V'DS.-1 s B OARD AND SE sIRa: IS, YOUR FAML away? »o yo u want a rooni,' goodj food, and . phereý?. Phone Winnetka ILY. GOING Lfl attractive home atmàos- 2038. - 86L~4-tp 83FOR UENT-APAitrTmENTs VERY ATTRACTIVE AND CHEER- fui apts., close to transp. and schools, at reasonable rentais. 4 -rrm. wlth lamiiliing rm. and fire- place. 2 rms . wth large bedrmn., and. in-a-ýdeor bed. Tue baths, showers, elec. refrigerators. 'U E.- STULTS REALTY CO. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winn't !I~0 9 2LTN4-ltcý 1, RM., KITCHENETTE; MÜDERN , o11 heat; frigidaire; 1 block from sta- tion. $30. GÂRNETT & CO. GLENCON 1 92L'rN -trc Il. 2 AND 5 R1M. APARTMIENTS, NEAR laIke. Spanish Court Properties, 930 Spanish Ct., Wlmette 432. b2LTÈN1-4tp 4 RM. KITCHEFNETTE APT., 2 BEI)- rmnsYFrgdaire. Humphrey building Winnetka 98 or 3328. 92LTN~29tfe 93 FOR RENtlr-FURNISHED APTS. FOR "ENT - REDUCED RATE ON attractlvely furnished 4 rm. and 1 rmi apaxrments. Convenlently located. Ph. Wilrnette 2399 or Wllmette 2427. 9aLTN4-3t.p es WANTED TO RENT-FURN. APTS. OTELANI) SON DESIRE S'M AÀLL furnished apt., light houisek(-elping rmns. or wl share home. Near transporta- --tion- -Must be reasonable, Address A-1.53, Box 40, Wiinîette, 111. .95LTN4-Itp 97 FOR RENT-HOUSES SUM MER MNTIlSi 6 ROO0MS, SUN. ,and sleeping porches, att. garage, *good yar $75. Other attractive rent- ais. * MILTON E. REID & CO. 601 Lake Ave. . Wil. .771 * . 971,TN4-Itp '-lA b: (FFER New charmng Colonia.1là,rk. l>e., 7 ri. *2 baths, 2-car gar. Comiplete, list of MRS.. FULLER & WM. PICKARD 746 Ellm St., Winnetk Winn. 3722 97LTN4-lte 98 FOR RENTr-FUONIS14EO HOUSES FOR SUMM.\ER-NEW BRICK HOUSE * 3 blocks to station. Porches, 5 bed- roomns, 3 baths, oi1 heat, garage, fruit, fiowers, vegetabie.s. Reason- âble retit. Phone Gienroe 361. abs, flo' tuatedi te sel EXCLUSIVE 1902 Spruce, St. TraJ6 netka16 i11L4-itp. FOR PJENT-S UMMER COTTAGE A.T' Crystal Lake, 111. 6 rooms,,ail mod- ern convenlence8, gas, electrlc llght, running water aend inside toilet.. ]2ý block. fromn lake In exclusive section. Gentiles only. Write A-141,' Box, 40, Wilnmette, 111. 116A-LTN3-tfP 1 124 ACRz^rsz %No EslTT BUY ACREAGE, NOW 10 ACRES SUNSET RIDGE. HIGH and fine for 1 or more estates. $2.500 per acre. .3 acres beautiful woods.........$ 7,500, 2 acres near WiIlow ..........1,800 %~ acre woods# water and road in 1,400 3 acres, iovely amal homne. 12,000 *LEWIS T.. DODDS. 725 Elm St., Wlnnetlça Winnritka 3500 -University 71421 124L4-ltp I- . *AtIN, t*IN . 1:N " X 1N A. A.t -' . X **V . .J AND SMALL ESTATES Let us sh ow You the best s;elections we have had in years in this attractive distrct A few offerings: 20 acres, old farmblg $6,000 3: acres, modern house $12,500 200 acres., good farm at ..$200 per.acre Specializitng In. Acreage QUINLAN & -.TYSON, Inc. 15 hrmnAve.,'Uni. 2600 126LTN4ltc 127 RWAL ESTATrE WAÀNTED 'PO liU Y - WE HAVE niany incîuiries for 'acreage;, also homes for sale and. trade.. List In- mediately. ANN MORELAND 66m Vernon Ave. Giencoe 305 127LTN4&-ltp 128. EXCHIANGE-REAL ESTATE, WANTED TO TRADE-3 BEDROOM house, financëed for 9 years, for 5; or 6 bedroom 'house needing financing. Write A-151, BoxK 40, Wilmette 111. 128L4-ltp They 're are you ready for those' WORLD'S FAIR pi*lgriïms when .they arrive? k's time te have thàt papering, paintin~g, decorating and repaiw- ing done. Get your lawn into shape. Maybe you need additions! pieces of furniture for both indoors and outdoors. 0Of course, World's Fair guests. w~il mean added expense and. with these othpr things it wil put a "crimnp" in your bank-roII. You con save money. by using WILMETTE LIFE Want Ads te find those additions! things. Aise painters, decorators, gardeners, repairmen, etc., iisted in the Classified Columnus ae reliabie and econoinical, Resuits are certain as WILMETTu IFwis lthei accepted Want Ad miedium of, the Comnmunity. It reaches ail yeur prospect$. (~11 .Redacd Raies covered chrars. Ail in prjI tcoa tion. Cost $3,260, w11 Bell for $1,O0. Beautiful collection of, Oriental ruga conslstlng of imany choice Kashan, Klrianshah and. Indiain, rugu; two specially designed fine Chineze rugs, raised patterne, size 9il1; three veay large hand-tufted Austrian rugs; al In perfect condition. Will b. sold at one-haif of their present market. value., Fuli-size Brunswick Baike pool and billiard table, perfect condition, coskt $1,00b. will Beillfor $200.. 10, pairs finest French silkç velvet door drapes, size 5x9, comt $700 pair, will seli for, $50 pair. Circassian walnut hand-made library set; desk, 3 green leather cevered hand-tufted- chairs and couch, cost $1,125, 'will seli fer $400. Beautiful- French mantel clock, cost $,125, wili seli for,$35. BeautMil et f Mnon China, 120 pleces, in perfect condition. Present market value $1,600 te $1,800, can be bought at a bargain price. Beautiful set porch furniture, conslst- lng of swing, lounge, chairs, etc. sisting of 196 pieces, ail In perfect' condition. Cost $1,900, can be had at bargain price. Can be seen Saturday from 10:00 a. ni. until 5 :00 p. m. 1201 Sheridan Rd., Hlighland Park. 129LTNi,4-ltç ANTIQUE. CHINA CLOSET, ALSO china miade by Limoges, France. Also oriental rugs, large and small, 477 Woodla.wn Ave., Glencoe. 129LTN4-lte 131 FOR SALE-MIUCELLANEOUS 16-FT. DECK BOAT AND) TRAILERZ sultable for outboard inotor. Seat 6 to 9 people.. Can be seen at Linden & Merrili, Hubbard Woods, caîl Win- neka 3435., 13lL4-ltp BOYS', BICYCLE LIKE NEW, REA- sonable. Also Clarice Jgwei gas steve. 45Washington, Wilmette 2152. 131LTN4-ltp VILLAGE OF WILMETTE NOTICE HOUSE 0F THE M4 Red brk. Col., tile bathsv oil ht.;. 2-car att. gar. scaped large lot. 35 ft. I rhts, throughout. East si sold. MRS. YIULLER & WM. 746MEm St., WInnçtka PICKARD I W.Inn.. 3722 111LTN4-ltc nom