rou're inlvited to ne plantednin any ordflnary sense, but cranebills, the erysïmurn, cuphorbias, .!t may be decorated with vines and geumn gypsophilia, hypericums, iberis. other plants, shrubs, perennials and t~he Edelweiss, linaria, blue flax even- annuals, planted at the base of the ing prinirosesedums and statice. wall, to grow' up or over the waIl at Water Plants the necessary points and intervals, to Plants which grow right in thec o,1rnlament the wall, but not to en- Water include, the so-called water tirely obscure it. huies, water hyacinths, arrow heads,- Most any'stone wall, has its good cattails, .waterpoppy,. pickerelweed points and values besides serving th c cYPerus, sweet flag or acorus. practical, purpose of. retaining waII I Acid Loïving, Plants or boundary fence. Prom the stand- This is an interesting groulp which Pont of planting, we Mrayalso nc lude requires what we usually' cal a sour the low copings which are 'used to soul, and wherein the soul needs te be border driveways and to act as ter- especially treated to provide such a race retainers, the same general rules1 condition. and principles applying to theý-e low Inl the acid-garden 1ing we have thie st I ls. mounitain laurel, rhododendrons. Copings niay be adorned partly by; chokeberry, azaleas,. clethra, flower- placing viny plants on the high side ing dogr,.ýwood, fringed bleeding heart and arranging, themi to drape overi mountain flox and the painted trilli- the top.: eveni though there may be ui M. no soul in the wall itself. Theseon1 ype fjal t.b iss Beth Brower,, 720 Fifth street, planted, is the one with soil betwee'nj accompanied, by-Miss Jean Forest of the la-yers of- stone or ,vith sou J Winnetka, is leaving today by miotor pockets,. in either case sufficient tfor O Deison unvest at Granville, support some planting. h ioh. ui~st Thymuls serphyllum, tunica saxi-: - f rage, the sedums and the very de-- Miss Jane Nystromn,714 Central ave- pendable sernpervivum aracuoides .vas hostes ttao usà,i Will grow weIl where the stoties are honür of M rs. Charles. Long of Fram- tied together in the core withcernent. inghanx., Mass., .who is visiting her 'In a wall which is cohipletely laid mother in Ravinia. in soul which therefore hias good drainage as well as ample moisture l Beth -Brower, 720 Fifth street, you may add in the planting collec-. accompanied by jean Forrest of1 tion sucli plants as veronica prostata W\innetka is leaving 'today to motor and repens, linaria cymbalaria, hyper- toD ýisn university at Granville icumn coris. the alpine pinks, cam- tohDio. panulas. Then bulbs, the crocuses, j -o snowdrops, grape hyancinths, and the 1 --'%r. and M,\rs. F. J. Moses of smaller daffodils .and the scillas rnaY Providence, 'R. I., stopped on their way be used wjth 'a little judgment., to Milwaukee to visit the John Lawv \Vilds, 244 Oxford road, Kenilworth.. ROCK PLANTS>___________ FOR IRY 5011. Ms.of the sedums, any h ardy% catif. malgrowth, the lli sad N 25cDOMEN thée phlox. subulata,, will likely take, HAMMOND'S GARDENS care of any places inthe rock garden, s(9 Hilitard Ud,-Wilmnette which seems ta be 'difficult on accounit' Phone vii. 232i of the extreme exposure to the sum- 3rdj House Soutit of Lake Ave. nier sun, and which are also very dry. Rock Plants for the .Shady Places} Since' rock gardens oftevnoccupy' lcEach A* B. PITTS> 727 OAKTON ST. Uni. 108#, 2 blks. eant(of Ridge : 2b1k..-. we t pf Chicago Ave. Evanstkon iido.ic box plants Smnart, attractive awn1ngs that wil add to the: beauty and corn- fort of your horne. Let us tell yoiu how little the o.wningu 'you need wilI cost. Estirnates fur- flished FRE. Custom Mode Awnings Rekanging and Cleaning PHO0NE WILMETTE 98, PAUL H. GATHERCOAL .AWNING SERVICE. 2411 Tho'rnWood Ave. Wilm.1f. WOOD FERNS and WLDFLOWERS, growing in our I lo c a 1 gar- dens, dan be, moved truh out the s u m m e r months. Fine A ssortment for sale. JR. FOOTE, Success With Tour Garýden depends upon the quality of the BULBS - PERENNIALS and BEDDING PLANTS you ' buy. Save time, mon.y obtainng the. from us Tohigraph Florists 235 Ridge Road Winn. 914. rand disappointment by - at reasonabi. prices Phones WiImete 28 k I t/us free demo<nst ratiolt Painting and Decorating 1033 MAIN STREET wilmette 2378 Wodnesdoy and Thursday-June 15 ut your PUBLIC SERVICE STOREi, 1141 Central Avenue, WIImsft M ------------- g'.