25c or 5 for $1 \ Sp.rayl, Spray thie MOTHS, Away. Or kil 'hibm o1 amy way you& pieuse. JVc ha v everythi»g a motk rtil die forl Our Anti-Moth Propaganda Reefer's No-Moth, $1 The ful-st#engith Pure natural cedar oils give your closet protection from moths for an enfire yearl Jusf ha"g if on the baseboard. RglSpray, gai.5'..3.7&, quart, 95; pint ...... 550 Larvex, with spray, pint ................$139 Camaphor Cakes, box.... .89c Enoz. gallon .........5379 Acivenfures. of Nip and Tuçk., Ietty, 8Sobby ami dýubbl. Daddy Gander. In Tumble-Down Town.. The Littie Red Saloon. or3 The Cet WhO'Se Whiskers Sipp.d. The ,TurtIe Whos. Snap VUnfaitened. White Elephaont. The Claws of the Thunderbirdi. $mail Fry end the Winged Horse.. Books et 49C Eech Mýofher Goose Parade. 8vatny GooseO. White Plume of Navarre. Jolly Jungle Jingles. Wooden Willie. And iterally dozaens end dézens of oflier child- hood favorfesi Stock up the book-shelv«et . borgain pricesi, Books .v.ry child adoretl CHILDREN'S READING HOUR SATURDAYI Brng the. kiddes in tb hear orne of tusse fescinatinq tales r.ad aloudi Saturday morin9 from 10 t. I11aend Saturday effernoon from 3 f. 4. A LolIYPo> fOr fivery Youngsterl WIEBOLDTS NEW RENTAL LIBRARY A comploe. ilection of modern books. Only 3c a day no deposit for charge customers. Book section-St rtet 4Flo and I. *11 'I Play Suits Wil ff. 1100 On Davi SImef JU*4E 18-WiEBOLbT'U MONTH UN EVANSTONI"I :on Street