Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 May 1933, p. 55

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i liuuersoi su.ts o apply ior stiu- Univ'ersity Altimni Association dent loans. It is the purpose of the and a resient. of Wilmette) foundation to aid as many of these The Purple Carnival, an ali-univer- deserving cases as possible. As a slty entertainment event whicli is miatter of fact, all money raised by scheduled for Dyche stadium. May 11, th~e fund this year Will be devted to 12 and 13, wiIl help fi11 one of the student boans. For. this reasone We greatest needs' of Northwestern stu- hope attendance at the Purple Car- dents as weli as, providing the nortb nival wiI be sufficient to raise a very shore with an opportunity tosee 'a considerable- sumn to keep lnany of our deserving students in; school. We are assured that the entertain- ment at the Purple Carnival wiII be. high class throughout, and eéqual to the, best ýthat the ."bigtop" has to of- .........fer. AUl acts are. done by profession- aIs, n have been eecdfr their excellence and 'dramatic value. At the very modest price wbich is being charged, every one who. attends. wil receive hbis moneyr's worth, and more. BuGratehal For Suapport Bt.most important of ail, -the PupeCarnival represenhts an oppor- tunity for aIl friends of the' ivrsity, to render aid to outstanding studnts who lack money to ýcontinue- in school. Rendering such aid will serve the -cause of Northwesterti universlty and, of -education in genei-al. Residents of the north shore bave always supported. the work of North- -western university. For., that the Alumnni association lias been deeply, grateful. We are sure that this sup- port wiIl also be forthcoming for the Purple Carnival. a fi Thoéma$ A Bermie Photo higlîly talented group of circus per- formers in action. Ve. wish to make very clear our plan-. for the distribuation of the pro-, cecd4s of the Purple Carnlial. Every cent of the profits. which %ve hope wi11 aggregate $15,000, will bc turned over to the Northwestern University 1-oundlation fund, wbichi seeks to raise nonev annually for university pur- pos'es. "The Foundation fuind %vas establisbed six years -ago. and through annual campaigns bias received con-ý tril)utions of approximnately $180.000 f omi soiùe 10000 inidividuials-most of them alumni. .These gifts. bave been iused. for libraries. faculty salaries, rüsearch, at- Paris. AIl of these, entertainers make their initial appearance in Chi- cago on May 4. Richard Cole, whose orchestra provides music for the new Supper cilb does tiot need introduc- tion to those familiar witb the Opera club whiere he has played for the last two years. . Tsitors to the Palmer House will also be interested ini seeing the ex- bibit in the main lobby. Here is set up the original furniture of the fam- ous. State Roôm 5,0s well known t'O countles.s celebrities including fouir Presidents and sncb widely known. authors 'as Mark Twain, and Rud- yard Kipling. The old room is faith- fully reproduced and with it are dis- played relics of the old Palmer XICIIU d11 nt'.08 o ueI lïn"Pder the direction of Mfrs. Ida R. Birr of 504 Ma pie avenue, past inatron,' the, Viliette Eastern Star choruS lwiIl pu.t on an entertai .n- ment ut the Wt'iliictte - Masonic temple, 1010& Central 'avenell, Mon-ý day, May 1-5, &' 8:15 o'clock. Mrs. Birr is well knouvn as a singer as zv~el as an iiaifructor of voice. Tickets are in the hands of ail officers and ean also be secured through Mrs. Roy A. Hop~kins of 1322 Grecnu'cood avenue. The Gordon Cannings have taken b ouse at 621 Linden avenue, Wil- mette. They moved about May 1, from their apartment in Evanston. *Thursday evening this week the 1Fv-* anston Training School for Nurses conducted in 'connectîon with the v anston bospital, is holding a banquet at the Nurses home,* terminating -a series of ten lessons in public speaking, pesented by Mrs. Lieber. Tuesday afternoon .Mrs. Lieber ad-. dressed the Edison Park Woman's club on the subjýct:"What Cati a Wom- an Do to- Help ?P" HOSTESS TO KAPPAS. The Northý Shore Alumnae associa- tion 'of Kappa Kappa Gamma will have. its next meeting Wednesday. .May 17, ýat the. home of -M rs. J. R. Ozanne, 2510 Lincoln street, Evans- ton, at 1 o'clock. Reservations are tW be made by pboning the hostess. The election of, House association officers- w:ll be. a part- of the meeting. Mr. ând Mis. Louis A. Stozier. 152 Itobsart place, Kenilworth, enter- tained Chicago friends at a Kentucky Derby radio party followed by a ,din- ner bridge on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Klunder of 909 Chestnut avenue will spend the Mother's day week-end visitinu their son who attends Denison University, at Granville, Ohio. Ç8everagjesÇIjefu-xe Co, exclusive distri butors for the NORTH HORE 0Ui ~tjfr ~ International Dancers will support -- the artists. These dancers acquired John R. Wilds. 244 Oxford road their present standing from their 'returned to Kenilworth Wednesdav successful appearances at Ciros in. from a business trip to Providence. London andl the .Club. Ambassadeurs R. IL. and Boston. Mass.* PHNEn~ Winnetka 76 Spauldinîj68OO 'À

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