Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1933, p. 53

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72 HELP WANTED.-MAL.E SINCElRE MEN ATDO <North Shorc On exclu.,i%,e.territoiry hasis. Permanent rel)eat-busine.ss. Nationaly known',p roducts. Can ea.rn betiei- thani $36.0 peri week to start. Apply 4th floor, 363 W. Erie St., Chicago.___ 72LTN2-lte (;<.d lpropoJ<sitio>n makîng ilipoirnUnetts.. Pleasant work. Appiy . Monday mori- ing,, Ro(om 1. 526 Center . St., Winnetka. *WANTED-FIRS (2A§SS MA.X FOR butier and driving., Experienced only. PAUI.INE'S E.MP. AGENCY, th and Lintien, Wihtnette. 721LTN2-lte Aý1 GARDENER, MUST HAVE LO-, cal ref., under 45 yrs.. PAITLINE'S EMP. AG1ENCY, 4th arid Linden, V- mette. __ ___ 72LTN2-lte FILIIÏINC BU LER, A-iREF. RE- diuired. PAUILINtE' EMI'. AGENCY, 4th and Linden,_Wilniette. 72LTN2-ltc 73 HELPWTD.-MALE ANDFEMALE » $75Fo $100 40 POC TOSOE ('ALI AT ONCE P ilune's Emip. Agency 421 Fourth St. Wilmiette Opposite "I."'F ria 73LT.N2-ît 75 PROFESSIO NA L SERVICE TPricalnients, 50c. Ofc 1209 Wilittte Ave. Wilette391. 75L'N2-2î 77 _FOR SALE-AUTOS IO 'IAC,'DEMO., IKE NEM-, 6 .w. C'ust. sedan. Your car in trade. *WERSTEL)I) OTOR Co. 562 Lincoln Avenue 77LTN2-llp) PAC'KAI> SEDAN, 1930, ARTILLIl'li' wheels, sîde mounits, spot ligiht. Ex- cellent condition. $500 ýýslh. Cti * (wner, WVinnetka 498. 1 îLTN2-1tc, FoR TORNUlu) TRASN able. Can be seen at 4320 South Ave. Gience 1115. 771,T2-1t.p na FOR RENT-ROOMO FOR RENT-LARGE ROOM IN EAS T side home, near ail tra.nsportation, and ..wthin Walking distance. of lake. Light hou9ekieepingeprivilleges., 731 Tenth street, WIimetIli. E. wooded mec. nr: lake, golf. Beau. large front or cozy smaller. rmn. Permanent gentleman guest; priv. 2, b. Quiet nev cor, brick res. Linden ""N. S. sttiojn 11,ilocks.i FOR RENT-ROOM AND SLEEPING porch, Phone Winnetka 2108. 82L2-Itî> 1 COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR RÈENT,. VERY REASONABLE. PH. WIL- MýETTE 1633. 82LTN2-Ite NI CE ËA ÏR Y ROO () MypIH OR WITH- out kitchen priieg. Close to transp. Phone Wimte 321h. 82LTN2-t 133 WANTED TrO RENT-ROONS WANTED " ROOMS TO RENT DUR- ing World's Fair by the World's Fair Ro om Listing Bureau. Write to A-1,36, Box 40, Wilmette, Iii1. 83LT2-1tp 84 .FOR RENT-. HSKPG. RO*NS 2 U]JXPURI-IEDRMS. WITH IBATH, sleeping porch, open porch and garage. Nea.r transportation. Kehlworth 1866. 84LTN2-tfe bi FOR RtENT-APARTMKNTs VERY AT TRACTIVE AND CHEER-1 fui apts., close to transp. and schools, at reasonable rentais. 4 rmns. ýwith laiage livriigrm. and fire- place. 2 ris,. wItilargebedrmri., and, inh-a-door b.d. Tue baths. showers,- elec.. refrigerators. 1 R E. STULTS REÈALTY Co.' 460 Winnetkà Ave. Winnetlka 1800 4 BM. IITMPINETTEAPT., Z2 EED- rms. Frigidaire. Humnphrey building Winnetka 98 or 3328. 92LTN29-tfc IPZJJIN1-4tP MÔDERN 5 ROOMS, 2 BEDROOMS. 1 bath. elec. refrig., and garage, in Winnetka, close to transp. Phone .Winnetka 1592. 92L2-ltp 93 FOR UENT-F<JNNIBIMZD APYS. ÈFOR RNT - REDUCM) RATE M ýON' attractlvely furnishbed 4 rmn. ahdil nu. apartments. Conveniently Iocated. Ph. Wilftette 2399 or Wihntte.2427. 93LTq4g-s.tp WILL RENT FOR SUM&MER. MONTH.S my, 5 room furnishe*d apartment *ith. garage, 1 block from lake. Wil. 4663. 93LTN2-ltp 3 R M. PlJRN. APT., '503 CHESTNUT. 4 rm. apt., unfurn., 927 Ash. Phone Winnetka 690. 93L2ltp et HouSe" ITO HARIE GENTILE COUPLIE WITH PLE-ASANT North Shore. home near transp.. wilI share with retined couple desiring homeatmosphere. Financial condition, must be assured. Write A-134, Box 40, Wilinette. 96LTN2-îtp FOR RENT OR FOR SALE- EN WIL- mette-Large comfortabie house near tr.ansp. 6 bedrms., 2 baths, 2-car gar., H. W. ht. Low price. Reni $75. Sale $10,000. Phone Wllmette 3142. 97LTN2-lp Th ey 're .COM -I-N are you, ready for those WORLD'S FAIR pilgrims when they arrive?ý lt's time te have that papering, painting, decorming and repair-. ang-done. Get your Iawn into shape. Maybe yeu n..d ddtiongl pieces of, furniture for both indoors and outdooes. 0f coure .World's Fair guets wiII mean added expense and with these other things it wiII put .a "crimp" i orbnnk-rolI. Yen cmki save meney by using WILMIErrE LIFE Wmut Ads te find .ehose additional things. Also piiters, decorators, gardeners, repairmen, etc..,1isted in the Clmmified Columnm are. eiabl .,and NINE OFFICES 97LTN2-lte CENTRAL WINNETKA Brick and stucco house with, 7 rms.., 3 baths, oil ht., and 2 'Porches. Newly dée., gar., reduced* to $95. North Shore Houses Furn. and Unfurn.. MRS. FULLER> & WM. piCKARD Wlnnetka Office, Wilmette 122 Çvanstoh Office, GRE. 7220 or Wii. 71,1' 91L TN2-tc Foùr Rent or For :Sale. SPECIAL BUJY IN CH.4RMiNG niRICK Colonial homne wlth view 0f. lake. Beàutiful 93 ft. lot. . Owner wili sacrifice at % of recent value for cash.' BAIRD & WARNER, 550 Park Drive, Kenilworth. Ph. Keilworth 4785.. 97LTN2-ýt-c 134MAPLE AVENUE COMFORTABLE HOME IN PLEAS-' ant surroundings., roomb, 2 baths, o11 heat, only $85. L. D. McKendry, Wilmfette 5000, Greenleaf 5000.. e7LTN2-Itc 7 ROOMS; 4. BEDRMS. SLEEPING 1Porch; large. screened front porth : 1 car garage; very reas. 7»9 Fozdale Ave., Winnetka. Ph. Winnetka 3690.. FOR RENT--SUBLEASE A, 5 ROiM flat, garage. $30 a month. Ph. Wil- mette 488l. 97LTN2-tfp 5 ROOM BUNGALOW AT 1117 HAZEL Ave., Deertield. $30. Open ail day Sunday. 97LTN2-ltb es FOR RENT-OtJRNSNUED HOUS»S FOR SUMMIER MONTHS 4 family bedrooms, 2 baths, aiso maid's room and bath. Large sun and slpg. porches. 011 heat. EIee. refrig. Over- looking golf course. Giencoe 1015. 1FOR SUMMER MONTHS-ATTRAC. small house, 3 bedrms., 2 baths. e*1c. -refrigeration, firepiace, sun porch. Ph. Winnetka 1688. 98L2-ltp FOR THE SUMMIER -MONTHS - A -7 roonm furnished house, sleeping porch, 2 baths, 3-car garage. Ph. Winn. 49. 98L2-ltp FUR NISHE! 5 R0OM BjNGALOW with garage. Ph. Winnetka 49. 98L2-ltp 99 WA4TED O RENT-HOUflU WE HAVE CLIENTS FOR FURNISE- ed and unfurnished houses, frôm- WiI- mette to Highland Park, fromn $50,te $150 a month. ANN MORELAND 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 305 99LTN2-ltp PROM OWNER 5 OR 6 ROCiM TIMPTu. -FURN] of 2. Ph. 1w IN ATTeACTIVE HUBBARD WOODS honie. An unusuai roomri with firepiace. Weod paneling, prIvate bath. Phione Wlninetka 664 32L-lIýp J1 an Buri 663 ANN. A vernon Ave. porch, 1-c-ar gar., ail location, 2 bedrms., 1 I.$7,500,_$1,500 cash. [ORELAND. ýGlencoe 305 111LTN2ltp "CITY ICW voit RENT--rHOU»»

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