Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 May 1933, p. 60

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Th omas ,..vaon, pastor of the First Methodist church, Wiiniette. A dinner dance at thie Vista del Lago Saturday evening, June 3, 18 ontC of the festivities of senior week at- the college, May 31 to jqne '7. senior week is an innovation *in1 the coliege this year, and May 31 ushers in1 the good tim!esý with a teagiven by' the junior cflass in. honor of the seniors. The Town Girls' association and dormitory Student Goveroment -association wilt entertain the seniors at dinner Thursday evening, and on Friday the facuity- and seniors. will have dinner at the Shawnee Country club. Dr., John Timothy, Stone of the Fourth Presbyterian church,, Chicago, wiil give the address at the baccalau- reate service at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, June 4. The service will be followed by tea for the graduates, their pare ts and friends., in the aiumnae room., The seniors are entertaining their methers at hsncheon -at the Georgia*i hotel Monday, and on Tuesday will assist with.the annual frolic for chil- dren from mission schools and or- phanages, which is 'sponsored by the College council. Wilmette Public Tennis Courts Are Now Open Wilnette's public tennis courts were opened to the public yesterday morning after the rainy weather had delayed. for more than three weeks the 'work that was necessary to put tb.em ;nto condition. The courts are located on the Vil- lage Green, behind the Howard school and are open to anY resident of WiI- mette free of charge. These courts will be opened eanly in the mornings to accommodate the business people who wish to play before work hours and will remain open until it is too dark to continue play. Cbiidren will hot be allowed on the courts aiter 6 o'ciock in the evening, in order that aduits who are unable to play -during working hours will have an oppor- tunity to use the courts, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, an- n1aunres.l -fic for: h onrsin .A Cu'nlury i' of ro!qrcsçsia»iuq »l enisto. lo eP ri*ht: I>lh 'h'ma,,.Gli rilleChm 1an<d I'cggi Brooks, ail puilst dot Miss Pratt. 'e rs wilibe !roadcast daihi froim riinunnnc broadcasting sttudio- tutre of the Holivw.moocl ings at the Fair. being casting studio on the 1 le Hi3iIVw%%ood Jiayhouse bas a seating capacity of 3,500, and will be open te the public daily froni 10 in the morning to midnight. It is the principal building of the Hollywood group at "A Century of.Prognress."! It is here that exhibitions will be given by dance contestant> and judged daily, the contest dancing be- ing open toe the public. .> The purpose of the contest is to discover dance talent, and exceptional talent will be given opport-unity for appearance ini Holywooçl Theatre's 1 ne Roosevelt roaa station in Chi- cago. near the main entrance to the exposition grounds, lias been desig- nated as the "World's 17air Station" of the North Shore line, which is the onli' railroad operating trains di- retvto' the, world's fair from the nortb. Constructi.onwork is.now un- der way. oný a new and enlarged sta- tion, wbich is scheduled for'comple- tiosi in time.for the, officiai opening of the exposition Saturday, May 27. 'Extremely, low fare 1s for the round tripfrom al points on the uine have been established for the fair," said Mr. Amis. 'These- rates cover ail transportation require.ments, offer.ing economiies to individuals, families or. parties of any size. As an example of the drastic reductions, the *rates for 'Parties of from three to 100 or, more persons t.raveling imî coaches on one icket range fnom one fare to onl1%, 55.55 per cent of the one-way fare for thc round trip to Chicago, with nininmlunîs of 011e to two dollars. Ani attractive rate for the individual * a 14-day limit coach lare at oone and iÔnte-teth of the ow.n-way lare *for the round trip, with a minimumý lare of- one dollar. Aýrrangements are. being nmade to operate special service. ta and from Chicago tu transponting large gnoups for specÎi days and also in acconi- * modating crowds, at, any time, day or ,,ght.,,duýrîing the exposition. .-gents at ail sta tions have been provded with worid's fair literature, and also have secured correct information by n aking previews of the exposition.. ISpecial arrangemlents also are being macle b - the North Shore line to ac- commoda te world's fair visitors who wish to visit cities nortb to ,Mii- waukee at ititervais during..their stay ini the exposition city. .A fouir-day cru .ise on the lakes, wilI be the pnize awarded to four teais of two wbo succeed in wmn- ning top score in a dd)i<.m*uail r i v e W c n e s d a y o f a s t w e e k ' f o r a p l i e .r a o f b i d g s a d e i b i s t a t f n i y f h c g , w i I e t e w e - v sit witii the Richard Jo hinstons of colit est nt wIl gi e xh biio s tetc 8a1 ngt h iaosto t r drv . - nd g e t o h L us S ek is o 321 Merose venueesenil orth. ailyafrom 1 o'cl ck t n o, and819 Chestnut avenue, w ho are enter- -o--pnies wli e a ar4e daly, u bth r. and Mrs. L. S. McClure, 219 taining more than onie hundred Nirs. Hanry %Veese, 141 Keniiworth the professional and non-profession- Broadway avenue. ieft Friday to mo- guests at a buffet supper in honor of avene, wli b lucheon hostess to ai classes. A weekiy inedal aiso wiii ton toNew, York wbere they, wil theirdahtn oshenscnf- her sewing club Friday. * be awarded. Names of prize win- spend a week.mtin - t

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