Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1933, p. 40

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P o ie Rh tmThey Ci ,Tuuc Itr-nu Provdes Rhyhrn By Sounds of Preparation for Sumni>r iC n l K t plash Finals at for Registrationsi Camping; Boys to Build for Healtli, S a n eT ng The melodious msco tea- Citizenship Sa Sotaw ng e ams f rom cordion, played as only Sam Guer- I1' a tough j ob to get to be1 an Eagle Svarlu Scout coummnciles n Rgon nilocanplav it, bas, during the past Out in the workshops there arel aiu o Scout Seveiis inRdngtestts.o ins week, entertained threé different groups strange sounds these days. From one o4- of sCouts and their parents, and set there.is the shrill of an axe as it cornes Atarcn or fhnro h Vsos nin n ila, meet' them to thinking about Camp Ma-Ka- to edge on, the grindstone;- fromn an- Boy Scouts of America it: was >inter- for the -championh> fnas t h Ja-an.oterthesqeakoftheleahe stapesting to Iook. over the requirements Shawnee Country 'cIub's pool, W41l- Ja-.an. the,. te iqeàkof te lether: srapwhich- a boy must mneet if he is to ac- mette, tonight. (Thursday) at.8 o'clock. Sam Gueriniiello, whose music fea-drw tatcosaBySotpak quire the .coveted Eagle badge, the The public is being invited, and the tures the campaigtn to: speed camp Ths adote sounds, 'ail akinn ohe highestý rank in thescout *movenlent. a dmissioni ret hsporM fi registrations, first played before. a group heraid just as cer thi ste ot-I a boy wants. to get there lie has to. of activity and entertainmnrt, it'is n of 150 scouts and, frieènds ini Winnetka bon leid rte peeper in the meet a set of specifications that.would ilounced. on Thursday, M.ay 11, and on tbesame sw1 ed9,tearva fsrn test most of lis eiders, few of, whomn Besides the swimming cbampionship night at Wiimette before a gr-ou"-îadtenans ftecmigsa probably' could meet them ail.thrwilbtoadefetrs:irt 10. Te nFia ngti aesn-the days, indeed, when nearly a teewl etoaddfetrsfrt Forest, lie enitertained anote 5 hrd of ýa million boys will trek out Ththeerqieesaefirsacno-ndigem sraonptn scots nd arets.to0 oth' campsfrtesme. evidenced by -the fact that last-.year by thé Amrerican Red Cross Water. Wh.. n he oyScutsgo1.to cmpitsome, 8,976 boys earned the. Eagle safety specialist, George Scheuchen- Wheoth ByeSout g tocam2i badge. This figure incidentallyis again pllug, and second, a thrilling program ToApr a 0is a migration, as.scouting -is the larg. proof positive.that young Amierica isn't by the . Tiying Behrs," spectacular eN o hin entpl ans on geig a e tr ed tcming gro p iarteeora. T er growing soft, for those 8,976 winners acrobats,, with their. leader, Jim Behr s ntet an den parts lrg ath erig oue ,a gra m oay oes ;tabi sbe d rm ne t of the Eagle badge ave tô be.pretty of te Illinois Athetc club, and, Sven sco ts nd par nt at Li ert vile co t c mp loc ti ns; tb usa ds of much of' tbe, stuif of which pioneers, M athews. In this group are four boys Township Higb school,. this -Saturday otber scouts set up their tenits bere andwhhaeadsuttringadoe evening,, May 20, at8 o'clock. there 'y stream and Tmoontainside. are maade.ut Camping, with ~ ~ ~ These reqtréhients are by far foo bytoyugf easot Sam Gieriniello is widely knowil as Capnwt swimming and biking many to record in brief editorial space. Tbis wbole program will be unusual Sam, tbe Baby Ruth Candy Accordion and canoeing, and ail the similar and Take the camping menit badge. To in its nature, the sponsors state, and Man. He bas been.featurcd ini prac- allied experiences that accompany it, go earn it a boy must camp out fifty e1avs local residnsaebiguedta- tically ail tbe large theaters in Chi+ to mfake up the virile all-around pro- and niglits, nmust be able out of "na- tend, wbcther or not they' bave any cag ad ichotw nBas plae regramg which. boys encouniter as scouts, tive materials to make himself a shelter connection, with scouting. Tbe North, yeS ars oeSo Botrgrmro its stated. and a camp bed," and be able to "make Sbore Area council wiil be represeInted, WL adosato."Scouting is a vigorous program of a lireby rubbing sticks" and "make a by the swirning team of Sea Scout Scouts Shout FPraises outdoor activities," says Waltcr \W. fire with flint and steel," to namne just Patrol Ligmtnin g of Troop 46, Lake "Boy! He is great, isfiVt lie!"' ex- HJead, banker president of the Boy a few. To meet other Eagie require- Forest Presbyterian church. dlaim the scouts wbo bave heard Il'im Scouts of- Amér~ica ; "it is designed to ments lie must be a fine swimincr and play. Parents also, are praising him. Offset tbe softening effccts of modern a diver and be abe to, make resCues A '0w fIembers His services at tbe various Camp' civilization. the water and resuscitate persons suf- Ma-Ka-Ja-Wain rallies are made 1)05- "It gives boys an opportunlity to. hlike, fering f rom immersion. AUl this justPrm tn'.ani sible tbrougb the courtesy of Otto to camp, to swim, anid to ,vork out in a start. P o oigC m Scnering, president of the Curtis the open, under the leadership of He must also be a construction Four Qrdcr of tbe Arrow members, Candy company. trained~ outdoors-nien. Iii so doing, engineer, and some-not ali-of the cx- 11alnely, Milton Merner and Duncan Admission is f ree, and- the public is they deveiop strong bodies and clean acting requirements lie must meet, are Reeds of Troop -52, Deerfield, and being jnvited to aIl the "Accordion minds, and the courage and scîf-re- the b~uilding of a bridge or derrick H enry Wilder and. Arthur Baldlauf of Man*s" programs, it is announced. The liance whichi were so strongly evident capable of su.pporting 200 pounids in ToQp 35, Ravinia, are Working as a schedule for the thrce remaining pro- in our1 pionceer forefathers. Scouting weighit; a camp kthn n a shack teamtpooeCap a-aJWa grams follows: Saturday çýeeing, May builds cliaracter,, and cliaracter builds for three occupants. Tbey bave prcpared a skit dramfatiz- 20i' 8 o'cIock, Libtentyvilie ToWnship citizensbip.ý It is agame that alI boys Besides these requinementslie must ing some of, tbe things tbat are' donc High school; Friday evcniing, May 26, like to Play; for it appeals to their demonstrate more than ýordinary abil- at camp. Tbey even go ,as. fan as 8 o'ciock, .Lincoîn schooI,, Highland ideals-of maniiness andcorg. ity in tests in pathfinding,' first aid, actuaily to erect their tent and make Park; Friday eveniin g, May 26,, 8 :45 In the scout camp, the nionth shore personal heaith, .and public health, their-camp bunks as they go tbrough 'ciock, Deerfieid grammar scliool. leaders declare, a boy absorbs the es- cooking, civics, bird study, safcty, and their little 'play. sentials of the scout programn designed cither in athletics or physical devclop- Making the rounds of as many Fathr an So Banuet to make him a better citizen. Fathens ment. AUl these are required-arid aiso -troops as possible, these four Arrow Fateran So B nqet of scouts are being urged to .see to it expertness ini eîgbt other' subjects, members are putting on their stunt and Big Evýett for Troop Il that thein own boys go to camp this which inay be elected by the scout He afterwards showing the 'novies taken A faherandsonbanuetwasde-suimmer, and to . help sorne other boy, may, for instance, choose to include at 'Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan. Tbey have A fatbeu andas o b avnquo e wa e get to cam. . Scouts of the North canoeing as a sub ect, which-an old performed before. scouts of Troop. 22, fored on stébgeetooh e. Shore Area coucil go to their own. "White water" man recently said-' before the parents and souts of Wil- for 11opX of Wihnette by the troop Camp Ma-Karja-Wan îocated in north- even a canoeist 'of long experience mette. at a district rally, and before codyitteed the scouts ,WlonenWscni.Pesn esiring fui would. have dificulty in passjng. The Troops ?8 and 61 of. Northbrook. Cody, ad the couts.particulars are. inst ructed ;to write' Boy scout may y include capioeinig after Their schedule will take theni al Thsevent was going to be in March, Scout hea<quarters, Hilghlanad, Park, or ie lias passed the swituniigtt. aouç tecuciadantrpd- but was necessarily postponed to, May cali Highland, Park, 629. -A ~geSottesrsbsFai iigierçoeaini appo 17. Big plans were mnade and a goodTt ofi -prograni was arranged, - One of the big 9 de.eay to see lie bas good m srqetdt e oc fe~treswasthe awi~dng >~ ~j- ~reason to do so. To win it lie las had, with scout. headquaters. coln Trail medals to the scouts who 1 ~*tr~~iç o~mnt~~ a .di 1çiaI'ie o toQk tehsrc trail foloin~g inLin- ushof egitra.os mnlies Qineligec nt amin. H TINIE S GADE Sprinfield- a Z3-mileie . Tos Sor..tfcorii ae oni-in t te hrc o te ol Cmfrir gtngthe award were: John 1Brons, rush their campeistrationsII1awortn d uSe Tho BoysGet r -8owo- an Th soukmetin «,fThusa, My bchths ý0oo bii. oy, u soumstlhd o e2b i"exene:tqalwh-ws tdee 4, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~-1y pa dndb odgieo ae oevr cu slepy i gsr. sn1 oM.Hmlo okcag.t e areofitthe yinte rig map The la ter e mi engyasmeveto stur. oneP-stnnw eyiveywt îiuepnidfrptrlmeigs oe A! cusaefie oireetei sou tst. wadswee ivMeonwo the or, ing 'Alowedlom itaio The ws co e i ftte eeti g go ngMay vni a Ier wads the ii t h aig ix s tan exd o l. A n un e e t n n r. l e t W c m a minut an ner o ro mTetnsmeg Uegsotsad. Thi soope to ertei rcou de.Aand hé eretin was i52he rniilwriavnueo, Knloti closed witli the scout oath.- John its quota of twenty registrations with- 'missed.-Ed. Gocîz, Tnoop 10, Wii- motoned to Fort Wayne, Ind., for a Brons, Troop Il,ý Wilmette.. in the next week or ten days. mette Optimitcu.fwdy'vstls ek

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