>. AU. Thurs., June I Last limes Tonight Starts 7:60; 10:00 "PICK UP" Sylvia Sidney George Raft Comedy. "The Trailof Vince Barneff" Screen 'Souvoirs-Oswald Cartoon News Fei. &:Sat., June. 2-3 Starts Fr1. :51; i10:00 Clydle B8 f-An*f Pg Laurel and Hardy Comedy- Sporligh-Mickey Mouse Cartocn News EXCLUSIVE SHOWING NORTH OF EVANSTON Sun., Mon., Tues., W.d., June 4-7, Sta rts Sun. 2:00, 4:40; 7:2à; 10 t0Ô Stares Mon., Tues., Wed. 7:00; 9:50 JOHN ETHEL LIONEL * Added Afttracion "Roosevelt, Min- of th. Hour"' Liesfory of Our -Presidevnt Flip the Frog Carfoon-News Thuri.. FtL ung 8-9 evwn ,uuring the nottest aays oft tI coming summer. For a giant cooling and refrigerat. ing plant will make its debut at tht Teatro del Lago on june 10; and ir order- that patrons will have an. op- portunity to flui their summer witl, refreshing hours, the i'eatro on thai date wil-l inaugur ate a new policy -o daily matinees with reduced, admis- Sion prices,. making it possible foi everyone to.enjoy the cool comfori of the theater in the-afternoon, when the summerd sun is most, sizzlinig.> The'installation, of the refrigerating plant at the Teatro del Lago is being effected after- months of planning by the Kroeschelle Engineering ýcomî-j pany, rega rded as one of the great- est authorities on theater refrigera- tion. This concern lias pianned ii-' stallations *in two mammio th theaters in New York and bas developed a refrigerating, plant said to be the finest and 'Most. modern in the counl- try. "Hats Off," N. U. Musical Comedy, at Studebaker A new musical -comedy. which promises to outlive the popularity of other musical showsof cc~ilegiate life will be seeni in "Hats ýOff,'> North-, western university Waa Mu show, which opens at the Studebaker thea- ter on the night of june 4 for a sum- mer's engagement. inia,: .- I VVant mat, Man" "Now's The Time"; "Silver Slipper Cinderella"; "I Get Fantic"; "'If 1 Write to You" "One of You." The book of the show was'written by Rollin Laugliner and is a tale of sparkling,.romantic campUslife., Th roducion is being stageci by jo W. Millet and John Baird. Features of the ensemble include a cast of eighty-five; a chorus of sixty of the most. beautiful coeds of North- western universitv: Retti. RB*-ri,, man citcs as a sensational Iluman and "Employee's Entrance" cômes to document when it appeared, in book ' the Wilniette theater, Sunday and ýe form. It is said to have gained in Monday, june 4 and 5, in a role said n sheer thrilling intensity in its dramna- to be bis greatest of aIl. In "Mind -tization for, the séreen, as it p resents. Reader,"ý William portrays a crystal- h :theamazing story of 1,000 men with- gazing fakir. t out women and 1,000 women without, The story throws an am ,using ray ýf Who cannot get along without their of liglit on the hokum behind the -men. medicinie and caravan, shows- with r The original story is by the onlyr their fortune tellers, crystal gazers, tman with a wide enouùgl knowleclge barkers, and shilîs.. The theme is. of criminal character anidsymptei unique and. treats of a most unusual understanding to have..conceived and, charaicterization in- the buoyant and written it, Warden Lewis E.' Lawes, bombastic Chandra the Great, fortune of. Sing Sing, the man who has been teller, par excellence, faker through >Sitting on the. lid ofa human voîcano' andà througýh,. but wiffhal a lovaleL. for many years past at the famous rascal wth dom.inating personality, I e ork state prison. particularly with womien whdo are *Paradoxicai as it, may seem, there attracted by bis roguish charm. are touches of humnor, gîowing ro:- The various Iroles are enacted by mance and undying love in this stoey a cast of exceptional merit with Wil- wbhicli deals with the pathos and the IimasCadr ndCntac um- grimf tragedy of life. There are sor- mings as lis wife.:l- 11 1 mrows that bj ifig tears to the eyes, Teanied for First Týimnàe and touches of lJoYalty that rtcewIs JoanBlondell is.teamned with Ches- the faith in'human nature, even when ter Morris for the first, timne in considered misguided. "Blondie Johnson," a pictume In Spencer Tracy, who hias portrayed which they play the featured leads the grimness of Prison tagedy, in with a notable cast in support. The "The Last Mile'.',and its touches.of film, which Shows :at the Wilmette comed in "p te Rver," portraystetr Tuesday and Wednesday, theIeain moe.June 6 and 7, gives an entirely new. and novel slant on the personal life Radio famne; Vie Stock' who appeared of the big time crook, wîth a woman in the RKO production of "Girl as the brains and dominating figure Crazy"; >a cast of taiented radio, in the opemation of their questionable screen and stage amtists. trade. Others in the cast are aIl well Solomnon T. Gage of Grants Pas5 knQwn on stage and screen and in- Ore., is the guest of lis brother-mn- clude Allen Jenkins, Claire Dodd law and sister, Mr. and Mms. H. A. Earle Foxe, Mae. Busch, Joe Caw- PoPe of 910 Lake avenue. thomne, Olin Howland, Sam Godfrey and Toshia Mori. Mm. nd ms. lbet W bste, î~ ~ The screen play, by Eaml Baldwin, Me. nd rs.Albrt ebser,160 isrelieved min ts tense situations by Tenth street, left Friday for Seville, humoQr and..snappy dialogue. The pic- Ohio, ýwhere they visited the Tom ture was. directed. by Ray Enriglit. Dix family, formerly. of Kenilworth. ýModem Mystery Thriller --o- ~A elodr amat ic. mystery thriller, Mr. and -Mms. -.Percy DeTamble, comes to the screen of the Wilmette. 1232,. Geenwood, avenue, entertained theater,. Thursday -and Friday, June their bridge club at-'dinner Wednes- 8 and %,in. the picture, "Girl MiSs-> day. .ing."P -- The stomy. was written by Carl Mr. and Mrs. Warner C. Lewis. Erickson and Don Mullalv. who also Lawe. rt Gable UUinlet "neater, Saturciay, jtie '3. George O'Brien, as the fugitive who eformis under romance, gives one of the best portrayals of bis career, and M4aumeen O'Sullivan is cbarmîng as the imperious heroine., . I HeIe~