SnOuM De zuixed *win nard woo'a ash- es. For future reference, let us be reminded that asters like rich. wel prepared soi! and a new bcd each year. If tbese littie rules are follow- ed consistently, there will be far fev- er .fai.lures.' in the' culture. OS thIese desir able garden. blossoms. REBUILDING THE ROCK GARDENS The .rock garden which fails far. short of doing its best,: can easi!v- be imnprutvedý. Mainy spcçh, gardens, very 'much need .some .changes, thougli each bas its charms and val-m Usually the greatest fault is in the. contours. Too litt1_ë thought >js given often, to the nîeighbors wl'oi must look at the less pretentious sides of these hiliside gardens. The%- are pushed into the corners for con- vienience, but màY, flot add to, the beautyof the nieigh borhood in geniler?!., Plans sho'uld be set to working now, anticipating some actual alter~a- tions during the Faîl months. N Alpine gardens need to continue to have any reminders of. a lot of Stone dumped in a cornmer. Let's. take, les- gons from *the many, fine examùples hereabouts. DOUBLE TRILLIUMS, BELIEVE IT OR> NOT Mrs. Anita Willets Burnhanl oi Tower road,. Hubbard Woods, has4i white trilliums with a dozen petal., in several layers. Several of these blossoms have been both photo-] graphed and preserved by pressing. This is quite unusual, but this is a century of, progress. Mrs. Ley. iler neighbor on Edgewood lane, has a, couple of nice izroups of the nod17 ding. tri'lliumns which, are so.MNwlat rare'here. GARDEN CLUB 0F, AMERICA 15 COMING Folks are putting on their best. to have the gardens do their prettiest for these visitors. They are' to tour aWêay thruugnour rnis area are mauv cbarming garden pictures that we would neyer guess. In Olencoe, a beautiful hiddexn wz- ter garjen and a charming rock garden with. its meandering brook. to!gether would have continued to' inl- terest the group, throughout ,the aif- ternoon., In Hubbard Woods, a' lake shore estate with. its charming sweeps oi well kept lawns, its wooded .trails and surprise gardens, just naturally erased theAînes of -care from the horizon. The, lake, view and the sturdy old trees. laIl joine d in presentfing sinie English inclinations ctombined,,withi an American, technique and setting. The Palestine garden at the Church of thé Holy Comforter, in Kerail- worth. was also of: unusual interest.- A little formai garden ýon Essex .road, featuring 'some acce ssortes brought from -Mexico ýCity. wasç. greatly enjoyved. PLANT COMBINATIONS One of the small Kenilworth gar- dens bas as one of its cbarms. a study in purposeful 'combinatior, certain plants that gzo together par-. ticularly welI. Elsewhere. one 3;ees the maidenhair fefns grouped witîl the moccasin flowers, miost wonderfuj in heauty. Then again. the tîîitiaoe .of plants which do grow well right ini the soft tufa stornes, hrings out [sonie fille beaut.v and interest. BACK FROM HONEYMOON 'Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown '(Betty Schwartz) who were matrried on May 3. have returned from their honey- nîoon and are resicing temporarily at 840) Forest avenue, Highland Park. They had motored' to New York. sailing from there, to Bermuda. Nassau and .Havrana,, returning home' by, motor throughi the Southiern states. Mrs. Willilam T. Muel Oakwood avenue, and he Miss Alma,. and daug general manager of the North West- ern, under whose direction 'all safety work is conducted, accepted the award from J. I. Banasb, president of the counicil. .The Chicago and North, Western railway's record, for the; last three years is. as follows: 1. 1930Q-Received the National Safety counicil's. Class A awartl for outstanding work :in. reducing acci- dents -among employes. à. 1931-Received the Harriman Gold Medal for Safety, the highest award given to any railroad, for hav-, ng, the best record among employes ever made by 'ýanyl Class l railroad ini the United States and for doing the most in, proômoting life conserva- tion, and accident prevention of al kinds. 3. 1932ý-Awarded thée National Safety council's plaque for Glass A railIroads for again'being putstanding among lass I roads ini einployc ac-, cideiat prevention contest. The North Western Railway, while also having the best employe record in 1931 of any Class 1 road. was bar-. red from the National Safety coun- cil's award because no road is allowed. to win it two vears in succession. Leonard A. West of Des Moines, Iowa, is a portrait painter of note, having won many gold medals ,and prizes for her work. She flew here on Wednesday of last week to begin her painting of the Reynoldses' chli-, dren. For Your WORLDS9 FAIR GUEStS Smart, at tractive awnings Eht will aàd to the beauty and coi- fort Df Your home. Lot un tell yôn how: littie the awnings youý need wil cost. Estimates fur- fli8he4 FREE. ýCustoni Mode AWnings ft.hanig, an ..* hosg PHONE WILMEMN PAUL- H. GATHERCOAL AWNING SERVICE 241 Thornwood Av.. -WiIm.0. Succest With Your Garden -depends upon the qualify of the BIJt8S - PERENNIALS and BEDDING PLANTS you buy. Save time, money and disappoinfm.nt by obtaining the. best from us a+ treasonabi. prices RoadJ Phones: Fine A ssort ment for Sale j. R. FOOTE Wnn. 91 4. Td.plm...N.rtimbro.k leu N.rtIr.oh, Ilimoils it« .Wet ofGleme mc.. .t.Dunude