Next Sunday mroning w e wlll have a great service to close our Church school year. AUl departm.ents of the school wlll attend at il o'clôcIc Instead of the 9 :30 hour. Dr. Ailison will give a brief baccalaureate sermon for the young peop~le, entitled l'Happinees and The programn for the dayaIs n. charge of Z. . Parkhurst, general supei n- tendent. Each departmnent of the school will present some phase of its work., Bibles Wil11 be awarded 'with the diplomas for the Primary department graduates.' The comblined choirs, children and' izeniorq. will sqing during. the service. MNiss Pearl Hoose will slnig the contral- to solo. "Prayer." by Pearl, Curran. Wounan's Soeiety The Wnman's> society prograrn for Erida.y. June .9, will Include the Instal- lation service. for-,the niewlyelected of- fierc4. Interesting plans for summer1 meietings are under way. Corne and1 le-arn about themn. Other June Acetivities Sunday. JUne 18. ýDr. AllisOn will conitinufe his annual cus.Qtnr of giving a ,'leeca1aureate for Grown-Ui)5," who have ftnished another year of post- gradtvite work in the unlversity of ex- p*riepce. É riday, June16 the Woman'5 plan a a' garden tour under the vis'.ion, or' %Mrs. W.A. Kendrlck., soclety. super- s'unday. June 25, la our Communion iRcnnecra tion Sunday before we ýgo on vacation. schedule. It is an appro- primte way to close-our active season, looklng to Christ, our Master, for lus blessing on what. has been attempted and ail that has been done, then asking His' guidance during the summier and ln planning for the faîl. A fter the closing officaliy of the Churuh school nexct Sunday, a summer Sunday schooi programn will be planned by twoof our girls home froni college, Rutli Phelps' and ClAra Orvis. Any bYoys anid,.:irlq interested In a progra.M, of hanid-work, stories1 and sOng are invited te comne on, Sunday mornings during Juýne and July for these surnmer gath-' erlnigs. Methodi*st*Church. ]Rev. Oqcar Thomas Oison, Di D., minister The minister's ser il o'clock wvorshlp sf mornimzo will be "'LI The Inus;ic for ney ls as follows: c)rpnn -hi i therne for th, ice next Sunday ning to God." Seventh street at Greenfleaf, Wilmette "A House of Worsiiip" Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor Sunday Services Sunday aschool...............9 :45 a.m, Children's Day service .....10 a.m. Mo rning .m. The Senior, Luther leaguie will. hold ismeeting toniight (Thursday) at the Forest Preserve, Harms road West, of Wilmette. We will me et at the church at 6,:30 and journey -forth together and enjoy a picnic sufiper at 7 'o'clock. Senior choir rehearsal Friday evening at 7:0o'clock. A special Children's Day service. is being .arranged for .the children 0f our Sunday achool and t heir p)arents and friends Sunday mornifig, June 11, at 10 o'clock. The, childre-n are preparing a special program and we know you will, want to enjoy- this Service. with theni... . 1 . 1 .Junior Luther league wili meet next 4,umay evening at 5:30 o'clock.. We -are pleased to announce our in- creased program for the- summer. 13eeglnnlng Sunday, June 18i we wil have an additlonal service of worship evr$unday mornlng. This service will be held at 8 o'clock for the, con- venience of jgolfers, picnickers, and World's Fair visitors. We. will also have our usual s3ervice at il o'clock. Sunday, June 18, la "Luthçr Day' at the World's Fair. A special service is being arranged for 3 oclock in Soldier's Field. Sunday school and Cpngregational pienie Thursday, June. 22, from 2'p. ni. to sunset-forest preserve-Harins road, West .of .wilmette. Corne to the Friendly Churcli where The Way is made Plain. First Presbyterian Womnans club roonis Tenth street at Greenleaf avenue, James T. Venekiasen, minister. Children's day exerciseýs will be held at the combined wonship and Sunday school services at 10:~30 o'clock Sunday morning. Songs and recitations and dra~- nia will feature the prograni. A male chorus will1- render a special number. Parents and friends of the s5cholars are cordially invited. Please notice the numbers will feature the, program., The musical programn for the servi-ce Reservations should be made with Mrs. next' Sund;tY 18 as follows: Walter Abele, phone Wil. 3861, before Prelude: "Fantasia"..... ....Duboi, Alonday, June 12. Anthemn: "Praise .Ye the Father - fGounod The annual reception of the Presby- . The Junior Choir I terian Home at .Evanston will be held Offertory: ",At the Convent" Borodin Thursday,' June 15, at 12.30O o'clock. Solo: "Cone lNo.w and Let Us Reason Luncheon will be served Togethexr"..........Stebbins Postiude: "Toccata in F Mjor"- St u utieM ~rs. Beulah Casier Edwýairds > St. A g st.m n .' s the soloigt. da.y.- one. of the church's special, Holy days. There wiil be: Holy Communion at 8, Church schools. and Bible classes at 9 :45. a.m.,> and Holy Comn- mhunion with Sermon at il a.rn. Monday, June 12, will be St. nabas' day.: There will lie Holy. nmunion at 8 a.m. Bar- 1 Tuesday, June 13.' examination will be conducted in St. Augustine's Parish Hlouse for candidates for the niinistry ini the .diocese 0f Chicago. The Church schooi sessions ivill close for the summner holidays with. next Sunday's. sessions. eglnning next Sunday, the morning service at il o'clock will be shortened la tline to one hour or less. There la always, summer and winter, a .haîf-hour service at 8 a.m. to whlch ail are welcomed. There is no music and no address at these short services. St. John's Lutheran Wilniette and Park avenues, Wilimette Herman W. Meyer, M.A., pastor 4Q6 Prairie avenue. Telephone 13964 Church telephone S379. (Festival of, the Holy Trinity). 9 :15 a. m. First service and sermon. *9:30 a. mi. Sunday school atnd Bible-, classes. Il a, i. Second service. and sermion. Sermion :- "The Iadwelling of the fily Trinity." Meetings Monday at 7 :45 p. m. Choir rehearsa.l. l2uesday at 7:45 p. m.. Votera of thé congregation. ThelIast regular. monthly meéeting of the voting members of, St. 'John's., until September, will, liefield on next Tuesday .evening at 7.45 o'clock. A number of matters of such interest to every member of the church will be discussed and acted upon. Our spiritual needs go on regardlessa Beginning Sunday, June 18, the' Churcb acehool ivili operate on a suni- mer schedule.. Thé Beginners and Pri- mary departments wil.l meet together ia thePrimary room,* and the Juniors and Intermediates will meet in the church parlor. Both groups will meet at il o'clock and continue through the adult worship service. A handwork project for Juniors and Intermediates will be reproducing the World's Fair in minia- ture. David E. Davis, son of Dr. and 'Mrs. 1). J. Davis, 721 Eimwood ave- nue, is returning homie'->tliis Week- end f rom Swarthmore ëollege. On hjs Way home he- stopped in Washing- ton, D.. C.., for several days to attend a house party. ,Dorland D)avis, -sq of D. J. Davis of '721.,Elmiwood avenue, Who is grad- uating this mont.h from. the Univer- sity of, Illinois, wasat home, for the pýast, week-end. He bas returned to the uîîiversity to* take. part in the. commencement activities. - -.\r. and Mrs. L. H. Cummings of Watertown, Conn., and their daugh- ter, Sally, arrived Standay to spend the mionth of June with Mrs. Cuin- tnings' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Alexander of 510 Washington ave- nue. Louis.Alexainder, son of Mr. and MNrs. A.:,.\. Alexander, 510 Wasing-ý ton avenue, returnedl home last week fromi Princeton university. lie has been 'studyiing architcture ini thç graduate sch'ool. E-ltuier Blum, 2111 .Wilmette ave-. nue, who underwent a spinal operation. at the St. Anthony hospital recently. is returning to bis home this week. Mr. Blunits spinal trouble was the resuit of a fail several vears azo. solcj by M rs. Carl (jeppei't.2 The l-' annlversary dinner will be held 'tonight at 6:30 o'clock. Ilishol> Er-nest i.ynn WValdort, :D. D., LL. D., will be the speaker. A Daily NVacatilon 'church achool willu be directed bi liUandailHarick begîn- njùng .1 unie U. Tiiome. wishlng-to enrol na aetPrycircles wlll be heard at this -timeè. At upn nr uuaer - .social hour will follow 'the business . otel, the Verbeck tavern. Our mid.weèk meeting will be held meeting. The Executive, board of the , isMayln Mle' duhe \Vedniesday evening at 8 o'clock, coin- guild will meet at 1 :30.Mis ar ue ilrdghr pl,eting the study of the Letter te the . - of Mrs, Lenoir Millet', 106 Sixth. Hlebrews. W.e invite You .te meet with Next Sunday la Children's Day, and stet eure oelatwe-n us. wl be appropriately observed in P ta un-une omýl:see-n ion service for .church and school at 11 after ber freshmian year, Aspecil nîmeeting of the congregation o'clock. An interetn porm wllî t Grin neIl college. J 1.