Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jun 1933, p. 10

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1.95 UP GOTHAM GoW sf ripe Hosiery 7k Adjuitables $1 (j' 1183 rFRANCES TAU BERT METTE AVE. Mrs. C. A. Cochran of Minneapolis returned home the early part. of tbis week after a visit of three weelcs with ber son. and daugbter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton B. Cochran 01 1605 Walntut avenue. 0o- Jane Litteli, 322 .Voodstock avenue Kenilworth, is returning June 11,1f0r1 her 1summer vacation from Pie Manore at Wellesley. t. I BUCLS ANTIQUES Barfer and TraJe -Open .neiog il47 Greenle.f Avenue, Wilmàeffe I jI<.~ _______ i. i WATCH OUR WINDOWS frEXCEPTIONAL WEEK DiAY VALUES "g * ~u ~m~ LIA TIVIC U A NAIS E ROAST lb. IchOic. o Any Cu+ ~çUmm Mfajor George R. Harbaugh of, Wilrnette zoos reelected president of tise Norths Shore Reserz'e Off:- -cers' association. lasi Thursday W fle aitimal meeting of the organisa- tion field in thse Orringtom hoiel, >E.anstont. Major Harbauighis also a delegate Io the state convention of the reserve officers held in Chiý - ago this zveek. Major Harbais j: an attor#wy and Nezî Trier tozîk- ship assessor. We Fix Everything Electrical Expert service on al l inds and types of electrical ap- pliances. Let us estimate on. your job. R.verything .Electrical RANDLIEV9S ForusurIy Dannmuark Electric Co.. iu~e ~ A- dersoKI. The musiUUc wU5 3in c11aI54e Miss Margaret flavenport of the Jos- eph Sears faculty, and Mrs. Arthur W. Wakeley was in charge of the girls who actied as hostesses. Badges were awarded. to the f ol- Iowing girls: Sue Hawxhurst, Marait Mesick,, Betty Schrei, Mary, Boozer. Peggy. Ketcbam. Virginia Sower-%ý Betsy Dlavis, Dprothy }jendersor.. Jean Strickland. Zo. de, la Chapelle. Charene Driver, Mary Barrett. and. -Ruth Sprenger. Besides these girls a number of otjiers took part xlso tbeyare not yet second class 'Scouts. Other awards announced at the orogram were as follows: Virginia So-wers. second class Scout and can- nmng and hostess b«-_dges:"Betsy Dav- is, second class Scout; DorothyHeni- derson, junior citizen, needlewoia n and cook badges; Zo de la Chapelle. craftsman and needlewoma». badges: Jean Dickerson, junior citizen and needlewoman badges: Bettyl Scbrei., junior citizen badlge - Charlene Driv- er. canning badge,.. jd Ruth Spreng- er. junior citizen badge., Betty Bon- net and Phyllis Trump were- inveszted( as, Tenderfoot Scouts. Mr.William A. Whittier, 51 Ken- ilwortb avenue, was called to North Berwick. Maine by the death of ber mother-in-law recentlye; When she. returned to Kenilworth she Ieft im- médiately for hier summer home at Idlewild, Wis.. near Sawyer, where she spent a week. -o- 'Mrs. Burt Crowe, 234 ,Raleigh road Kenilwort h. accompanied by ber niece-. were overnight guests of Mr. a nd Mlfr s. Le W. Crossett at ber ho me in Geneseo. N. Y. Mrs. Crossett' isý M.\rs. George Kingsley's mother and had just returned after spending the %vinter in Kenilworth. »Dr. and Mrs. -Henry. Erdman: and their two children of Berkeley, Cal,,~ ivere the bouse guests last ,Veek of the Je Mark Hales, 1025 Mohawk roadl.,,Or. Erdman .is bead of the Afiliated with Sueder-CazuI Ira C..-). B. Seyler, Mgr. Ridge-LaIEe Ave. Ph... Wil.t-t. 311 1109 Central Ave.. Wilmette 813 Elm St.0- Winnetka 924 Linden Av*, Hubbard Woods 333.Park Ave.. Gloncou 1

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