wui. uii-c-ais wno &"-ntLMul 4 y't ..e 1 uLurepaki, the choir's toünder and director served in the past year were reap- bett:r type of :ducatlonal, program. o wnysxyar.Po.Hrc pointed, and the membership of ail staté." He piald a high tribute to edu- Wieosorgaiiist, will assist the catin ad tethemen nd omenofWhirtnehous teeloi po committees for 1933-34 is practically tis generation Who are carrying thegrm the sane as it .was during the past îoad; men. who are deprlved of' work grLatiMot year. Following is.-a list of the ap- through ne fault of their own; men ATh rItin tet....s17aiiOa pointees and the positions they bold: who have test their homes and ail they Gltaorin aTadtoa Ofileers and OMeiiais . had saved;'> men who are having to Gilori..Patr. Palestrina Vilg aage r n olcoF .I start at the bottom - ail over aga n;c the Adoremus Te ....... Palestrina Stredý; illae trasurr,,.Harr B..women who are keepingý their hoýmes Corne Unto Me ....1...... Bach StWreed;bVillang treasroerRharE together In Spite of lack of work; wom- (The Music froni "Passion according C.eohnt; building ommissioner, chrd ýen who are courageous, hopeful. sane[ to St. Matthew'") C.. Jonst4. on; eter'Hminer r. at aý time when it hs easy and. under- The Words adapted by John Stainer. He. . srwifoter, e'n ry Poi.e'Zan- standable for them to lay -down the The Lamb That Was Slaini for Us. Bach der J.; siperntnd nt 0f olce W l-burden of worry and far1 and mionot- From the cantta. "'My Sprit'was terC. Yackel. and piumiblng and -elec- oo~wr.Ta ehv a hti evns" trialinsecor Clmet C Ly.typé of men and women, and ft mob 1emoia Group.-In Memory of Peter Standing Conimittees . violence durlng the past four years, Chrfstlan Lutkin Finiance-Harry V. Crooks, chairman, Dean Benner explained, was because Ave Verum........... ...... Byrd Richard WolIfe, Walter, A., Knoop and 0of the education of these thinking-meuij Let AUl Mortal FPlesh Keep Silence.. Porter Fox. and women .. Lutk1n Police and flire-Richard Wolfe, chaih- Miss Frances Hlays, secretary, re- How They So Sof tly Rest .... Wilan man, Porter Fox; 'Richard C. Jiphnston ThSe central- Aliittnýi associatio I- search. and information division, Na-an and 'Wendell, H1. Clark.ofteUnertvoRohsrhs tionai Congresa of Parents and Teach- hoale i .nB Minor.Cesar Francûk Public service and buildings-Richard lhsi3OfR-rs.. in her address said: 'It is thePo.Wieos C. Jôhnston. chaîrman, Harry 'V. Crooks. justinO'tikced fthü <mconeof the ~t Pfrvef.paentto afeuarsth Henry. G. Zander. Jr.. and Porter Fox. Welles scholarships. has bee ldeals of the people and the country IteNm !teLr a-cýrdd o ilian ..Nordb i ad t make demoeracy .safe foi- ras StZad, re.ts lihting an s RihagHe wrd t el.n, er, Anerica by seelng to It that their chil-....................Tschakowsky Johneton and Porter Fox. Jr.,of.4Q 'V»î ra , nntka, 1 dren. grow. ul)te be cîtîzens, fit 'for the 1To) Thee, 0 Lord Rachmianlnoff Speeal Cninîteesa .eCDlwr at .Nezi, rer IIsglischoo. 'el fagra eorc.Parent- i The Lord Is MNy Shepherd ...Lutki atr supply and beach-Walter A. Teacher work lis.not local, It doies not The Lee. Shore..ý....Coleridge-TayIor econsiat cf materlal things, but is na- Choral Blessing ...........Lutkin Hanoop. carman, Richard WVolfc and Trhese scliolarships are endowed by'toa nOs cp n a oneno f particular interest. among the North shore grade separatlon-Porfr Francis 'R. WT"eles,-graduate and~ trus- il i deal. Organized cooperation on a choir's miany concerts this year ivere of1 nation whose scale is the one. thing, those at the Sunday Evening club Fox, officiai repre.entative, Richard tee o the university, forimerly vice- that wiIl1 produce a generation of meni Wolfe and Henry ('. Zander. Jr.. alter- president of the WVestern El1ectric nd womnal ocp wt h u-I at Orchestra hall, the Midwegst North Shore line franchise-Porter companv lin charge of, Enropean husi- tions of tomorrow. The home la back Churclh Music conference, Shawnee Fox, chairman. Henry G. Zander, -Jr.. nless, now retired and residing at o ' ail education and fathers and moth- Côu,îtrv~ club and 1 the ' Evanston and ichrd Wlfe Bouré,Frane. ers are the greatest teachers in thec and ichrd olf. >Bouré,Frace.world. The work of the Parent-Tea h,- Countrv club. They broadcs Lea dvc n cusl-otr Successfut candidates nmust be in the ers association has been to educate te :Chritnîa1.S programr over WTGN and Fox, chairman, Henry 4.1 aner J.,h and Richard Wolfe.upeqarr of their clasÉ in high i ay teacher. so that he and she may Wl!! give a spring broadcast over the flord ! ealh Rihar Wlfe shoo au pysialy sund Nrdbrgsafeguard the Young of the nation. a ' tton on May 17.ý On 'May, chard aofRihelhReadWle o ard (hy.icJlhnstnnd.Porter j r. B. F. Langworthy of' Winnetkasane the h6 Foxrm. ende rd H. larkan D tr. . iha the upper tenth of his class and first vice-president of National Con- 2. hechir will sing atý the ýSouth orvi, secretary. Cl Zkandr. H a been 'proininent iii football, swimi- gress cf Parents and Teachers, said hore Music Festival at Gary,. md. Tax valuation-Henry G. adr Jr., ming and track. He is also a miember hm.te be pnirn oo m atetugheat chairman. Walter A, Knoop and Rich- of the high school orchestra. able places w~as necessary if one were Mr. andý Mrs. D. J. Harrison *u.' acrdiC. Jhnonisln hr . Welles scholarships have also . been toe have adequate education at home. Wjbnette and Mr. and -Mrs. W. 1). Johnston.cheif electnRi pectr wre hi ert dard H.W.l- Spinfield, JoUiet and Chicago are Johstn, hif eecricl nspctrawade ths.vea t Edar H.Wa- idn for the next convention. The Mcjunkin of Winnetka rnotortd enyGZadrJr.ois G. ttaggio, worth and Robert S. Babcock of Ev- bdlner g knubtnoain Henere tknZUndbtrnojacton ,wiîîsouth last Friday. After atteningli.t Proderick J. Schmiidt and Clement C. anston, and Teonard Swett and Wil- be taken until later i n the summner. hietck.Drl helpn h _______liam May of Oak Park. These boys theeKen t NFDr y.heyick.th will al] enter the university, in 'Sep- t .A f~ Pamphlet Indicates tebr,~C r n rs. Frederjck -C. Dessel, - __ --~Poppy Day Sales,,919g Chestnut avenue,. and Mr.. and, Preer e ik Tais (<y. Wslmette Legion Auxilary Mrs. John DeWitt Gray of Evanston A twenty-page pamphlet, containingj L ga H w d Unit 46)-. spent mhost of last week in Burling- maps of twelve hiking traits through- vAnerica's flower 'of, patrîtcr ton, Iowa. out the 33,000, acres of, Forest Pre- P. Te A. mfembirance will be carried to the serves has been. prepared by Emimett _________________ people of Wilmette Thursday, May Miss Dorothy Hall, daughter of Mr. Whealan, president of the board of 2,b op fwmnvlner r id r.HnyC al 0 eta forest preserve commissioners for By EMmzbeth F. Kinue r '2,b op fwmnvlner r n r.HnyC al 0 eta fre ditriutin. Th 34h anua covenion ofth ganized for the work 'with army effi~- avenue, left Saturday on a m0ýek's The urps eof he napsis o a Illnoi Conres ofParntsandciency. Completion of the organiza- business trip to Detroit. Th prpseofte ap i t id UiosCnra fPrnsadtio 'rifor the poppy sale was an-. trait hikers, to encourage walking Teachers was, held at Danville, Apri! one tdyb 'r.GoreBs through the preserves as a mode of 19, 20, 21,, with 1,163 delegates sIer, poppy chairmarï of the Wilmette Mrs. R. H. Klemni, 418 Park ave.- economical recreation 'and to acqtiaint present. -The convention theme was : Unit No. 46 of'the American Legion nue, lef t Thursday of last week for citizenis with their preserves. "Adequate Education in Home and auxiliary. Approximately fifty girls Muskegon, Mich., to visit bier mother The rais wee.dsiged ad lid rom ew rie Hig scooland 250 for a short tume. .out under the supervision of Charles oeofWltehaebne- G. Sauers, general superntendént of presidedi andi the first speaker va s roîleti in the poppy forces. I. ~ B theFoestPrseve isric. heMiss Maria: Leonard, dean of women lEach of the volunteer workers has avenuewis Ba. Springer, 430 Maple pampthetsumav rsitad of Ildrnoss.gbeen assigned to a team' which will T enbig lbnx pamhlts Mr. ay e sby, adrF sng Miss Leonard spoke on 4"Homne, the disti-ibute the poppies Tiii a specifie bridge club.gof ler cad o>.r.Sues FretPr-Power House,' andi saiti in part:.î .. eek. serve heatiquarters, River Forest, 111. oction in the village. Eac'h teain is H âme is the~ power house. where[ i care f a district capt4in, work- The pamphlets contairn infomaton human electricity is generated, whefe id ~C~co~of h a h~ *~ hp pointt and terminus 'and4in<icate the then the home issotely responsibe c ofaire, 'itb~ ~f tansprt~tainso areorn MTrs. Jaimes Brcui, Mrs. on ten milio0n coa*t' hnd to eci modeof ranporatin fr rachng or tfi 1t d iretion and d;~evelop- ÇC 1B.Cochrtan, r.Normati Deno, contibutions- which will enable thc them. A bri-id sketch of the histôry mneut of yoting life. Iii the .selfilhi J.J pd r, *.1 x~ia Mrf F.eF J.r tDPrsevedïstk< ir j T. D. L. Hal, , rian en xiliary t crr ofteFsit Peereditic s od.ae nwh %e 1f i Ônd porsevoxmavi-gMrs. . Vn agn n i rs. S. .Q given huredsofdiabet vtean ikeku Thachr oodàhke Idiae1m ithth y't ofà tay Nthe Amecth ettnserices of Ge.WSto 3fntrutos eciec o the cost Fnuary hkeAlni n hike antiCad heve beetng bao me ntoawndsosin- a'rThealocanti ty ors unis to aida of mking mfie popiese isaused m ten ýndian Portage hike. tifically, so mechanically achieving tewrslvn itm.Bfr h uiir' efr ok