Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1933, p. 24

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for Rotary, Mecl By Robert Fletçher You people who, last TIhursday, were in the vicinity of the New Trier auditorium and saw at- intervals ils~ doors. bulge. with merriment and* its. pediment* wrinkle. with seriousness might well have spared a moment tc. gla *ncethrough the windows -at the fourth annual joint meeting. of t he, New Trier Township Rotary. clubs. This, year's get-to-gether was ae convivial meeting of the finest type where the, food was thought, and:the spirits, uncorked happin.ess. Lloyd Hollister, toastmaster, started the 'after-dinner program by an- nouncing that he had the honor of presiding at a *speakers' table where theré were no sp'eakers. He appear- ed to feel this a ,trag.ic. situation, though the audience, could not have. been better *pleased, for it had beei rurnored that Matthewý P. Gaffney had a new type -of amusement to present. One mnade up of lntinierous diverse subjects but ail of value to the audience. And so' the group ad- journed to the aulditoriumi for the revelry. * Students Provide Songs First on the program came the boys' octet who sang sonie spirited numbers varying fromi the killing of. pirates on "Hi Barbary" to the de- vout feelings of a certain "pocir \ViI- liam." Then the boys' glee club, making its first appearance since the opera, took down the bouse with *"Singý Me a Chantey' and that old favorite, "'Ole Mani River," starring Messieurs Katzel and Oison as solo- ists. In fact, the applause wvas so great the octet had to respond with an encore in the form of "Lena. M y Lena," a -song which, if hearci a hunl- dred times, wou Ld bring gales, of laughter--and this 'audience was_ no exception. Btthe programi had. to go on, and when the curtaïn rose showing one. of Miss Annamay Smith's tap danc- ing groups, the enthusiasm knewv no bounds. The girls put on an act to the tune of -School Days, School Capt. Bill Clover and Ray Bartel- matin, district tennis runners-up hast week, plan to enter the state tourna- ment at Champaign, Ill., this week-end, rFriday and Saturday. Choyer and Bartellmann, first seeded players iný the district doubles'titeet. reached the final 3 Sbut were upsect by Finney and Armour of Oak Park in a. terrific two-set battie, 8-6 and: 9-7. Ail the New Trier players reached the semi-finals in. both sinigies,,and duesexcepting, Condy who lost a tough ba te to Mercer of Deerfield, 9-7,9ý7.Condy led in both sets ýat 5-4,. but as nabl foput the deciding, aont way. ý"Big Bob" Rosenberg surprised the spectators when he suc- ceeded in reaching the semi-finals after defeating two ranking. players. He vanquished Babson of Ib ton, 6-,' 6-2, and Karger of Dee iel, 6-, 6-4. lit the seri-final match,, Rosenberg broke his racket -and. was forced to use one %vhiich ,threw hirn entireiy off his game. However,, he gave Blurgess a scare while losing 6-3, 6-2. S "Little Bib Bill" Sullivan and "Chucko" Knapp also reached the semi- finals in the doubles but were defeated by Armour atid Finney, the champions, 6-1 and 6-4. Thus, Oak Park was de- clared the winnier of the meet, as Dick Bic.kel was singles champion, and Ar- mour and Finney won the doubles crown. Old Botties Interest ScriMaerus Mem bers. The Scriblerus club met at the home of Florence Carey, Thursday, May 4. After an artistic wasting of time, the members were driven to the meeting place as one imagines Sher- idan dici, "From Winchester, twenty miles. away."y For the program, the librarian. Mrs. Elizabeth Todd, gave a delight- fui talk on "Books, Bottles, and Battle~fields," and illustrated it with some of her collection of old bottlest and first issues, for the whole club is now on the lookout for ariy old For Election 'oi Next Ycar's Tri-Ship Officers; Boys ini Adviser Rooms Guet Ballots The. final balloting for the election of, ne xt -year's,,Tri-Shipofficéers took place in ail the boys' adviser rooms, Tuesday, May 16. Onthe, mimeo- graphed ballot sheet w.ereë printedthe names of-the following'boys:. President: Charles Dostal,> Lorry :Botthof. Vice..president: Paul Dempsey.. *Dave Miller. Secretary: Stan Knight, Cy Mac- Kinnion. Treasur.er.: John Philips, Bill .Bowen. Inter-scholastic relations commfiit- ýtee.: Jim Kingsley, jack Sinding. Charitv committee: James Kingery. Gross W'%illiams. SinrcomImittee: Sh'eldon. Fox, B1ud Thackerv. Clubroom committee : Dick 'OIson ; Dick H-..l, The namnes of thiese boys were put up by the .Tri-Ship nominating coin- nuittee, consisting of Earl *'Weinstock, VTictor Hanson and Bob Walpole, in a report mnade about two weeks be- fore the election. Nominations cati also be made by a petition s'igned by. twenty-five students, but none were forthcoming this year. On Nlonday, May 15, in an as- sexnbly of the boys in the auditorium, the varions candidates were present- ed and their records given under the direction of John Bailenger, present president of the Tri-Ship club. Northwestern A Cappella Choir Presents Program. The juniors and seniors of New Trier were treated to a musical pro- gram by the Northwestern A Cap- pella choir on.,May 1 5. The choir be- gan its programn with three Latin numbers,, aniong them "Adoremus Te" and: "Gloria Patri." These wer*e followed with "Let Ali Mortal FIlesh Keep Silence." Next, the choir sang two sixteenth century songs by 'Mor- to Be Presented by Senior Class On Vriday and Saturday, June 2 and 3, the senior ciass wili present, with the cooperation of the Newv Trier Dramnatic club, Philip Barry's three-act play, "The Youngest." The domest.ic background. is the home life of anl American family of the higher middle chass, refined, edu- cated, moderatehy çcultured,, com- niercially successful, socially active. The plot concerns*itself.with the af- fairs and weli-being of one, Richard Winslow-'the youngest." .Nancy Blake, the houseguest of Richard's- sister, determines:to have 'Richard's famnily give him due, respect rather than constanit ridicule. A. different cast will present the play each night.. Parts have, been as.-- signed as follows: Nancy Blake, Vir- ginia Smith, Nancy Fisher; Richard. Winslow, Sam Harkness, Bill Sülli- van; Alan-Martin, 'Hubert, Pelott,. Bob Walpole; Augusta Winslow Martin, Eleanor Chichester, \laryý Jane Eider; Oliver Winslow, Bil Nordberg, Walter.Nlerril1; \1rs. Winslow, Ruth Wilkins, Jean Has- kins';ý Martha Winslow, B3arbara Anne Munn, Florence Carey; Mark Wins- li, Richard, Steen, Mahlon Sharp. Netmen Beat Evanston; Lose to Oak Park Team Ne\% Trier's tennis team scored its first Suburban league victory and sec- ond consecuitive triumnph by defeating Evanston,. 3 to 2, Thursday of last week. Capt Bill Clover opened the fray by defeating McFarland, 7-5, 6-2. Ray Iiartelman trounced Rogers, 6-2, 6-0, and Bill Condy wvon a hard-fought battle from Laege in three sets, 7-5,: 1-6, 6-2. Condy's steadiness proved to be the deciding fartor in the final set. In the doubles matches, Nýew Tfrier ivas a bit. off and Iost, both baties. T. Sullivan and Knapp were defeated in straight sets, 7-5, 9-7, by the Mascon brothers after ieading in the second set, .5-1. In the other doubles match, Bob Rosenberg and Grant Ehrlich were trimmeci, 6-2, '7-5, by Smith and McDolat~d in a lnlyaved math- agwas just wIiae was neeaed to Htinster, toi 1 it out. It was very enlighten- speakers, bis ad unlûoked for; pleasant to, the lose its tra Me. . brighten. wit you. have ever heard J. C. occasions., .--...... . -*je.e ine tLouA AsLs wvee rved 13pical d, and though Lloyd and Emma Bickham. . Mexican food. A Mexican bazaar master, feit the ack of Irving Sioan, Mildred Mullen, John was found near there, and several of :utntenance was seen to Phillips, Arthur Katzél, Richard 01- the club members bought various ar- c expression and to son, .Ruth Seymour and -ýBil1 McFad- ticles. This compieted the trip, and a smile upon several zean were given active memberships everyone returned to the cars. to go for baving taken one lead. * home.

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