Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1933, p. 36

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institutions, the uChicago . FIower, Plant, and Fruit guild again this suin mer will pour out its bounties. Its messages of cheer and conifort borne to the poor and sick are th e flowers, plants,. vegetables and fruits éollected from those who are privileged to have gandens. The north shore's part ,in this collection is outstanding.. The finat Tuesday afte r Lilac day, desig-* nited in the daily papers as probably May 18 and 19, is the signal for the booth to open -in the terminal of the North Western road in Chicago. The Wilmette Garden club,ý the Evening Garden club of Wilmette, the Kenilworth Garden club, the Kenil- wortb Home andý Garden club, the Junior Garden. club of Keni!orh the Winneétka Garden club, and the Founders and Skokie chapters of the Glencoe Garden club are the media through whicb collections are made in -tbese villages which are members of the Milwaukee, division of the North Western Railroad branch of the, *Flower, Plant, and Fruit guild? The newly appointed chairman of this di- vision is Miss Louise Van Norden of the Highland Park Community Gar- den club. These clubs are in charge of sending ail contributions to the North Western station in Chicago where a booth is maintainied Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday, and Fni- day of each week until 10:30 o'ciock, when the booth closes and gifts are distributed throughout the city. Tuesdays and Wednes.day. are the. collection days in the villages the garden clubs just mentioned rep- resent, On those days residett may take thein gifts directly to the local station in time for early morning trains, or tbey may communicate with garden club representatives. Tuesdays, we aretotld by Mrs. Frank Kingsley of Evanston, generai ganden club chairman -for the guild *are the days wben collection, will be made in Wilmette. Contributions on that day each week wiii go this sea- son to the Visiting Nurse association of the Dearborn station; the House of Fappiness; the University of Chia. progranis Of the Wilmette league, Mrs. William Rebfeld, league finance chainman, and Mrs. W. S. Hedges, social chairman, bave charge of the, arrangements for tbis event, a cock- tail bridge at 1 :30 o'clock.. Alice, Ebelinig, Charlobtte, Wachs.. Arthur Katzel and Bertil Humelnr, known as.'the New Trier Gondoliers, will entertain w ith vocal numbers,. and. twô talenited young musicians, Russell M. Pelton and' ,Richard Bire- lev. No>rthwýestern university stuclents, will present accordion muisic. The league will bave. its annual business meeting preceding the after- noon'.s entertainment, Mrs.- Lawrene Cocle to Speak Here on Disarmnament Mrs. Lawirence Cole of Winnetka, chairman of. the international affairs committee of the Cook ýCounty League of,Wom;en Voters. will give a. talk on "ýDisarmament,"I Wednes-, day, May 24., The meeting will be held at 2 0'clock, at the home of Mrs. Shielbv 'M Singleton, 1104 Forest ave- nue. "This will be an opportunity." the hostess aninounces. "for those who did not hear Mrs. Cole give ber interesting paper at the League head- quarters in February, to bear ber in W.ilmette. ,AIl league members and their guests are invited to be pres- ent." Mrs. Cole presents her sub- ject . in an interesting manner, those who have heard her declare. Arrange Women's Golf Evegts at Westmoreland The first Friday in June opens golf days for women at Westmore- land Country club.- A committee, who-se chairman is Mrs. Arthur J. Lindsley of 260 Oxford road, Ken-. ilwonth, and whose members are Mrs, George Derbyshire, Mrs. Ward B. Maurer, Mrs. W. H. Muscblet, and, Mrs. Arthur Purneil, bas arranged al schedule of special weelcly events for the first month of the season, witb matches cbmmencing in July. Members will fnmnete for theIn* p try club and their guests, to form the handwork exhibit at the club Sattrday, May 20. A group of wom- en, attired in costumes of their own making, will sing compositions by Mrs. E. D. Coolidge, and Miss Rob- ertson wil i give ber informai, infor-, mative, interesting talk on ."Quilt's." .The, exhibition will be open from 10, until 5, the program 'beginning at 2. The: Robertson qulits, exhibited, widely in America and in England and Scotlatrd, are,,of original design, uniusual in color and' interpreétation. They have been made by Miss Rob- ertson, art supervisor in the Chicago, public schoois, in ber studio in Ra.- vinia. For them she won the, Rosen- wald first prize in textiles, when ex- hibited' by the Chicago Art, institute. They have been placed 'on exhibit and approved byý the. great museums in the* United States and in Great Britain. Invite Wilmette W amen to Quilt and Tulip Tea Mrs. Charles D. Ewer, 1111 Asb- land avenue, is opening ber home and, garden on Mohday, May 22, at 2 o 'dock, for a garden and -quiit tea, to whicb a cordial invitation to the womnen of the village is extended. In addition to a view of Mrs. Ewer's garden, wbich is one of the most at*- tract Ive in Wiirnette, there wiil be an. exhibit of many unusual and beauti- fui quilts., 0f great interest, it is announced, wiil be a talk on quilts given' by Mrs. Richard J. Johnston of Renilworth. The garden wiil be shown f rom 2 o'clock until dark. The tea is spon- sored by the members of the Northi End circle of the First Congregation - al church of which Mrs. R. F. Kolb is chairman. Vassar Club Pro gtam A garden party is planned for.mem- bers of the* North Shore Vassar club on Monday afternoon, May 2-2, ýat 2:30 'ciock, when they meet at the home of Mrs. Roy J. Cook, 2131 Or- grancltother. The ceremony wilJ be performed. at 8:30 o'clock in Lady chapel of St. Luke's church, Evanston, by the Rev. Dr. Hubert Carleton of St. Augustine's cburch, Wilniette and the Dean Gerald G. Moore of St. ttke's. A reception in the. church bouse will: follow., Miss Mary. Best,' who arrived last Friday from b'er hbome in Minineap- olis, will be maidof honor and* Miss Kathryn Castor of Evanston will at-, tend as bnid.esmaid. Edmond Benoist of Winn etka will serve Mn. Shât- tuck as best man, and the ushers are to, be the bride's two brothers,. John and Oliver Boddie, and Edward' CronwalIl of Oak Park.,I3efoie. the ceremony1 there will. be several, se*- lections sung by Miss Katheri'ne Ellis *.of Wilmette, soprano. Miss Castorgave a hosiery show- er last Saturday for. the. bride -to-be, and on Wednesday evening of this week Miss Mildred Castor enter- tainied at a, desser1t. bridge. Last Tues- day evening Miss Marion Ortseifen of Kenilworth was hostess in Miss Boddie's honor. The bridai dinner wilt be held 'thiý; evening- at the Ornin.gton hiotel. ,The bI de-elect is the daughter of Mr.; and Mrs. John Bennett Boddie of Rogers Park, formerly of Wil- mette. Mr. Shattuck is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Sbattuck of' Springfield, Mass. Banjo' Club at Heidelberg P ar ty at Vista del Lago A two-in-one program is piaiied for niembers of the Vista diel Lago club and -their guests Saturday even- ing, Mvay 20. The Banjo club of Ope University club of Chicago, alway> popular at, the Vista del Lago, wili, entertain for an ho-tr with its music, which will be followed by informai dancing. A Heidelberg party, wlih a buffet dinner, wili commpence at 7 :30 o'clock. Hosts and hostesses for the evening are Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Schjpfer, Mn. and Mrs.. Frank Guth- ,idge, Mn. and Mrs. H. H. Barnum, Mn. and Mns. John, Marshall, andi Dr. McLlougal, jr., of junior Garden chi rue by the gul. arr oranges, and b; timely now, n- settlement Pl of cre thene byi John M.. FIays, 519 Laurel V-. E . to Meet ied froni Gordon, Mrs. J. H. Dyon,.1310 Ashland ave- been away for nue, will have the regulan monthlv had been called meeting Friday afternoon of the sof ber fathen, Cambridge ebapter of the Daughters bo as now fuly of the British Empire. The.grotip will convene at 2,o'clock. coe, tur . I

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