Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1933, p. 1

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__________________________ w FINISH SKOKIE *HIGHWAY SOON plan to Complete Unipaved Gaps in Townhip Wben Weatber Permits The arrivai -of favorable weathe.r for highway construction will witness, the, conpletion of additional'gaps -in highway 57, known as. Skokie -bouleý- vard, it is anniouniced. This ne¶v super-highway, which is six lanes - wide south of the Glen- view road and four lanes wide ýnorth froixi that intersection, is designied ta take care of much of the through traffic as it fiows along the west edge of the north shore . vil lages, into ýthe connection of route 57 with Cicero avenue a short distance north of Touhy avenue. Weil Marked Detour From Oakton streçt south for about ' c'ne-haîf, mile, there is an un- finished section of the route, aroiund wvhich there is a1 weil marked' detour ï to. 57's coinnection with Cicero ave-1 nue, -over which southbound traiffic înay continue in an air linç, to its ultimate connection iith the Gaver- nar's highway connecting Kankakee and Chicago, at a point about four miles south of the Lincoln highway. There is also another gap in the pavement of Route 57 at Lawrence avenue, where there is an incomplete grade separatian project, but around which there will be a marked detour. T. . Close Up Gap& Rout e 57 is camplete and noQw open ta travel north, from Avoca: road. to the county liine, and it :is partially coinpleted fiom the ,countv.l. ne to the Bob OU Link golf club west. of High- land Park. Short, unfinished gaps between Avoca roaad and Lake avenue and an cither side of Hibbard road where Route 57 crasses, wiIl be completed, it is announuced as soon as weather permnits ôperatîon. si t Report Condition of Bank Funds j Statenient of Condition Tfir, FIRST NýATIONAL ýBANK, WILMETTE, ILLINOIS: A s of Quarter Ended Mýarch 31, 1933 I>nte of Suspension June 24, 1932, ASSETS Amssets at date of -s.Nupensionî(boék value, flot actual)..> Additional ss acquired since suspension (book value, n0i actuai). . ....... . . Stock Assessmfent (100%)............... TOTAL ASSETS T'O BE ACCOUNTED, FOR... .. Cash coiiectedfrom Assets ...........4 Cash collected fromf Additional Assbets, ............1465.60 Cash eoliected firorn Stock ASsessment.. ,27,378.00 total Cash Collectedi froni A s;e t.; nd Stock As.sesÈment Offset.-; iiowed on Assets ......... Losseàs cha rged off: On Assets................. $ 86.7.1f On Stock Assessrnent Total Losse Charged Off Remaining Assets: Uncollected Assets.................$942,770.50 Uncollected Additional Assets........ .. 12,220.71 Uncollected Stock Ass8essment ... ...... 1l22,622.00 Total Remaining L'ncolUeècted Assets TOTAL ASSETS ACCOUNTED FOR LIABILITIES 13 .686.31 150,000.00 $1,322,984.61 s186, 617.05 58,667.56 8 6. - f 1,07.7,61:3.21 h1,322,984.61 eecured,.L.iabiities at date of suspension ý..-.$ 300,4, 4. S Unsecureëd Liabilities at date of suspension..... ...... 652,169.54 Additionai Liabilities, Established ............... 3,201.67, TOTAL LIABILITIES THIS DATE'. .... 955,846.06ý Secured and Preferred-Liabilities Pald in ýCash . .. 141,850.57 Unsecured Liabilities offs et ....... ...................58,674.q2 Unsecured Llýýbilities for wvhich Receiver'is Certifleates bavt- been issued 517,299.48. Unpaid Secured Liabilities (both provedi and unproved) 163,904.97à Unsecured Liabilities flot paid or proved. 74,116.12 TOTAL LJABILITIES ACCOUNTED FOR $ 955,846.06 COLLECTIONS AND DISBURSE.MENTS COLLECTIONS FRO01, ALL SOURCES: Cash voleeted fromi Assets and Stock Asse8snment... ..... $ 186,617.05 Cash collected from I nterest, Premiuim, and Rents..........8,797.14 Cash collected by Recelver, and heid as Trustee. for Owners 2,175.46 Reconstruct ion Finance Corporation Loans Received.......... TOTAL COLLECTIONS TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR...-197,589.6.5 DISBURSUMENTS 0F EVERY CHARACTER: Secured. and Pýreferred Liabilities Paid (Inciuding,, Divldends). $ 141,850.5; Colaterai Account (Collections held by Secured Creditors and flot yet applied) ...... ...... ..........................1,092.05- Advancesi protection of Assets (Taxes. Insurance, etc.) 5.00 Expenses of Receivership . .16...91.........7. Dividends Pald to Unsecured Creditors ( %)...ï19.j Reconstruction Finance Corporation Loans Repaid.. ..-... Caihý in hands, of Receiver. and Comptroller ....... 3 7i7 22.86 TOTAL COLLECTIONS. ACCOUNTED FOR ....:.... .... 197.589.6We MELVIN ýB. ERICSON, ýReceiver. HONORED AT N. U. Paul T. Gilbert, Jr., 553 Brier REPORT CON~TAGION new case of scarlet fever in ette was reported. by the local DEPOSITORS TO GET 15, PERCENT Total Of $90000 to- Be Distrib- uted, in Checks t6 clam Filed and Proved The First National Bank of Wil mette, which closed in June last yeari will pay its.first-dividend,,amounting to, 15 ,percent,: within .a period of, 30 days, it was announced this week by-, Melvin -B.1 Ericson, r:eceiver, in a statemnent to the Wilmette, Chamnber of Commerce. Checks for paymei'nt ta depositorsý are being drawn on the, Comptroller of Currency, and sent to Washington for signature followi ng which they will be returned for dis- tribution, Mr. Ericson explained.. P&y Out $90,0" This 15 percent dividend represents an immediate cash payment to depositors of approximately $90,000 which constitutes the percèntage of unsecured liabilities of the bank due people who have iled and proved their dlaims. There is still approxi- Mately $75,000 in liabilities against the bank on wbich people have not" filed and proved claims, it is. stated. However, the receiver points out, a reserve of $10,000 will be set aside f or 15 percent dividend on unproved liabilities ta be paid wheîi they are proved, TÈhis ma.kes a total amount of $100,- 000 available for 'depositors at this ]Bond* Are SoId The bank statement, as of March 31, 1933 shows:a total of only $37,722 cash on. hand, but the. dividend to be paid within 30 days has been made Possible by. the. Sale of somne bonds and' additional collecton 7n h assets. During the three-mnonth period from December 1, 1932, when the -ie is finishîng his iti drive him ta Quebec take the boat. t, the procceds the poppies ,ini oted exclusively ies apiong the d veterans, Mr. r 'ne 111- ............ .......... 'age.. . '«....3 AapL JInuai cor Orleans. road, ýimer- clos- 's an- New 9 a &

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