Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1933, p. 20

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As the end of the year approaches, Wilmette Girl Scouts are busily fin- isbing Up their variaus tests., Troop 1 spent last Thursday in estimating wveigbts and numnbers for the first class tests. The members of Troop. 1 alsa. planned to inviïte the eighth grade girls from the other' troops, who 1will be eligible to join- the~ high school. traop, next year, toaa get-together meeting 'this. evening, Thursday, May 18. Troop 8, at the Highcres t school, is bu sy with the cookie sale, but maen- aged to slip in a little signaling Wed- nesday of last week. Jane Newman, the scribe for Troop 10, *rites that ber troop bas been learning compass directions for the second class test. Al'troops are Iooking, forward ta the camping season just, a month away. The new prograrn of day camp- ing als.obas its enthusiasts. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES! "Weigbts and Measures" was the theme of the evening at Traap 1%s meeting lasi week. Everytbing in the room, from raller skates to irou fag-starids, was weighed. And what an assorîment of bottles whase con- tents were judged! Even the hales in the strainers were counted in the judging of nunibers! MINSTREL BADGE Minstrel menit badge will be passed by Miss Pearl Hoose at the Wilmette Baptist church , tomorrow, Friday, May 19, immediately after school. Kappa Delta Mothers to Meet Today in Park Ridge The Kappa Delta Mothersassocia- tion will bave its annual meeting wiib Mns. Herman Holzboog of Park: ,Ridge this marning at Il o'clock. The yearly reports will be read and of- ficeirs will be elecîed. The luncheon that wil follow will be in charge , of Mrs. -Henry Edler of, Chicago and Mrs. A. G. Anderson and Mns. R. ýC. completion ai book-endls ta pass for craftsnian badge. At ihis meeting Miss Hughes announced she was tak- *ingý a vacation for, three:.weeks ta visit bier home in Kansas City. We aIl wish ber a lovely nlest and a, safe, speedy return.. We shall miss lier. The scout noom bas. been re-decar-, ated. Thene are new cuntains and new covers on the, diairs. It was sc; pretîy and clean-many thanks ta the mothers and friends who wene .50 kind and tbougbful. The. girls of the troop aredon well' in sellipg: cookies. - Rasemary McD)ermott, sibe, Tnoop 9. Genecral Training. Course. Is Stili Open to Leaders The fountb session .of the eigbt- week general training -course was, held lasi Monday.' Second class work was begun and many of those en- rolled in the course passed a number of the tenclerfoot requirements. If thene are any leaders interested in entening the course at this time, they may do sa. The class meets each Monday afiernoon at 1 :30 o'clock in the Girl Scout rooni of the Metbodist churcli. INVITE EIGHTH GRADERS AIl eighih-grade Girl Scouts are -*nvited by Troop 1 ta attend the meeting of that troap ibis evening, Thursclay, May 18, from 7:15 tà 8:15 o'clock in the Girl Scout rooni of the Methodisti ehurch. It is hoped that a large number will be in.attendance, Christian Science Churches "Morta-ls and Inimortals" was the subject of the lesson-sermon in al Churches of Christ, Scientist, on. Sunday, May 14. snap wwl wm e flîgh scfool tresh- men next year completed their reg- istration at New- Trier last 'week. The scattering of other pupils who wilI register between now and next Sep- tember is expected ta b'ringthe, total number of freshmen .abave the, 556 mark. The 'total enrolIment at the high scbool next year is expected .to be about 12,200. A ccording ta W. L. Brown, director af.reference and ne- search. at New Trier, the normal in- crease in enroliment is, about one hundreêd a year. The present ennol- ment is approximaîely 2,100. The numnber af incoming freshmen will >mare than make up for the ouit- going seniors. The graduating class this year wiIl number about 415. It is anticipated also that. a few stu- dents will drapout of school at .the en d'of the present term. Pneliminary registration for the students who are now freshmen, sophomores and juniors at New Trier will start Thursday, May 25. The final negistration for these stu- dents will begin a week later, ending on Fri'day, june 2. Home Owners Receive, Lesson in Politics. Astounding revelations were mnade last Monday evening ai the monthly meeting of the Wilmette Home Own- ers association, in an address deliv- ered by Mrs. Edward J. Fleming, memben of the board of commission- ers of Cook county, who represents the 'New Trier district on the Caunty board. Mrs, Fleming explained how Ieg- isiation is sponsored. and qi'ickly and unceremoniously railroaded through the legisilature, as well as the Coun-. ty board, nat in the interests of the tax-payeror the voter, but spansaned by political factions and such legis- lation invariably having as. its ulti- mate purpose the furthen centraliza-. tion of contraI in niatters of assess- ment of property. reviewal of assess- Tolof Pot Louis K. Gillsont of Wîilmtte, ordy living members of the original *boaird of directors which organised tie EJatn ôYoring ftevn>* C'ris- tioni association in 1885, zws the guest of hoitor at the ilitutiosi's Pioeers' May, festival, held Wed- *ncsday eveening., He. gave a short account of the foundlieig of the In addition ta the address by M r. Gilîson, the program included brief talks k- other oId time Evanstonians who recounted a few "way back wben" incidents. These included William Hud- son Harper, Charles N. Stevens, Sam- uel Harrison and Mayor Charles H. Biirtlett. odtm S1A display of odtm vanston photographs, collect'ed through the ef- forts of a, cammittee composed of Ed- ward Kappelmani, James Flynn and Mr. Harrison, were an attraction. The Betty Joues school of dancing pr e- sented a floor show, featuring, the""Gay Nineties." The ,Evanston -Walking club offered a "Hill-Billy" dance. Mn. Gilîson, who resides at 706 For- est avenue, is president of the Wilmette Park board. In ibis caoacity. he bas neienA. eÇULVti L4IIÇU DuJ7U4>' 4 the rnome- stead ai a mothers' and daugbters' Prof. Charles -Doan and his son, bridge luncheon. Among ber guests and Prof. W. A. Gnieve, bath of Pur- were Mrs'. R. H. Nason, 1200 E. due university, will be guesis over Greenwaod avenue, and ber mother, the week-end of thé A. ýG. Pbilips Mrs. D. Welch, Mns. Marvin Harms, famdiy, 625 Brier street. also of Wilmette, and ber mother. o'clock, Sunday scflaol convenes atimd., ta visit their 'mother. 9:45 o'cîock. 1-1-O- Mrs. Robert McNeil Burns, 614 Mr. and Mns. A. S. Joslin, 240 Essex Essex road, Kenilworih, entertained road, Kenilworîb, entertained a few ai luncheon Wednesday ie bonor of friends ai dinner on Saturday even- Mrs. Charles Doan of West Lafay- Jng, May 13.. etie, Ind.

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