Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1933, p. 39

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Mrs. 'Frank Payne's spring gar- fens, at 191 Wentwortb avenue, Glen- coe, will be vivid with tulips and apple blossoms, and it' is possible that the iris bordering the pool will be in bloon 'next week. One of the most charming of the gardens to be shown, is the'typically English. one of Mrs. Walter Primley,.at 125 Mary street, Glencoe. Poplars and evergreefls en- close the;garden, Mrs. Carl Miner s rock, garden at 344 St. Palos road, Glencoe, is internationally known, haviig, been the abject of visits, f rom, various European -garden experts. The approach to the Lansing B. War-. ner house at 201 Sheridan road, H4ub- bard Woods§ ,and ta the Warners' Italian gardens,, through, woods abloom with wild flowers, promises ta be one of the loveliest featuùresiof the tour. The four- garde,îs, ail with- in easy walking distance of each other, are to be opened at 12 o'clock, tickets- being avaîlable at the gates and from 'members of the Winnetka. board for the settiement. Thje tour will end .with tea at Mrs. Pavne's after 4. o'clock. Fou of the 'dau-gh- ters of board miembers, Helen Shoe-' maker,, Alice Graif, Jane Darrow, and Priscilla Payne, wvill 'act as sub-host-' esses here,.anid miemblers of the board will pour., In case of, ramn Fridav, the, tou .r and tea w 'ill be postponed- à day, to Saturday, May 20. May Rummage Sale Is Bene fit for Cradie Preparations for the anniual rumn- mage sale for the benlefit of the Cradle ini Evanston wilI be held MI\avY 2,24, and '25, at 604 Davis street, Evanston. A tea given for the pur- pose of .mnak.ing assigninents of the many tasks wa,ý given Tuesday after- noon at the home ofai Mrs. E. E. Sheridan in Ev anston. The Winnet- ka group is combining with thie Ev- anston board in promoting the sale.. Mrs. HôIward Fenton of ýChicago, Mrs. John Dolese of lEvanston a-ndý Mrs. 'Horace Armstrong, of Winnet- ka, have been tellephoning. friends to secure contributions for stock for the sale. At 0. E .:S. Attention is called to the charity iig Darrington, IiinslSÇe, and <om- bard. Assisfing J* the arrangement for the luncheon and program were Mrs. Harry Peters of the Founders chapter and Mrs. C harles J. Strom- berg of' the Skokie chapter. The. Garden Club of Illinois opened thle day with a, business meeting.at 10:30, its. president, Mrs. 0. W. Dynes of Hinsdale, presiding., For the programn inthe afternoon, there were songs by Helen }Tedge, soprano, (Mrs.;Herbert Stoetzel) of Glencoe, a niemnber of Skokie chap- ter. Her selections included "The Unforeseen" by Cyrîl Scott; "Das Hemnd" by Richard Trunk;, "Swans" by Walter Kramer, and "The Song of the, Open"' bY La Forge.1 The pi- ano accompaniment--was played by Helen Hawk Carl isie of Evanston... Nfrs. Carl Miner lectured on rock gardens, and sliowed colored slides from .her own garden* Mrs. Percy A rmstrong exhibited her own slides and talked on primfula. *This. meeting wvas thefirst of the. regutar sun-uer tours inaugurated by the Garden Club of Illinois. Next mnonth the club will go to Barring- ton. Nfr, and Mr s. R. C. Vates, formierly, of Keilwý%orth', now of Detroi t. were ý ,,tcsts for a few. ays last wveek ofý Mir. ancl Mrs. Arthur P. Jenks of 54 \arwick road, \XT'iiitka pot-luck supper to the members anîd their families and each mother wvas given a red rose as a -Mother's dav remembrance. The play was splen- did and much credit was given to Ida R. Birr the director. A beautiful co- lonial bouquet was given hier also. FOR PROPERTY SEEKERS No. 8 - or,. OUR WAITING LINE AT DINNER' TiME PERSISTS AND GROWS UHAT discrirninating.peo-ý. Pie will ýaccept somle inconvenience for a. reaiiy delicious meal bas been amply' demonstrated at Vera Megow'en's. It denotes a. patience wbicb is certainIy more 'flattering than anything we migbt say. We are expressing, our appreciation for' this ever-growing'-patr on age by taking additional space and providing increased' service in order to accommodate you more promptly. ~41 Thbe .4orth Shôre says there are "o 'Dinners like 'Vera Meoe'a j VIBA MG OWEN 50o1 DAVIS ST. FOanston Dorotlhy L. Kuelzow will 'serve as R.B. '4HITAKER warder at Lake Forest chapter on I May 22; as Ruth at Golden Rod COMPANYI chapter on May 24, and as associate 841 Elm St., Ph. Winn.3250I 25.cresa aueà hatro ' I LKA coMa tesatyueg ch25.o INEK On May 15, the chapter served a OPEN WEEK DAYS -NINE TO NINE UNlversity 2238 STUDIO Evanston 1606 Chicago Ave.

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