie. 68L5-ltp WANTED -HIGH -SCIOC afternoons, housework, smr Wilmette 5023. - 7 EXPRIENCED -,WHITEG general housework. $6. Ph. and iie) . Davi, ro 2041, Vlery Fred 1 1