umbrellas, brightly painted tables, and flowers. The patio is added to the Cradles dining room and dining porch to ac- commodate the ever-increasirig num- ber, of north shore women, Who are seeking a pleasant luncheon spot and want, at the. saine tirne, to heIp the work of the Cradle society.- Bridge Lunicheon for Woman's Club June.2 1 The first of the summer parties of. the Woman's Club of. Wimette, given under the.auspices of theways and means comirÎttee will. be Wed- .nesday, june, 21.- The event will be a luncheon and bridge* in. charge. of Mrs. Arthur J. Dixon, the past presia- dent. The tables will be arranged ini the large auditorium which is cooler and more pleasant than the smaller card rooms in the summner, the chair- man announces. Luncheon for S or otit g TLhe North Shore Alumnnae groui) of Alpha Chi Oinega sorority enter- tained at a bridge. luncheon last. Tuesday at the home of,*Mrs. James, Badger of Wilmette. The co-host- esses were Mrs. R. F. -Feagans of Hubbard Woods and Miss Ruth Hope of Chicago. Among the north shore members are Mrs. John, Nuzui and Mrs. Leonard Newton of Wilmette andi Mrs. Robert Doepel of Win- netlça. Friends of Drama Meet Friends of the Drama Field their. animal meeting and bridge luncheoni TuesdaY. of last Nveek at Shîawnee Counitry club. Nlrs.. James Lukey.ofi Evanston is president. Mrs. Richiardt Johinston 'of Kenilworth is vice-priesi- dent,,and NMrs. William Kerr of WVin- netka is seCOn(I ice-presid'ent. Garden Club ýExhibit At the meeting of the Evýeninig Gardeni club next *Tuesday at the Womiai's club of Xilmiette there will le exhibits of iris and peonies by the nienmbers. uay, june i14, witn svrs. JJQnald LOQk, 1239 Asbury avenue, Winnetka. At Northdidge Club The Northridge Woman's club is having its annual luncheoni and in-ý stallation of officers on Monday, June 12, at 1 o'clock, at Shawnee Country, club. CHILDREN'S MUSICALE R AlPha B eta' Alumnae chapter of Sigmîa'Alpha Iota gave a children's musicale and picnic supper Sunday,- june 4, at the home -of Mrs. B. H. Bal ,in Highland Park.. Miàss Helen Booz, daughter of Mrn sui and Mrs Norton A. Booz, 919 Forest p avenue, who is graduatin.f rom New Trier, ientertained a group of hier classinates at tea at her home Fridayj of last week. Ladies'LDresses and Coats Men's Suifs . and Coats LENED AND PRESSED 8 5C Cash and Carry AND UP PLUS 2%/ INSURANCE RIE,&% ON: One Central Place where North Shore Home Qwners display i-hein properties for quick Rentais or sales. AN S W E R: The Whitaker. Plan-84 I EIm St. Saves Time, Effort, 'andý Expense for Home' Owner and Property, Seeker. Better. resuits, for ALL. ESU L .T: On. Central Place to which. the Property Seekers, from -North Shore end elsewhere, corne t-o fi nd what they want. ;iays:by1 R.* B. WHITAKER. COMPANY 841, Elm Sreef WIýNNETrKA, ILLINOIS Phono 3250 Now thai Dry Cleaning prices are uni- form yon should secure the inest work- manship obtainable for your .uoney. During months of fluctuating prieff this organization ha$ coninuously pr0- duced unmatched resuits .ai the Iow-. est prices. consistent with quality. With us quality always prevails, ble- cause only through conscientious and untiriÎng efforts is t possible to give the utnost iii valu~e. -- The Garden Club broadcast over WGN on june 12, will be given by Mrs. Percy Armstronlg of Glencoe. Her subject will be "Primroses." Society New's Continues, on Next Page FOR 23 YEARS CHICAGO'S AND NORTH SHORES LARGEST AND OIJTSTANDING CLEANERS ,When Your Cloihes Are lo Be Cleaned Se&4~ ~jata 1= 1 1 M1 ÉlV 9