piaying eicted . rom the guests. Hie is only 11, but shows a marked talent, even at that age .distinguishing by his interpretation the style and f orm of the compositions of such composers as Mozairt, , Bach, Schumann,, Terry Poldini, Grieg, Chopinl' and Lavallee. H-is tone is remarkably clear, c1çan-icut, ai-d firm, neyer slurring. His sense of rhythm and accent, too, and the faciity lie shows in difficuit *passages, in chords. runs, anId arpeggios, make bis playing, outstanding, for a child of, bis H is program was ambitiouscontain-1 ing numbers often found on programns of more experienced mnusicians, nm- hers more mature musicians do flot finid eas v. His tone shading wvas distinctive. In the Spirited "Anitra'sI)ance" by Grieg, wvitl' its difficult rhythm, in the G-fiat M ajor Waltz by Chopin, and in the -Butterfly" ly Lavallee, with its ac-, celterated tempo, runs, and. trills, b'is talent, we thought, wvas displayed at its )es . ýho\ving a strength andmtit quite ;tirprisinlg. He is very much- in eartiet inihus Plavyi11g. Hi.s>cousin, too, ir, fuit of music, her talent expr.Cssing, itself in anothier form, dancing. With 'a poise and stage Mani- ner tuitisural in so 3youtlhftl a dancer a stuc 1. she vas a daintv, graceful. captivating littie picture as she danced ini charming costumes, those steps whiçh showed thé' wide scope of training she ha, lhad. They are two gifted. inter- ustinlg children. Whien their program ended the de- lightfiul audience, made up. of friends oftie littie soloists, and of Richard's father and mother, Mr. and M,%rs. Harry A. Finney, and _their friends, remained ini the ballrooni and louinge to be served wihrefreshiments f rom a table with its large howl ofe yellow daisies. Miss P"hylis- Fuermann of Wilmette and M\i's, FIen Coolidge of Evanston as- ,dste(l. MIr. and rs Roy E. Knuier and children of 166 Abinigdon avenue Kenilworth, and the children's two graudniothers, Ieft Saturday te niotor to their sumer home at Berrien Springs, Mich-, reniaining until after: Memiorial daY. -o- Réâr Admirai V4at T. Clierius, colimmndant o1 the Great Lakes Nraval traliiingj station, will be the principal speaker.at the Kenilwmorth community memtorial observances ta be heldat the memoriatioliount j» the village' Sundav aternoon, lJune 4.. Admnirali C:eriris is Me~ oWniy sarviving oflîcer of the iii- faied battleskip Maine. Hi s sbject Swidav 7ciIl be: "Stories of the. Nam,.;' Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Workinan, 222 Leicester road, Kenilworth, enter- tained at a bridge dinner Saturdayr in honor of 'Mrs. J. Backus of Hamilton, Ohio. FLANNEL SPORT COATS sport style backu wth patch pookets. $10*75 Round to be priced higher before long. FLANNEL. TROUSERS Ensemble or tonstresting--plain colors, checkm, stripes and whites, slack style. The greatest, "buy,",ini many . es., Specials for Active Sportsmen. Actual, Former $27.50 Values! IMPORTED SWEATER. SETS EL ECTION JUNE 5p, 19m MY NAME APPEARS l3th ON BALLOT 16069 Uni. 2238 I. HENRvC.I Orrington and =7 Open Tuesday, 7; and Salut da: IF h ings ç