Against Dr. Jirka Cails Upon Authorities to Ami Protective Dri, Use Wilmette Sist -in In a. ltter addressed to the presi- dent and board of trustees of Wil- mette Dr. Frank J. Jirka, state di- rector of public health, points out that the health of Illinois citizens is being endangered and the state 's muilk pas- teurization plant law is being violated n Illinois municipalities by the sale of "dipped milk",alleged to, be pas-' teurized.. Dr. Jirka asks this village for its assistance and cooperation in protecting.the public health by stop- ping such illégal saleý and by. notify- ing the state hieaith department. Take Precautiouis Here \Viliette already lias taken steps to pro tect' its citizens against the dangers of unsafe.inilk. The Village board lias pssed an ordinance which specifies that nothing but pasteurized or:certified iiilk shall be sold in Wil- mette, 'aiid Dr.. Martin H. Seifert, Wilmette Heaith compiissioner, h as repeatedly calied to the' attention of wllnlett-e citizens the dangers of 0siiig rawv m ilk. ýIn expiaining the reasons wythe ,Village b)oard lias ordered that nioth-, ing but pasteuirized or- certified miilk be sold ini Wilmette, Dr. Seifert says that pasteurizing is a process .by which the disease-proçlucing bacteria which miay be present i raw milk are killed, wvhile certified îniik 'is pro- duced under strictest supervision andý most extremie sanitarv precaution withcon'istanit goverument inspection. The Village lias coiistanitly- refused <permits' to, ail buik mnilk dealers, Dr., Seifert, states, because there is a definite element; of danger îinà.any hiandling of, nilkby human beings. Attempt to Evade Law Dr. Jirka, the state health director, in bis, letter to the Village board points out that some dealers through- out the state are attempting to evade of "Dipped Milk" e nated when it is tra'nsferred to other >coiltainers outside the pasteurization plants." He says further:. "The Illinois miik pasteurization plant law requires t-hat pasteurized * milk be delivered to the consumners in,,the containers in which it is placed at the pasteurization plants. The law. l aiso requires that pasteurized, milk 9be placed in-,containers,,washed, rinsed -and sterilized by sm fiin means à approved by the .Department of Pub- elic Health. The departmnent does1 not approve the sterîlization of, containers eoutside, of pasteurization plants. S Manv persons undoubte.dly buy. -'dipped milk' beiieving that it is - pasteurized and therefore safe, and do not realize ýthe hazards of recon- tamination by disease carri.ers.ý the anticipated'large at tendance at A Century of Progress exposition, niakes every precaution 'for the pro- itection of health necessary. An out-f 1break of communicable disease muglit h ave ,videspread. and devastating re- ýsu uIts."t Dr. George P. Magili to A ddress Reveres a Dr. George P. 'Magili, formier mi1 ister of the First -Presbyterian church, who lias been engaged recently ini nmaking inves tigations of communistic and kindred subversive activitits ii.l the Chicago area, will address a nieci - ing of Wiimetfe cliapter, The Patil 1Reveres; to be held 'Monday even 1il' i. june 5, at 8 o'clock in the StOli, school auditorium. Dr. 'Magill, among other .things %vill tel the Reveres and their friends~ of corflniunistic activities in Chicago of which he was an eyewitness 011 MavDa tisyear, it is explaitned. Wilmette chapter will instali neNON' elected officers at Monday's meeting. CARD PARTY JUNE 6 A card partv. to which the nihlit-i E rection Monday, June 5 Vote to elect one judge of the Supreme court of Illinois ; twenty judges of the Circuit court of Cook county; two judges of the Superior, court of Cook county (one to fi11 vacanicy); one judge of the Probate court of.Cook couinty (to fil, vacancy). Vote to elect delegates who are pledged "o"o "against" repeai1 of the 1Sth Amendment. *Pollin g places are the, samle. as used in the last election. Polisý open from ý6 A. M. 'to. 5 P. M. Girl Scouts Sel 79,1164- Cookies in Campaign for Funds. A total of 79,464 Qookies was sold )y Wi hmtte Girl Scouts on the first four Wednesdays of May, it was an- nounced at the conclusion of the cookie sale whicb was held in an effort to realize enougli money to Éarr%- on t he Girl Scout -work during he year without having to resort to a drive for funds. S ie ,e îast day ofthte sale was the largest, the girls selling 1,761 dozen coke.Troop 7 of the First Con- gregational church again headed the list with sales of 239 dozen, while Troop 6 of St. Augustine's Episcopal church was second with 236 dozen, and Troop 2 of the Methodist church third with 172 dozen. Though Troop 1, the higli scbooi group, bas led'in sales each Wednes- day ' it is not considered a contestant, because the girls of that troop de- cided not to accept the cake-offered as firstprize-but to give it to the younger scouts. Thi 's decision makes Troop 7j, with a total sale of 984 dozen, the winner. Patsy Flynn of Troop .10 won in- dividual honors, selling 125 dozen cookies during the four sale davs. Dedication Jùne 3 Celebrates, Start, of Orniamentation on Domie of Teml With"their . dream of a luminously, white temple. of worship scheduled to .become a reiity -bçfoe the close of the year, the Baha'isof the United States and Canada wili hold thefr twenty.-fifth annual convention, Thursday, Priday,1 Saturday and Sun- day, June 1, Z, 3 and 4, in. Foundation hall, Baba'i- temple, Linden avenue and Sheridan road, Minmette. The highlight of the convention will be a dedicatory. service this Sat- .urday noon. celebrating the start of ornamentation work on the Baha'i temple dome which will present a laceelike eixterior of white quatz be- fore january, 1934, if present plans are realized. Sunday afternoon, 3:~30 o'clock, brings a special service, with Leroy. Ibas of San Francisco as chairman of the meeting. Horace Holley, secre- tary of the National Baha'i assembly and editor of the Worid Unity maga- zine, will ciscuss "The Source of a New World Order," and Dr. Alain Locke of Howard university, Wash- ington, D. C., will tell of "The Way Out From Strife to Uniity." A. special prograni of music will also be pre- sénted. Vasitors to Have Guides With the exception of the hour during the Sunday aftérnoon service beginning at 3:30 o'clock, special guides will be on hand during the days of the convention, te conduct visitors. through the building be- tween.1.0 o'clock in themorning and 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Another feature of the convention will be a report given by A. B. Mc- Daniel, managinoe engineer for the price. 'l Jckets -purchasu i ruui mmi-i bers or at department stores are thel only ones that will beneit the Wel.- fare society. Mrs. Edmund Burke of Wiirnettç, who is social chairman, bas charge of arrangements.L #1Uu are ........... Music Page ............. New Trier Newsa..... 224~ Recreation Page ......... 4 Society Page.. .... 30-2 nave tnose you are. discarding 1It I uk %--gm o'clock servi 23 -Mrs. A. L,. Grinneli, chairman. it is annoui 3, Note: Economy Shop ls conducted jfrtosr Il y the Woman'. Club of Wllmette. gin June 18 Isummer mot