Togs and Toys for Beaching and Bathing e. verything from the most utiflterien of swim suifs to the most decorative, beach costumesi And actes- soriesi Aod playtlingsl Ail pric.d to, muet the most restrictedi budget. For é.very'member of hf11 emily. tool *Headquarters, for, Fam.ous -jnzen swim Sults are 40 Oof thes., fa.mnus models cf which we- have a compI*ts s.Iection. $6.50 ro Above-A perfecfly and comforfably filffing suit cf 100% virgin wool. strapped and boIfd in confr.sflng colon..................13.95 Ri*gbt-SIacks and shirt of English 1n; fabric that launders wifhouf ;fretchinq. or running, Slacks............ .....1.19 Shirt............................69C ýOr, if ycu prefer a snappy wrap- arounid beach frock of the same frcky fabre if. s available aise, et. .. 19 Suts for Tinies, toc, and sunsuifs as weIl, prikpd f rcm $1.49 and $1.95 BeloW-Anofher of our ulfra-smart 100% -00:1 suifs af........ i 'i ach robe of r b. DO YOUR UUMMER SHOPPING WITH A CHARGE ACCOUNTI"0 .On Davis Street . . . . . . . . . . . 1100