Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 May 1933, p. 54

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Yhew Staris P. eM. ailIdren, 10c, Thurs., May 25 (Lest limes fonight) (Starts 7:45 9 :&&,) Éesher Ralton-Conrad Veéidi Harry Langdon Comedy - '!The Hifch Hiker" . . .SPO'rfflght. News Fn.- & Sot., May 26-27 (talrtsa fr1. 7iée & 10;0) BolrCrabbe-Francus De. Our Gang Comedy - "Forgofen tables",,.TaIak.. Scrappy Caroo . .News Sun., Mon., Tues., May 28-29-30 (St8ts Sn. ATue&.8:043 5 (stmrts Mon. 7:60-10:00) Spéial attinf1éeTu.sday- -M morial Day Lee T end AUDIENCE TESTS CLUES The audience gets a chance to act as sleuths when "The Crime of the Century," nuystery drama f eaturing Stuart Erwin, Wynne Gibson and Frances Dee,. is- showîî. Hal fwav through the pictmne-there is a -une- minute intermission during wbich, the clues are reviewed and. the audietice can attempt to pick the killer. TRAVEL WIiILE RESTING Travel.ogues are a con yen ient way] Wed.&Ths. . (Stgrts7 ... INews y 31 ,Jn LUUIVUy ul Friday and. Hou se. simply the naine of aracter portrayed b% ore in thie dramatic ,t naine, comning this turday to Community Astenaive'and thorougbly lion est Fns.,enbschoolmaster wbo .becomes' the dupe of some clever and polished nascals and then outwits tlîem at their own gaine, John, Barrymore is. said to bave ýan opportunity forýcoin- edy even surpassing bis "Man Frorn Blankleys" and a, chance for charac- terization equal to anything hielbas ever done. Myna Loy, pIays the, heroine, wbo is as unusual acharacter as the bero, and. others ini the cast are Albert Conti, Luis'Alberni, Reginald Mason, Jobyna Howland, Jackie Sçarl aid, Frank Reicher. Interesting Dis'usio Helci by Stars of Film Wbether to marry for love, social position or money is discussed by Con- stance Bennett, Anita Louise, Violet Kemble-Cooper and Gilbert Roland in "Our Betters," RKO-Radio Picture. Miss Bennett nuarried for love and got social position. Gilbert Roland is for marrying for money and taking love wbere hie finds it. "Our Bettens" is keen satire ini the. best vein of W Somemet Maughianu, cleverly directed by George Cukor and splendidly acted by an exceptional cast. Adults, 2%c f Helen Hayes anid Clark Gable reacl new beights in truly great rotes as thi stars of the poignantly beautif ul F Marion Crawford novel, "The Whitg Sister," to be sbown, at the Varsiti t4e ater, Friday, Saturday, Su.nday an< Monday, May 26, 27, 28and 29. The, principals, make. the niost of tht possibilities offere.d by the, story. Heler Hayes, buffeted by hlf e, and the sup- posed.death of ber Italian officer sweet- beart: Giovanni, (played by Clank Gable), seeks peace as a Catholic White 'Sister, only to, have Giovanni reappear., In their. excellent interpretation o] these two noies,ý the stars receive fine support f rom Lewis Stone, Louise Closser Hale and May Robson. 1 ...Ismterest ing ,Comparisons Persons wbo saw the silent version of this draina, starring Lillian Gish and Ronald Colman, willi be interested in comparing their work,,with that of Helen H -ayes and Clark Gable in the correspodQJing rotes. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, May 30, 31 and June 1, bring another great filin to the Varsity theater- "Swveepings," with. Lioniel, Barry more as the star. Pensons who sit through this picture without at least one wet eve deserve sonie kind of prize or other, for the, story of a disillusioned father is 50 sinîply and touchingly told. Open" Store in Chiceago Lionel Barrymore cornes to Chicago with his w'ife after the great fire and begins a tiny store which gi ows into a stIccessful establishment. BarrynoWcs wife dies, and the children grow up to devote theinselves to proflugate spending of father's money. How he. faces what appears to be sure ruin, nakes a great 'story, Gloria Stuart, George Meeke.r, XVTi1' iam iGarganand Eric Lindenl are s plen-ý lidly convincing.eas the children.,G-rg- ory Ratoif is superb as the faitlîful old partner. CAVORT IN CARTOONS Swanky heroes and heroines, ini 'acter in a 'ive jungle "The I 'To:y W.i "Gaýbrimi Over the W Trouble" Hous." miss this popular ren- s. Beer on Draught mble Prices. Plenty 9 Space. is a real mirt event, no inatter wflen shown. The north shore theaters, realizing this fact, are scheduling mnany comnedies enacted by this pop- ular "blues chaàing" pair. L11U1 oast but a single oathroom, imi- hposing vistas of Moscow and the dun- le geons of the Russian secret police, r*French plumbing -and.,. inmicacies of the eBallet. Russe figured in tbe research y whicb wentinto the fihning of "Clear d Ail' Wires,"' taîkie version of the B3roadWay comedy bit, which 'brings e -Lee Tracy, Benita Hume, Una Menkel, il James Gleason and othens to the Teatro -del Lago scnreen, Sunday, Munday and -Tuesday, May 28, 29 and 30..'rheý k Teatro, wil offer a matinee. on 'Tues- day, Memorial day. iThe, Bella and, Samuel Spewack play fdeit the trials and- tribulations of a fat.aking newspaper correspondent, wbo steals a chorus girl from lus -boss, plots a sbooting in order to make news- paper beadlines, falîs into the bands of the Russian secret police and other- * wise keeps excitement going at a liigla 1 pitch. The production was filinec un- der the direction of George Hill, -who pneviously scored with such taîkie bits as "The Big House, "Min and Bill" and 'tHell Divers." Story by Vin& Dehuar Vina Delmair's "Pick Up" wilI. fea-, ture Sylvia Sidney and George. Rýaft at tbe Teatro del. Lago, Wedncsday and 'Ébursday, May 31 and June 1. "Pick Up, " produced by B. P. Schulberg for Paramount, is tlîe story of a couple of big-city youngsters thrown together by an unusual trick of i a e. Sylvia Sidneyr, after being re- leased f rom prison, to wbich she bhas beexu sent ith ber busband, who *frarned" ber, finds herseif destitute in the city on a raitiy nigbt. She sceks shelter in a cal), and soon finds the driver, Raft, to be as decplv ini love, with ber as she becomes with hum. They buy a -garage and enjuy prbs-:, perity and bappiness in the sulburb)sun- tii . . . Well, anyway, "Pick Up" will unfol*d an intenseiy interestiütý and buman story at the Teàtro: del Lag#o. Introducing Buster Crabbe .King of the Jungle," animal thrill- draina wbich brings Buster Crabbe, world-cbampion swimmer, to the screeli in the noIe of the Lion Man, will sbow at the Teatro del Lago, Friday and I ,- - il

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