nau Akely, 615 Lake avenue, WÎi- mette, have ended after a successful season. With enthusiasm those who have, been attending the series are .anticipating the, renewal of the course, September 15, a course which will, be open to aIl interested, in a program ,of 1 Ilort 'biographicàl sketches combined wvith the music of the. composers. Many mothers have epsed the, desire to have. their chlrntake 'the- course. With that in mind the. plans for the, fal sea- son, include the series of, piano lec- ture recitals for adults at Mr-;. :ke- îy's home at 1 :30, lasting until about 3, with a second forty-five Minutes for sêhool children starting at 3.. SPlans now indicate that with the. coming of September, Madame Stur- kow-Ryder will spend thé, entire Thursday of each week teaching in Wimette, w-ith bier headquarters a t Mrs. Akely's home "Il Trovatore" to Be Given on Sunday The Chicago Popular Opera com- pany, sponsored by the Berardinelli Operatic club, presents "Il Trova- tore" at the Amalgamated auditori- um Sunday evening, May 28, at 8 o'clock. Guglielmuo Somma, conduc- tor. The cast: Manrico .... .. .......... G. Lazzarini Count Di Luna......N. Baradinelli Perrando.... ... Guiseppe Montavani IRuiz...* . ............ -W. Bellandi Leono>ra - ...... .. Jeunie Shepard ,nlez.......... .... Leonoré. Da Vinci Azucena.......Marie Baranca, An old Gipsy ............ J. Hanovich A Messenger ......... ... D. Catapano Also Solders, Nuns, Gypsies, Attend- ants, etc. N. S..Young, Peojpe in Piano Recital on ýJune 2 Pupils of Miss Katherine Hedglin of the Columbia School of Music are giving a. recital at 7:~45 Friday even- ing, june 2, at the Wilmette Wom- ans club. D. Sterling Wheelzuright, organiui and director of music ai St. Poul's LEnplish Lutheran church, IEvanston, uws elected tub-dean of the Illinois chaptcr, 4merican Guild of Organ- ists, at the recent annuo meeting. Mr. Wheelwerîght passed the asso- clateship examina-lions of the Guild in 1929, and uurs nominated to this post by a committee headed by Williant H. Barnes, organisi' of the First J3aptisrt chuich. As sub-clean he will have charge o ail festival services conducted by the A. G. 0., one or two ,of which are aI- ready scbeduled to be held in Ev- anston churches next season. Frank Van Deusen of the Anierican con- servatory was reelected dean, wbile Miss Mary Porter Pratt relinquished the post of secretary, wbich she has, .ably filled for a nuniber of years. On Wednesday evening, May 24, .Mr. Wheelwright was heard at the organ in Overture: Princess Jaune . Sain t-Saens Psalm 100 ........ Mendelssohn Wsldeinsamkeit ...... Franz Aijt Duet for Soprano and Alto: .Abschied der Vogel ........... Eugene Hlldach (Regina, Voigt, Elsa Kellersberger) Deep River .,. . . Arr. by HM. T. ÊlurletÉrh In einem' Kuhien Grunde... Pr. Gluecký Dan Lachen...... G. Edwards Baritone Solo: ln the Garden of Mey Heart et R. Bal (Saul SilVerman) Wlnter Days .. Alfred' J. Caldicott !Piano- Solo: a') IBalad ln A Fiat..Frederic Chopin b) Fantasie Impromptu .. rederic Chopin c) Valse. Brillante .. :Frederl c Chopin (Walter H. Steindel) LaÈt Nlght.............«. C. T. Steele Quartet: Standchen . .*.. Franà Schubert I(Regina Voigt, Elsa Kellersberger, Frederlck ,K. Mueller, Saul Silverman) Cigeunerleben .... Robert Schumann ýPlslsEiDianceI miss, e~. Willis ishing.. çenting already been entered in the annual national high school band contest to be hel d in Evanston June 8, 9 and 10, and more are expected. Nineteen of the bands alrcady ac- credited are from Illinois,. 6.f rom Iowa, 7 from Indiana, 2 each f rom We st Virginia, Michigan, Objo, and, Wisconsin, and, one each f rom0 Ten- .nessce, Colorado, Utah, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Texas,_and ,New, York. A- neW systemi of awar ds, departing from the cu .stomary tropbies for win- ners ini the contest bfas been 'adopted this year by the_ National Sehool* Band. association, sponsor of the contest, which is being held under the auspices of the Evanston Cham- ber of Commerce. Each unit which receives an honor rating wilI be presented a tablet of bronze with aristic and appropriate bas, relief, to be displayed in its school and. to be retained permanent- ly by the winning organization. In- dividual medals will be made avail- able for. winners of the solo. and en- semble groups, ini addition to their certificate of honor rating. The rating plan of adjudication wehich bias been adopted i determin- ing the winners is a. composite' of several systems, with the number of honor ratings used depending upon the number of entries. The maximum of seven ratings includes Highly Superior, Excellent, Good, Average, Below Average, and Inferior. This system is to be followed in judging the work of ail three types of bands ivhich will conipete in the tbree-day event. The class A bands represent students in grades 9 to 12 from schools having enrollmnent.s of 750 or more; Class B from schools witb enrolîments -of 250 to 750, and class C from smaller high schools of 250 or less. Concert Series Will Opnat Auditorium On the evening of june 7 at 8:-30 o'clock the Chicago Frienids of Music will sponsor the. first of a, series of symphony concerts at the *Auditdri- umtheater.. Dr. Frederick Stock wil Claire Blount, the boy soprano *whose succéss with the Episcopal choirs at Orchestra hall recently was so outstanding, bas been requested to sing with the Apollo Musical club" on June 12. wuAA corne roLU q-.UAa5g.J LU YAis tury.-of Progress exposition.