Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1933, p. 46

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lair weaizivr next baturday evenng, The baccalaureate services will bc when the seventy-fifth annual com- Priday. night in tbe First Methodist mentcement will be held in Dyche sta- church. The Rev. C. H. Heimsatb, dium. This will be the first time inl pastor of the First- Baptist church, three-quarters of a century that the will deliver the address. The trustees commencement bas been out of doors. and faculties, in cap and gown, will In case of rain, no exercises will be march in procession fromi the campus held, but honorary degrees will be, to the church. Following the. service, confrre infrmaly.the seniors, each with lightedlantern, Sir Josiah Stamp,. eminent ]English *wil, pass in review before the trustees economist and president of the Lon- 1 nd facultie sebe o h tp don, Midland and Scttish railway, of the Deering-irayadwilhn wiIl deliver the commencement ad- be inducted into the ranks of the dress which will mark the close of alun. tbe undergraduate careers ' of more Aun ucio than 1500 Northwestern students.. The alùmni of al the schools of the Among. those who will receive. de - University wilI- meet1 at lunc 1héon o 1n grees will be Harold M.. Finley, who ýthe Evanston1 campus under a circus ,entered the university at the age of tenit north of Patten gymn asium, Sat- 13*and has maintained a high scholas- urday afternoon,. where ýa luncheon tic. standard throughout b: is four wiIl be servedat 1 o'clock. yeas.The commencement will come at Preidet altr DiiScot ti~the end of a week Of: activities, on week emphasized, that no tickets both .Evan'ston and McKinlock cam- would be necessary for.admîttance to pss, including clinics in the medical the commencement e'xercises. 1 school, dlass dimiers anid reurions, "We are holding the commence- and a basebail game between the ment this year in the stadium in or- Cubs and the Wildcats on Friday. der to accommodate ail those desiri ng Following the exercises at the sta- to attend," said President Scott. "We dium, will come the presidenît-s rece-p- have been obliged in former years to tion 'in the gymnasium. turn many away at Patten gymnas- Àinu rga mim, but there wilI be no scarcity of The opleteprogramfo th seats this year and we invite ail who Te olws:gar fr h are interested to attend." week o y ais,Wensa The exercises will start at 5 :30 in Ei'anston campus LUincheon, Haven si Church. with 135 Passavant ing of ti iorlal. St. Central iecucaU1i k;noiUUAwiii »e openi Ior inspection. 6:00 P. m.-AlurnM dinner at. thé Lake, .Shore Athietie .Club. Ail Schoois ý3:00 p. m.-W1ldcats vs. Chicago Cube,' Wrigley Flid. 6:00 P. m.-Ail-Ünlverslty Banquet, North Shore ýHtl-Prizes awarded; Speciai honor: to 5 0 year clans.. Annuai Meeting of the Alumni Associ- ation Board of Directors. 7:30 p. m.-Bac'calaureete Service,. First Methodist, Episcopal Church. Rev. Charles H. Heimsath, Pastor, F'irst Baptiat Church () f Evanston. 9;00 p. m4-llumination Night., Induc- tion of Seniors into Alumni Associa- tion; faculty review. Campus Mea- dow. June 3, Saturday Coliege of Liberal Arts 9:00 a. m.-Phi Beta Kappa Meeting, Harris Hall. Schooi of Speech 1 :00 P.m-Aun Luncheon, Annie May Swift Hall. 2:00 p. m.-Alumnl Meeting. 2:30 p. m.-Comineement Play, O'Neil's The Emperor Jones. Uni- versity Little 1Theatre. Medicai School Clinie will be available at Passavant MNemnoriai, Wesley Memoriai, St. Luke's and Cook County Hospitals. The i'arious departments of the. Aledical School wiii be open for li- spection. -20 no-Complimentary luncheon, P,. M.- of Tri *program in the i Library. ýeunion dinners. cschools the of the grammar school leagu.e, was unable to compete. Ail of the Joseph Sears boys who won at leastone point for their school in the league mieet will receive' track. letters, Robert W. Towvnley, director of physicai education, at the school, announced. Boys who wiII be, awarded, letters are: ýJunior division, boys weîghing under 90 pounds--Donalcl, Stilmian, who 'took first place In the 60-yard Iow hurdies, breaking the- old league record,.and whô and the 60-yard dash; Bob Trump, who won fourth place in the 50-yard dash won tiret In the hlgh jurnp 'wlth a Ieap of 4 feet 6 inches that broke the old league. record and who aiso won. fifth place ti the '50-yard dash and tled for second in the broad jump ; Norman Be- mnis, foûrth place In the hop-step-jump, and George Simon, tied *for tirst in the pole vault. LeRoy Eggert, who tied for flfth lna*one event, would receive a letter If he ha.d had a clear titie to fifth place. A tie for lUfth place gives hlm oniy haif a point, andn point l needed for a letter:.n>l MiddleWelght ciase, boys weighing less than 110 Pounds-David Skillin, tifth Inl the 60ýyard Iow hurdies, thiFd in the Pole vauit, tied for fifth in theý high Jump, and fourth in the hop-step-Junip; David Lockett, fourth ln the 50-yard dash, fifth in the 75-yard, dash and fourth ln the hop-step-junip; Jaek, Fyfe, third li the high Jump and fiUth trn the pole vault, anid Charles Thorsen, third li the 8-pound shot put. Heavyweight *ciass, boys Weighing more than 110 pounds-Lester MeMur- Ail Childree LOWER PRICES Smil e for BETTER Country Cubu. Busse.s ieaving from University laii 8 :00 a. mn.' 12:30 p. m.-Alumni Parade to .Big Circus Tent north of. Patten Gym- nasium. 1 :00 p. r.-AlI Alumni Luncheon un- der' the "Big Top." Hot *iuncheon to be lerved; introduction of prominent aluMn!; acts by Nýorthwestern radio 3.rs 3.00-5400 p. ni.--Assoelate Alumnae Alumnnae Tea. Charles Deering Li- brary.. i 5 :30 p. m.-Seventy-Fifth. A n n u a i Commencement Exercises, Dyche. Stadiurn. Commnencement addres by Sir o- ara tw 5aurtUA5,, ad Bill Stegflfl, fourth inithje ehot put. In the junior and middleweight classes the Kenilworth relay, teams took third place. In the heavyweight class the, Joseph Sears relay teamn won second place. Albert B. street, a stu EDlITOR y, Jr., 542 Brier at Lafayette col- A. M. KLEIN, Headm Phone WINNBTKA [r Mr. and M ty their childrer er *nue, spent à 42 week-end wi 1mi Lacon, Ill. ,n D. Kinnea r and 2241 Chestnut ave- riday and the r.Kinnear's par- S. James jack, at 1623 UNI.

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