Parking Space Prompt INFLATION? TO DATE ONLY THE.QIJALITY 0F F0005 HAS BREN INFLATED. Food pric es are stilli down. This spring we are. offering better values. than we featured a ya ago. Fruits en, vege tables have neyer.been Iower in priée th.ffàn they',are rigbt now. Take advan- taie of the bargains offered today They are réal ones. COLONIAL CLUB ry Giger Ae -rPot er, Tinte to stock the refrigera. Zfer. I tor with cooling drinks aiain. -. Thii is. a fine buy. Large I~ boties. Doz.-85Uc-PIus Deposit. So good whefl haked or breaded and frIe4 lb 90 HalbutSteak Serv~e It for luneheon with baked or scailopedli '7 Porlk Teadellu Nothing better with ucew potatoca a il d l 29 .. .. .... . 9 Spring Duok Weigbt I4%, b 5àIn'.e erabappifs are Won- eriIytausty. wltb t.hem ... l.190 DBmelus Verni oat A oast for a good silsed famlY at mach leas than *1.00 lbe7 Ever serve Mthmlt lrant? Large orqsmall ma~&hed i. 170 Spwlug Chlokeni For r"al golden browu frled chlck- enu, welýght frontl. 2 to 2% Ibs ......... 3 0 Roase ee I The mo@t dellelous I 6th' end 7th Ribs, lb. 17c I RICHELEUspicE An unusually low price for this delicious delicacy PifÂCHES or PEARS -so good with meats. 2*0151.van 7 I Even better t h a n Lac home-made. Ail care. fulIy selected f ri u'3 4 £Or 850 LRoast. veal, baked pôtstoes rand a relish dish of these spiced cirabapples- that's' cating. I11ÀLine. variety frooe which t niake your selections. Every- O one a good buy. 6 for 99c. OvageuF10 rida > ~ t sies, sinal kii113doz. 490 frofiatoe Fresh. Very god.... 2 IL tray 250 For salads or or5 stufllng ....... 3 f rS Seedless thid sklnned. It's nea.Ing the end of the. season, but tbey're sllgood and .ue ..... 3'for2 0 402 Lindon Ave.. Wlimitt ý166-161 718 Elm St. wianietka il LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadway BuelklRgbam tue ROGERS PARK 1500 Jarvis Av*.. Ro»gers Park 0118 Take your pick.. There is 1lb Pemech,Stabry asp- berry and Pineapple. AiU just the Pure fruit mnd sugar and 1 ,, alequaIIygoodý J 6' for c Pýompt à ParkÎng Space 1